(a)   Where, as a result of characteristics of a site or use, or due to the nature of surrounding development, it is impracticable to comply with one or more of the provisions of this Chapter 1111 , the applicant may request approval of a Site Development Standard Exception.
   (b)   The written request shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Director for transmittal with the final site plan to the Planning Commission. The request shall state the conditions which result in the impracticability of compliance. The request shall be accompanied by additional information and illustrations necessary to support the request. The request shall describe or illustrate site improvements which will be constructed to mitigate the effects of granting the Exception or to otherwise ensure that the site plan meets the intent of these Regulations.
   (c)   After review of the request, Planning Commission may grant the requested exception. Findings and grounds for approval of an exception shall be entered into the motion approving the exception. (Ord. 2013-068. Passed 7-8-13.)