121.07 MOTIONS.
   (a)   Rules of Motions.
      (1)   A second shall be required for all motions. If there is no second, then the motion shall be considered "dead."
      (2)   As approved, the motion shall only represent those matters included by the Movant, along with any duly made, seconded and approved amendments. While the motion is pending consideration on the floor, the Movant may modify the Motion, so long as the modification is approved by the Member who seconded approval of the Motion, and so long as the modification is clearly stated on the record.
      (3)   The Chair, the movant, or the Clerk of Council shall restate the motion on the table, in these cases:
         A.   If the discussion eventually results in a "so moved" motion
         B.   If the vote on the motion has been delayed because of discussion
         C.   If the motion on the floor has been amended
         D.   At the request of any City Council member
      (4)   Once a motion has been made and seconded, the movant may choose to withdraw the motion at any time, prior to a vote, by notifying the Chair.
      (5)   Discussion while a motion is pending shall be limited to the motion on the floor. (Charter 6.03)
   (b)   Types of Motions.
      (1)   Adoption/Approval - Requires a simple majority vote by roll call, unless:
         A.   The expenditure involves more than $20,000 and has not been competitively bid and is not a contract for professional services. Then the concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members of the City Council is needed for passage of legislation.
         B.   The legislation has been vetoed by the Mayor, and the City Council wishes to override the veto. Then concurrence of at least two-thirds of the members of the City Council is needed for affirmation of the passage of the original legislation.
         C.   Such other matters requiring an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of the members of the City Council as may be required by the Charter, the Codified Ordinances of the City of Aurora or by law.
      (2)   Postpone - Requires a simple majority vote by roll call.
         A.   Delays legislation or a discussion until the next meeting or a certain time.
         B.   If legislation is postponed before third reading, the legislation will immediately proceed to the next reading when the motion to postpone has expired.
         C.   The readings of postponed legislation shall not proceed while the items remain "postponed."
      (3)   Reconsider - please refer to Section 121.04(e ) of this document. The same guidelines apply to an issue, that apply to legislation. This motion can be made at any time during the meeting in which a motion or piece of legislation has been passed. It may only be made thereafter, if the minutes from the meeting in which it was adopted have not yet been approved.
      (4)   Suspension of the Rules (Suspend) - please refer to Section 121.04( d) of this document. This motion requires a two-thirds vote. Approval of a piece of legislation on first or second readings may occur, once this motion has been passed.
      (5)   Amend - This motion requires a simple majority vote; unless, a recommendation submitted by the Planning Commission is being amended. Then concurrence of two-thirds of the members of City Council is needed for passage of the amendment. (Charter 13.04 ) A motion to amend is necessary:
         A.   Prior to the adoption of legislation, when any non-typographical changes need to be made.
         B.   If typographical, then the changes need to be cited by the Chair, with no necessary action of the City Council required.
         C.   This motion may be made when there is a motion for approval on the floor.
      (6)   Miscellaneous Motions
         A.   Call the Question - end debate, and take a vote on the question on the floor. Requires a two-thirds vote.
         B.   Challenge the Chair - the polling of City Council members to challenge a decision made by the Chair. This does not indicate the agreement or disagreement of the decision. A separate motion will need to be made. Requires a simple majority vote.
         C.   Adjournment - closing the meeting. Requires a simple majority vote.
         D.   Recess - Requires a simple majority vote.
         E.   Executive/Open Session - Requires a simple majority vote, and a roll call vote.
         F.   Motion for Discussion - a motion is not on the floor, and a City Council member would like to discuss an issue before the City Council. Requires a simple majority vote.
         G.   Table - sets aside the main motion temporarily in order to take up something of immediate urgency. The motion ends debate and requires a simple majority vote. A tabled agenda item is to be considered later in the same meeting and should not be confused with postponement. (See Postpone - Types of Motions (2).
            (Ord. 2024-028. Passed 2-26-24.)