(a)    Issuance - The department heads authorized to enforce the Code sections referenced in 165.01(a), above, or their designee(s), are hereby authorized to cause complaints to be issued, which may be used for the purpose of giving due notice and summons to the party or parties responsible for violations of the Codified Ordinances included in Section 165.01(a). The complaint shall be sufficient notice, summons and legal service thereof for the purpose specified thereupon; provided, however, that the use of such complaint shall not prohibit the issuance of additional complaints nor the implementation of any other enforcement action legally available.
   (b)    Content of Complaint - Such complaint shall be in writing in an appropriate form and shall include:
      (1)   The name and address of the violator;
      (2)   The address of the property exhibiting the violation;
      (3)   The signature of the issuing law enforcement officer;
      (4)   A description of the nature of the violation;
      (5)   A numerical citation of the specific provision violated;
      (6)   The time, date, and location of any appearance required of the violator and any permissible alternatives to such appearance, such as mail payment of a fine;
      (7)   The complaint shall also inform the party that a warrant may be issued and he or she may be arrested if he or she fails to appear at the time and place stated.
   (c)   Service of Complaint - Such complaint shall be served on the person who has committed the violation in accordance with the provision of Section 165.05.
   (d)   Guilty Plea -If the offense charged is a minor misdemeanor, the complaint shall inform the party that, in lieu of appearing at the time and place stated, he or she may, within a stated time, appear personally at a designated place and upon signing a plea of guilty and waiver of trial, pay a stated fine and costs, if any.
   (e)    If the offense charged is a minor misdemeanor, the complaint shall also inform the party that, in lieu of appearing at the time and place stated, the party may, within a stated time, sign the guilty plea and waiver of trial provision of the complaint and mail the complaint and a check or money order for the total amount of the fine and costs to a designated place.
(Ord. 2004-050. Passed 4-26-04.)