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   (A)   The purpose of this portion of this chapter is to regulate multi-family, commercial, office, industrial and other developments of structures and sites in a manner which considers the impacts to adjacent properties and public infrastructure. Single family residences are exempt from site plan review. Site plan review will address specific issues such as parking, landscaping, internal and external access, stormwater runoff and erosion, garbage collection areas and outside storage. Further, this portion of this chapter is written for the benefit of a property owner or developer because it provides the design standards and requirements for developing property within the City of Aurora.
   (B)   Authority of site plan review. 
      (1)   The purpose of site plan review is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the city. The provisions and requirements in the forthcoming sections are written and shall be administered to ensure orderly growth and development of the city. No building shall be erected or expanded, nor shall any grading take place or other site improvements occur, on any lot, site, or parcel for uses where site plan review is required except in accordance with the regulations in the City Code of Ordinances and with the requirements stated in the zoning ordinance. All such site plans shall be reviewed by the Department of Planning and Zoning and a determination either approving or rejecting such plans shall be made in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   The Department of Planning and Zoning shall not be permitted to reject any site plan which is in full conformance with the requirements, terms and conditions of the zoning ordinance or this order, nor can additional regulations be imposed which are not included within the zoning ordinance or this order. All approved site plans shall be binding upon the applicant, property owner, developer, or their successors and shall limit the development or project to the construction work as shown on the approved site plan and to all conditions and limitations for such plans agreed to by the applicants. Amendments or changes to the approved site plans shall be subject to the provisions of division (H). Site plan review is required when specified by the individual zoning district, when the proposal is beyond the scope of a zoning permit as specified in § 152.301, or when the scope of the proposal is within the definition of a minor site. Plan or major site plan as described in division (B).
   (C)   Site plan review procedure. Prior to submitting an application for site plan review each applicant, property owner, or developer is encouraged to have a pre-application meeting with the City of Aurora Plan Commission staff. The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to advise each applicant, property owner, or developer of the site plan review procedure and requirements and discuss any initial concerns and omissions about the site plan that is being previewed. In addition, the results of the meeting will also determine whether the development proposed will follow the minor site plan review procedure or the major site plan review procedure. Both types of procedures are described below. Typically new developments on undeveloped land will require major site plan review.
      (1)   Minor site plan. A site plan that involves no exterior utility construction (e.g., storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer, etc.), either no grading work or a minimal amount of grading work, no more than 12 parking spaces, no more than a 1,000 square foot increase of the existing building square footage of the primary use or structures, no additional access points or curb cuts, and loading areas that are less than 10,000 square feet.
      (2)   Major site plan. A site plan that involves exterior utility construction (storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer, etc.), grading work, more than 12 parking spaces, more than a 1,000 square foot increase of the existing building square footage of the primary use or structures, access points or curb cuts, and a loading area in excess of 10,000 square feet. Major site plans may be reviewed by the Project Review Committee and other outside agencies in addition to the Plan Commissions staff.
   (D)   Site plan review application and approval. 
      (1)   An applicant, property owner, or developer is required to file an application with the City of Aurora Department of Planning and Zoning. Action in the form of approval or denial of a minor site plan by the Planning Commission's staff shall occur within ten working days of when the plan is officially submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning's Office in complete form.
      (2)   Action in the form of approval or denial of a major site plan is by the Department of Planning and Zomng's Staff, in consultation with the Technical Review Committee, and other agencies. Action on the application shall occur within 30 calendar days of when the site plan is submitted to the City of Aurora Department of Planning and Zoning's Office in complete form.
      (3)   An appeal of the staff denial of a minor/major site plan is possible before the Board of Zoning Appeals at its next regularly scheduled meeting after written notification is made by the applicant to the Planning Director within 30 calendar days of the staff denial. Final action for approval or denial on the appeal of a minor/major site plan shall be made by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Reasons for denial of a minor site plan and major site plan by the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be given to the applicant in written form.
      (4)   A waiver of any site plan requirement can be requested as part of the application for the development. In addition, extensions of the time requirements specified by this chapter can be requested with the application for site plan review. All waivers and time extensions shall be reviewed by Planning Director and issued only if such waiver/extension is necessary due to unusual or extreme circumstances inherent in the project site and if the requested waiver/extension does not adversely affect the site plan requirements of this chapter.
   (E)   Site plan requirements.
      (1)   All minor site plans submitted to the City of Aurora Department of Planning and Zoning shall be in accordance with this chapter and shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Dimensions of the site or lot;
         (b)   Location and width of all public and private streets driveways, and other vehicular circulation areas;
         (c)   Location of all existing and proposed structures;
         (d)   The proposed use at the site;
         (e)   Square footage and height of proposed building or addition;
         (f)   Location of all existing water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, electric and cable television lines, easements and poles;
         (g)   Location of any proposed parking spaces and dimensions and access points;
         (h)   Statement declaring that “no storm water detention, grading, or utility construction necessary for construction of building addition or site work.”
      (2)   All major site plans submitted to the City of Aurora Department of Planning and Zoning in accordance with this chapter shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Project name, date, north arrow, location map (a map which clearly shows the location of the property in respect to existing road and landmark);
         (b)   A scale not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet or as approved by the Planning Director or designee;
         (c)   A stamp or seal of an Indiana registered professional engineer, architect, landscape architect or land surveyor (the scope of work performed by such professionals in conjunction with a site plan submission is limited to that permitted by their respective licensing authorities). If grading and/or storm sewer construction work are being proposed, an Indiana registered professional engineer or surveyor shall be required to submit grading information and design the appropriate stormwater system. A stamp or seal of a Indiana registered professional engineer or surveyor is required for grading and stormwater construction work;
         (d)   The present zoning of the subject property and all adjacent properties;
         (e)   All existing and proposed public and private right-of-ways and streets;
         (f)   All abandoned streets;
         (g)   Existing and proposed finished topography of the subject property shown by contours with intervals not to exceed five feet. If necessary, the City of Aurora Plan Commission may request a geo-technical report of a specific site;
         (h)   Location and height of existing and proposed structures on the property with each existing and proposed use noted;
         (i)   Dimensions of each lot or property boundaries;
         (j)   Proposed housing units proposed on the property depicting location, arrangements, number or units in each building, and where applicable, location and dimensions of all lots;
         (k)   Location and arrangement of all common open space areas and recreational facilities;
         (l)   Location, size, and type of all landscaping features;
         (m)   Location, orientation, lighting, materials, size, type, and height of signs;
         (n)   Floodplain and/or floodway zone certification and base flood elevation if applicable;
         (o)   Location of all existing and proposed utility lines and easements (each line should be labeled existing or proposed). This information shall also be accompanied by a written statement from each service provider that addresses capacity issues as well as affirms the applicant's ability to connect or tap into these services:
            1.   Water distribution systems, including line. size, width of easements, type of pipe, location of hydrants and valves, and other appurtenances;
            2.   Sanitary sewer system, including pipe sizes, width of easements, gradients, types of pipes, invert elevations, location and type of manholes, the location, type, size of all lift or pumping stations, capacity, and process of any necessary treatment facilities, and other appurtenances. A project within the territory of the City of Aurora requires written acknowledgement/approval by the city in addition to acknowledgements/approvals of other service providers (where interlocal agreements may exist or be required), where applicable;
            3.   Storm sewer and natural drainage system, including pipe and culvert sizes, gradients, location of open drainage courses, width of easements, location and size of inlets and catch basins, location and size of detention or retention and/or sedimentation basins, and data indicating the quantity of stormwater entering the subject property naturally from areas outside the property, the quantity of flow at each pickup point (inlet), the quantity of stormwater generated by development of the subject area, and the quantity of stormwater to be discharged at various points to areas outside the subject property. Show location of all detention/retention ponds;
            4.   Other applicable utilities (e.g., electric, telephone, etc.) including the type of service and the width of easements, if information is available; and/or
            5.   Statement located on the plan regarding who will maintain the drainage system.
         (p)   Location of all off-street parking, loading and/or unloading and driveway areas:
            1.   The type of surfacing;
            2.   Width, and depth of parking stalls, including disabled stalls;
            3.   Driveway width;
            4.   Traffic flow areas for one way traffic;
            5.   Angle of parking used; and/or
            6.   Number of parking spaces and loading spaces.
         (q)   Circulation system details that include the following:
            1.   Pedestrian walkways, including alignment, grades, type of surfacing, and width;
            2.   Streets and driveways including alignment, grades, type of surfacing, width of pavement, and right-of-way and whether public or private; and
            3.   Provisions for access management, which may include, but are not limited to:
               a.   A frontage road (public or private);
               b.   Coordination of curb cuts;
               c.   Curb cut connections accessible to adjoining properties;
               d.   Internal and external traffic control measures and traffic circulation patterns;
               e.   Location of all above ground and underground storage tanks;
               f.   Location of dumpsters; and
               g.   Location of outdoor storage areas.
         (r)   Construction or installation details for the following:
            1.   Paving, curbing, and sidewalk sections;
            2.   Wheelchair ramps and/or curbs;
            3.   On-site traffic/vehicular regulatory signs, including disabled parking stall signage;
            4.   Curbcuts;
            5.   Garbage storage area enclosure or screening; and/or
            6.   Site lighting fixtures.
         (s)   Provisions for control of erosion, hillside slippage, and sedimentation, indicating the temporary and permanent control practices and measures which will be implemented during all phases of clearing, grading, and construction. Show all affected or disturbed areas during construction on or within close proximity of the site (i.e., excavation, fill or storage);
         (t)   If the proposed site was part of a zone change request, submit a copy of the approved concept development plan or show the relationship of the location of the proposed structure(s) to the approved zone change request;
         (u)   Each applicant shall be required to submit traffic information estimating at minimum peak hour traffic entering and exiting the site under review. This information shall be used by the Plan Commission in determining the location of curb cuts or any additional traffic management controls on each site. When appropriate, a traffic impact assessment may be required to be submitted for review by the Plan Commission;
         (v)   Architectural information including the location of main doors and overhead doors shown on the site plan and the height of all structures noted on the site plan. Architectural elevations and renderings which illustrate the overall external building design, and materials and colors to be used in the building design, shall be provided for sites that are subject to other design review requirements, such as conditions of zone change, the Historic Preservation District's approval, etc.;
         (w)   Location of existing recorded or unrecorded cemeteries, buildings listed on the National Register or archaeological sites;
         (x)   Location of parking lot and driveway lights and their illumination areas on the project site and adjoining properties; and
         (y)   Any development which requires that a public: improvement be made as part of the development may require a financial surety to cover the cost of the public improvements. The Planning Director shall determine if a surety is needed.
      (3)   The aforementioned information required may be combined in any suitable and convenient manner so long as the data required is clearly indicated. For property to be developed in sections or phases, detailed site plans containing the above information need not be submitted for the entire property. Plans conforming to these criteria should be submitted for the section or phase to be developed along with conceptual or schematic plans for the entire property in order to show the relationship of the relevant section to the entire development plan.
   (F)   Expiration and extension of approval period. The approval of a site plan shall be for a period not to exceed two years. If no grading work or building construction has begun within two years after approval is granted, the approved site plan will be void. Only a single one year extension of an approved site plan may be granted upon request to the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the two year expiration date.
   (G)   Completion of site plan construction work and requirements. All requirements of the approved site plan must be completed within six months of building occupancy unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director upon request. The Department of Planning and Zoning staff will conduct a post-development site inspection after the period specified above or occupancy of the use has begun. The purpose of the site inspection is to verify compliance with the approved site plan. Any deviation from the approved site plan may require a new application or record drawings. The Technical Review Committee shall make this decision. If no building construction is being proposed, all site construction work, if begun, is to be completed one year from the approval date by the Plan Commission. A copy of the approved site plan shall be retained on the job site until all site improvements have been completed and have been accepted by the City of Aurora Plan Commission.
   (H)   Changes or amendments. Any changes made to the approved site plan prior to the development of the site or building shall require the approval of the Technical Review Committee. Depending on the extent of the changes, a new application may be required. Any variations to an approved site plan that occurred in the development of the site or building will require that “record drawings” be submitted for review to the Committee. In the event that any person holding an approved site plan permit pursuant to this ordinance has violated the terms of the permit or has implemented site development in such a manner as to materially adversely affect the health, welfare, or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or development site so as to be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, the Building Commissioner or Planning Director, or their respective designees, may suspend or revoke an approved improvement plan permit and may recommend that the project be addressed further as a violation in consideration of §§ 152.295 through 152.300.
(Ord. 2015-013, passed 12-28-15)
§ 152.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any building erected, raised or converted, or land or premises used in violation of any provision of this chapter is hereby declared to be a common nuisance and the owner of such building, land or premises shall be liable for maintaining a common nuisance. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this chapter or any amendment of supplement thereto shall be fined not less than $10 nor more than $300. Each and every day during which such violation is permitted to be maintained may be deemed a separate offense.
   (B)   No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted or altered without full compliance with the terms of §§ 152.265 et seq. and other applicable regulations. Any person who violates this chapter or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall be fined not more than $1,000 for each violation and in addition shall pay all cost and expenses involved in the case. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the city from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 2017-015, passed 12-4-17)