(A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to provide plot plan, regulations that will enhance the improvement location permitting process under the provisions of the preceding sections of this order. Plot plans are required for single-family residential uses, additions, accessory uses, and any other structure that requires an improvement location permit.
   (B)   Authority of plot plan review for improvement location permits.
      (1)   The purpose of plot plan review is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the city. The provisions and requirements in this chapter are written and shall be administered, to ensure orderly growth and development of the city. No building shall be erected, expanded or improved, on any lot, site, or parcel for uses where plot plan review is required except in accordance with the regulations in this zoning ordinance and with the requirements stated in this chapter. All such plot plans shall be reviewed by the Department of Planning and Zoning and a determination either approving or rejecting such plans shall be made in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable, chapters of this order.
      (2)   The Department of Planning and Zoning shall not be permitted to reject any plot plan, which is in full conformance with the requirements, terms and conditions of this chapter and zoning ordinance. Nor can additional regulations be imposed which are not included within this order. All approved plot plans shall be binding upon the applicant, property owner, developer, or their successors and shall limit the development or project to the construction work as shown on the approved plot plan and to all conditions and limitations for such plans agreed to by the applicants. Amendments or changes to the approved plot plans shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 152.
   (C)   Procedure. Before submitting an application for Plot Plan Review each applicant, property owner, or developer is encouraged to read the following categories to determine which level the construction proposal matches. If a determination cannot be ascertained the applicant is encouraged to have a pre-application meeting with the City of Aurora Plan Commission staff.
      (1)   Minor plot plan. A plot plan that requires no significant exterior utility construction (e.g., storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer, etc.), and no status as a residential living unit. Typically this review pertains to the construction of accessory uses, minor additions, swimming pools, ponds, etc.
      (2)   Major plot plan. A plot plan that involves significant exterior utility construction (e.g., storm sewer, water, sanitary sewer, septic sites, etc.), and buildings constructed as a residential living unit. Typically this review pertains to the construction of a single family residence, mobile home, and manufactured home. The Planning Director or Designee will determine the allowable distance from flood zones A and B that are exempt from flood certification.
   (D)   Application and approval.
      (1)   An applicant, property owner, or developer is required to file an application with the City of Aurora Department of Planning and Zoning. Action in the form of approval or denial of a minor plot plan or major plot plan by the Plan Commission's staff shall occur within seven working days of when the plan is officially submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning's Office in complete form. Any incomplete plot plan or application may result in delays.
      (2)   An appeal of the staff denial of a minor/major plot plan is possible before the Board of Zoning Appeals at its next regularly scheduled meeting after written notification is made by the applicant to the Planning Director within 30 calendar days of the staff denial. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall make final action for approval or denial on the appeal of a minor/major plot plan. Reasons for denial of a minor/major plot plan by the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be given to the applicant in written form.
   (E)   Plot plan requirements.
      (1)   All minor plot plans submitted to the City of Aurora Plan Commission shall be in accordance with this chapter and shall contain the following information:
         (a)   A complete and accurate application form;
         (b)   In order that all the required plot plan information be properly documented and correctly designed, it is necessary that all plot plans be drawn to a scale that allows all improvements and notes to be legible. Digital plans are preferred. Paper copies of plans should be submitted on standard paper sizes either 8 ½ x 11 or 11 x 17. All plans larger than 11 x 17 must be submitted in an acceptable digital format (such as a .jpeg or .pdf file);
         (c)   A graphic scale shall be noted on the plot plan along with the date and north arrow;
         (d)   Property boundaries/location reference(s);
         (e)   Location of all public and private streets and/or private lanes, as well as the location and width of proposed driveway entrances on the subject property;
         (f)   Label and locate all existing and proposed structures;
         (g)   Approximate location of all known utilities and associated easements (e.g., sewer lines, water lines, septic tanks, electric lines, gas lines, and so on). All applicants are advised to call 811, “Call-Before-You-Dig.”
         (h)   Distances from the corners of the proposed structure(s) to the appropriate property lines-sufficient to determine that all required setbacks, including those from easements and the identified floodplain, have been met. Setbacks/distances from the proposed improvement(s) to any septic field or tank area within 50 feet must be identified/shown on the plot plan provided to the Department of Planning and Zoning as a part of this process, to illustrate conformance with Chapter 152 of the zoning ordinance.
      (2)   All major plot plans submitted to the City of Aurora Plan Commission in accordance with this chapter shall contain the following information:
         (a)   A complete and accurate application form;
         (b)   In order that all the required plot plan information be properly documented and correctly designed, it is necessary that all plot plans be drawn to a scale that allows all improvements and notes to be legible. Digital plans are preferred. Paper copies of plan should be submitted on standard paper sizes-either 8 ½ x 11 or 11 x 17. All plans larger than 11x17 must be submitted in an acceptable digital format (such as a .jpeg or .pdf file). In situations where the scaled lot is larger than the preferred paper size a large scale plot plan with a close up view of the major features is acceptable;
         (c)   A graphic scale shall be noted on the plot plan along with the date and north arrow;
         (d)   Property boundaries/location reference(s);
         (e)   Location of all public and private streets and/or private lanes, as well as the location and width of proposed driveway entrances on the subject property;
         (f)   Recorded easements identified;
         (g)   Label and locate all existing and proposed structures;
         (h)   Exterior dimensions of structure (including decks or porches and overhang measurements);
         (i)   Elevation of the ground floor noted on plan (i.e. the distance of the floor of the improved area to the soil grade). For structures within an identified flood-prone area, additional elevations will be required in accordance with §§ 152.265 through 152.277;
         (j)   Distances from the corners of the proposed structure(s) to the appropriate property lines-sufficient to determine that all required setbacks, including those from easements and the identified floodplain, have been met;
         (k)   Location of structures on adjacent lots-only when trying to acknowledge/establish a different building setback line exists other than the current ordinances;
         (l)   Approximate location of all known utilities and associated easements (e.g., sewer lines, water lines, septic tanks, electric lines, gas lines, and so on). All applicants are advised to call 811, “Call-Before-You-Dig.”
         (m)   Location of primary and secondary on-site sewage disposal system areas, if applicable;
         (n)   A plot plan signed, dated, and approved by an appropriate health department official, where an official health department permit release is not immediately available;
         (o)   Approximate boundaries of the 100-year flood plain using the flood insurance rate maps and floodway maps for the City of Aurora. Properties located within the floodplain shall provide written documentation from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources regarding the Flood Protection Grade and location of the floodway (see Chapter 8 of the City of Aurora Zoning Ordinance);
         (p)   A plot plan signed, dated, and approved by an appropriate transportation department or official, where an official driveway permit release is not immediately available (sight distance will be checked and affirmed by the affected Transportation Department during the application process).
   (F)   Expiration, extension, and completion of approval period. If the work described in a zoning permit has not been initiated within one year from the date it was issued, the permit shall expire. The permit shall also expire if the described work has not been substantially completed within two years of the date it was issued. If, for any reason, the zoning permit expires, all work must be stopped immediately until the permit has been renewed or a new permit has been obtained. The Planning Director or his or her designee may grant an extension on a zoning permit, if the applicant can demonstrate a good cause for such an extension, prior to the date of expiration.
   (G)   Changes or amendments. Any changes made to the approved plot plan before the development of the site or building shall require the approval of the Plan Commission staff. Any variations to an approved site plan that occurred in the development of the site or building will require that an "as built" site plan be submitted for review to the Department of Planning and Zoning. Depending on the extent of the changes, a new application may be required by the Planning Director of designee. If the “as-built” site plan does not conform to the requirements in the subchapter or if a certificate of occupancy is not granted, it will be handled as a violation of the subchapter under Chapter 152, §§ 152.295 through 152.300.
(Ord. 2015-013, passed 12-28-15)