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Aurora, Indiana Code of Ordinances
§ 152.091 EXISTING USES.
   (A)   Performance standards; review. Whenever it is alleged that a use of land or structure creates or is likely to create or otherwise produce dangerous or objectionable elements, the Board shall make a preliminary investigation of the matter and shall forward its report, together with all preliminary findings and evidence to the Common Council. In the event that the Board concurs in the allegation that there exist or are likely to be created such dangerous or objectionable elements, it shall request the Common Council to authorize the employment of a competent specialist or testing laboratory for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of said dangerous or objectionable elements and of practicable means of remedying such condition.
   (B)   Enforcement. Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations of such specialist or laboratory, the Board may approve, partially approve, or disapprove the measures recommended therein and instruct the Zoning Inspector to proceed with the enforcement of said measures in accordance with the provisions of §§ 152.295 through 152.299 of this chapter.
   (C)   Cost of investigation, etc. The city shall bear the costs of the various tests, consultant fees or other investigations which are required herein; provided, however, that the owner of the property under investigation shall reimburse the city for all such expenses in the event that operation or use of said property is found to be in violation of the provisions of this subchapter by the Board or, if contested, by a court of competent jurisdiction. Such reimbursement shall be made within 30 days from the date of the final Board ruling or court judgment.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1980-5, passed 7-7-80)
§ 152.092 NEW USES.
   (A)   Review of application for improvement location permit. Applications for improvement location permits, together with plans and specifications for the manufacture or processing of materials listed in division (B)(1) of this section, and of such other uses which may be of similar character, in the opinion of the Zoning Inspector, shall be referred by him to the Board. The Board, in cases where indicated, shall cause such plans and specifications to be examined by competent specialist or laboratory in the manner prescribed in § 152.091 (A).
   (B)   Uses subject to review. The following uses shall be subject to such performance standard review:
      (1)   Manufacturing. Primary production of the following products from raw materials: asphalt, cement, charcoal, and fuel briquettes; aniline dyes, ammonia, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, carbon black and bone black, creosote, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrates of explosive nature, potash, plastic materials and synthetic resins, pyroxylin, rayon yarn and hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric, picric, and sulfuric acids; coal, coke and tar products, explosives, fertilizers, gelatin, animal glue and size; gas manufacturing, unless incidental to a principal use; turpentine, matches, rubber, soaps, fat rendering.
      (2)   Processing. Primary processing of the following: nitration of cotton or other materials; magnesium foundry; reduction, refining, smelting of metal or metal ores; refining of petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, curing or tanning of raw, green or salted hides or skins; melting and alloying of metals; stockyards, slaughter houses, except for poultry; slag piles, storage of fireworks or explosives, except where incidental to a principal use.
   (C)   Continual compliance. Any use authorized under the provisions of this subchapter shall comply continually therewith and shall remedy any additional dangerous or objectionable elements which may develop in the course of its operation.
   (D)   Costs of review. The applicant shall bear the actual costs of all tests and investigations required under § 152.091 (C), which shall be in addition to the usual fees prescribed by this chapter.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1980-5, passed 7-7-80) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   Off-street loading space.
      (1)   When required. In any district in connection with any building or part thereof hereafter erected or altered, which is to be occupied by industrial, warehousing, wholesale commercial, retail commercial, service or other uses requiring the receipt or distribution by truck of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained off-street loading spaces in accordance with the following schedule:
Required Floor Area of Building Square Feet
Number of Off-Street Loading Spaces
Required Floor Area of Building Square Feet
Number of Off-Street Loading Spaces
Less than 10,000
10,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 39,999
40,000 to 59,999
60,000 to 79,999
80,000 to 99,999
Where the floor area of the building is 100,000 square feet or more, the number of off-street loading spaces shall be determined by the Board.
      (2)   Minimum size of space. Each loading space shall be not less than ten feet in width, 50 feet in length and 14 feet in height.
      (3)   Location of space. Loading spaces shall be located on the same lot with the building they are intended to serve and may occupy all or any part of any required yard, provided no such space shall be closer than 50 feet from any other lot located in any R District unless wholly within a completely enclosed building or enclosed on all sides by a well-maintained wall or uniformly painted solid board fence not less than six feet in height.
      (4)   Access to space. There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress. Where a lot does not abut on a public or private street, alley or easement of access, there shall be provided an access drive leading to the loading spaces required hereunder; such access drive shall not be less than 18 feet in width, and shall not be located in any R District except where provided in connection with a use permitted in the particular R District.
      (5)   Community Business District exempt. The loading space requirements of this section shall not apply to the B-2 Community Business District as shown on the Zoning Map, provided that loading facilities, if voluntarily established, shall comply with the above standards and specifications regarding size and location.
   (B)   Accessory off-street parking space.
      (1)   When required. In all districts, in connection with every residential, office, retail commercial, service, wholesale commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational, or other use, there shall be provided, at the time any use and/or building or structure is erected or enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces for automobiles in accordance with the requirements herein. Such spaces may be provided either in garages or parking areas conforming with the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Location. Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located in the same or a less restricted district as those in which the principal use is permitted; provided, however, that the Board may authorize, as a conditional use subject to the provisions of §§ 152.235 through 152.244, the establishment and operation of accessory off-street parking facilities in such sections of any R District which abut either directly or across an alley any B or M District subject to the following requirements:
      (a)   Such parking area shall be accessory to one or more business or industrial establishments located in said adjoining B or M District.
      (b)   Each entrance and exit of such parking area shall be distant at least 20 feet from any adjacent lot in any R District.
      (c)   No sign of any kind shall be established and maintained on such parking area except signs used for the direction of traffic.
      (d)   No motor vehicle repair work or other services shall be conducted on such parking area.
      (e)   Such parking area shall be subject to all applicable requirements of this subchapter and to any additional requirements or conditions which may be determined necessary by the Board for the protection of adjacent property.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1980-5, passed 7-7-80) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   The number of off-street parking spaces required shall be as set forth in the following:
Parking Spaces Required
Bowling alleys
5 for each alley
Churches, auditoriums, theaters, arenas, dance and assembly halls
1 for each eight seats or 100 square feet of floor space; whichever is greater
2 for each family or dwelling unit
Funeral homes
4 for each parlor or 1 for each 50 square feet of floor area; whichever is greater
1 for each four beds
1 for each unit
Libraries, museums, art galleries and similar cultural facilities
1 for each 500 square feet of floor area
Medical or dental clinics
1 for each 200 square feet of floor area
1 for each unit
Restaurants, beer parlors and nightclubs
1 for each 50 square feet of floor area
Retail businesses, service establishments and offices under 2,000 square feet in floor area
1 for each 400 square feet of floor area
Retail businesses, service establishments and offices 2,000 square feet or over in floor area
1 for each 200 square square feet of floor area
1 for each three faculty and staff members plus 1 for each ten students at the high school or college level
Trailer parks
2 for each trailer space plus 1 additional for each four such spaces
Wholesale commercial, ware-housing, manufacturing and industrial uses
1 for each three employees on the maximum shift or for each 3,000 square feet of floor area; whichever is greater
   (B)   Uses not listed. In the case of any building, structure, or premises, the use of which is not specifically mentioned herein, the provisions for a use which is so mentioned and to which said use is similar shall apply.
   (C)   Units of measurement. For the purposes of this section, the following units of measurement shall apply:
      (1)   In the case of offices, merchandising or service types of uses, "floor area" shall mean the gross floor area used or intended to be used by tenants or for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients or patients, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for the display or sale of merchandise. It shall not include areas used principally for nonpublic purposes, such as storage, incidental repair, processing or packing of merchandise, for show windows, for offices incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or buildings, for toilet or rest rooms, for utilities, or for dressing rooms, fitting or alteration rooms.
      (2)   In hospitals, bassinets shall not be counted as beds.
      (3)   In places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews, or other such seating facilities, each 20 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1993-3, passed 5-3-93)
   Whenever on any lot or in any building there is a change in use or an increase in floor area or in the number of employees or other unit of measurement hereinbefore specified for the determination of required off-street parking spaces, additional off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the basis of the increased requirements of the new use or other unit of measurement; provided, however, that in case such change in use creates a need for increase in off-street parking spaces of less than 10% of the parking facilities previously required, no additional parking facilities shall be required.
(Ord., passed - -79)
   Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to prevent collective provision of accessory off-street parking facilities for two or more buildings or uses, provided that the total of such off-street parking spaces supplied collectively shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately.
(Ord., passed - -79)