   (A)   Principal permitted uses. No building, structure or land shall be erected, altered, enlarged or used which is arranged or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided herein and in §§ 152.050 through 152.056.
      (1)   General. All principal permitted uses except agriculture permitted and as regulated in the R-1 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Residential. Two-family dwellings.
   (B)   Conditional uses. The following uses shall be permitted only if expressly authorized by the Board.
      (1)   General. All conditional uses permitted and as regulated in the R-1 District.
      (2)   Offices. Business and or professional offices which do not require the keeping of a stock in trade in connection therewith; and which does not include the purchase of goods; and for which the Board determines is not a business or profession which will promote a high volume of traffic in and out of such office and for which where is no exterior evidence other than minimal signage identifying the business or profession, such as not to alter the residential character of the neighborhood in which it is located. Business or professional offices requiring large parking areas adjacent to, near or on the premises in which the office is located shall not be permitted.
   (C)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses, buildings or structures customarily incidental to any aforesaid principal or conditional use, shall be permitted in conjunction with such use, including the following:
      (1)   General. All accessory uses permitted and as regulated in the R-1 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Residential. The keeping of not more than four roomers or boarders by a resident family.
      (3)   Gardening. Gardening and the raising of vegetables or fruits exclusively for the use and personal enjoyment of the occupants of the principal building and not for commercial purposes.
   (D)   Height regulations. No dwelling shall exceed 2-1/2 stories or 35 feet in height; no other principal structure shall exceed three stories or 40 feet in height; and no accessory structure shall exceed two stories or 25 feet in height, except as provided in §§ 152.210 and 152.211.
   (E)   Lot area, frontage and yard requirements. The following minimum requirements shall apply, except as provided in § 152.030 through 152.040.
For Each One-Family Dwelling Unit
Lot Area sq. ft.
Lot Width ft.
Front Yard Depth ft.
Side Yard Depth ft.
Rear Yard Depth ft.
For Each One-Family Dwelling Unit
Lot Area sq. ft.
Lot Width ft.
Front Yard Depth ft.
Side Yard Depth ft.
Rear Yard Depth ft.
1 & 1-1/2 stories
2 & 2-1/2 stories
Other Permitted Uses
   (F)   Courts. Same as required in the R-1 District.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1980-5, passed 7-7-80; Am. Ord. 2002-03, passed 3-13-02) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   Principal permitted uses. No building, structure or land shall be erected, altered, enlarged or used which is arranged or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided herein and in §§ 152.050 through 152.056.
      (1)   General. All principal permitted uses permitted and as regulated in the R-2 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Residential. Multi-family dwellings; boarding and lodging houses.
      (3)   Institutional. Hospitals, but not including those primarily or exclusively for the care of epileptics, drug addicts, the feebleminded or insane, or for contagious diseases; libraries, museums, art galleries and similar cultural facilities.
      (4)   Club. Noncommercial clubs and lodges.
      (5)   Recreational. Noncommercial recreation facilities.
      (6)   Services. Funeral homes and mortuaries.
   (B)   Conditional uses. The following uses shall be permitted only if expressly authorized by the Board.
      (1)   General. All conditional uses permitted and as regulated in the R-2 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Residential. Trailer parks, subject to the provisions of §§ 152.125 through 152.128.
      (3)   Motels, motor hotels and tourist homes. On lots that front only on a street officially designated as a state or federal highway, and subject to the provisions of §§ 152.125 through 152.128.
   (C)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses, buildings or structures customarily incidental to any aforesaid principal or conditional use shall be permitted in conjunction with such use, including the following:
      (1)   General. All accessory uses permitted and as regulated in the R-2 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Home occupation. As defined in § 152.004 provided that not more than one-half the area of one floor of the dwelling is devoted to such use.
   (D)   Height regulations. No one-family or two-family dwellings shall exceed 2-1/2 stories or 35 feet in height; no other principal structure shall exceed a maximum height of 60 feet; and no accessory structure shall exceed 2 stories or 25 feet except as provided in §§ 152.210 and 152.211.
   (E)   Lot area, frontage and yard requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be observed except as provided in § 152.030 through 152.040.
Lot Area sq. ft.
Lot Area Per Family sq. ft.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio*
Lot Frontage ft.
Front Yard Depth ft.
Side Yard Depth ft.
Rear Yard Depth ft.
Lot Area sq. ft.
Lot Area Per Family sq. ft.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio*
Lot Frontage ft.
Front Yard Depth ft.
Side Yard Depth ft.
Rear Yard Depth ft.
One- & Two-Family Dwellings
Same as required in the R-2 District
Multi-Family Dwellings
1 & 1-1/2 stories
2 & 2-1/2 stories
3 & 3-1/2 stories
4 or more stories
Other Permitted Uses
*Ratio of total building floor area including all habitable rooms and any common areas which are above ground level to lot area.
   (F)   Courts. Same as required in the R-1 District.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1980-5, passed 7-7-80) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   Principal permitted uses. No building, structure or land shall be erected, altered, enlarged or used which is arranged or designed for other than one of the following uses except as provided herein and in §§ 152.050 through 152.056.
      (1)   General. All principal permitted uses permitted and as regulated in the R-3 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Retail and service. Any local small (as set forth in division (E)) retail business or service establishment supplying commodities or performing services primarily for residents of the neighborhood on a day-to-day basis including grocery stores, drug stores, barber shops, beauty parlors, apparel stores, self-laundry stores, antique shops, craft/artist supply stores and interior decorating supply stores.
   (B)   Conditional uses. The following uses shall be permitted only if expressly authorized by the Board.
      (1)   General. All conditional uses permitted and as regulated in the R-3 District except as modified herein.
      (2)   Eating place. Restaurants whose primary purpose is to serve food, and ice cream parlors, not to include adult entertainment or dancing.
      (3)   Clinic. Any clinic whose principal use is to provide human health services.
      (4)   Retail and service. Any retail business or service establishment not a principal permitted use and which is determined by the Board to be of the same general character as one of the principal permitted uses; but not including those uses which are first permitted, or are not permitted, in the B-2 District, unless demonstrated as necessary for normal day-to-day needs.
      (5)   Office. Business and/or professional offices, or office buildings.
      (6)   Bank. Including drive-in banks and savings and loan associations.
   (C)   Accessory uses. Accessory uses, buildings or structures customarily incidental to any aforesaid principal permitted or conditional use shall be permitted in conjunction with such use including the following:
      (1)   General. Accessory uses permitted and as regulated in the R-3 District.
      (2)   Nonresidential. Accessory uses and structures customarily accessory and incidental to any of the foregoing permitted B-1 nonresidential uses and including off-street parking facilities subject to the provisions of §§ 152.105 through 152.112, 152.155 and 152.156, and business signs subject to the provisions of §§ 152.140 through 152.151.
   (D)   Required conditions.
      (1)   Business in enclosed buildings. All businesses, services or processing shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building except for off-street parking and such outdoor displays as are required for the sale of seasonal merchandise, not to exceed 16 weeks per calendar year.
      (2)   Production for sale at retail. All products produced on the premises whether primary or incidental shall be sold at retail primarily on the premises where produced.
      (3)   Uses must be nonobjectionable. Processes and equipment employed and goods processed or sold shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by any reason of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, refuse matter or water-carried waste.
      (4)   New merchandise. Goods for sale shall consist primarily of new merchandise.
   (E)   Height regulations. No principal structure shall exceed three stories or 40 feet in height and no accessory structure shall exceed two stories or 25 feet in height, except as provided in §§ 152.210 and 152.211.
   (F)   Building square footage. No building shall exceed 3,000 square feet in size.
   (F)   Lot area, frontage and yard regulations. The following minimum requirements shall be observed, except as provided in § 152.030 through 152.040.
Lot Area ft.
Lot Frontage ft.
Front Yard Depth ft.
Side Yard Width ft.
Rear Yard Depth ft.
Nonresidential Uses
Ten feet, except when adjoining an R-District - then no less than 20 feet.
Ten feet, except when adjoining an R-District - then no less than 20 feet.
Same as required in the R-3 District.
(Ord., passed - -79; Am. Ord. 1980-5, passed 7-7-80; Am. Ord. 1999-2, passed 2-1-99) Penalty, see § 152.999