No certificate of occupancy for any building or structure shall be issued unless such building or structure was constructed in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. It shall be unlawful to occupy any such building or structure unless a full, partial, or temporary certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 11-01-03, passed 11-11-2003)
(A) Pursuant to I.C. 22-13-2-3(b), the rules of the Indiana Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission as set out in the following Articles of Title 675 of the Indiana Administrative Code are hereby incorporated by reference in this code and shall include any later amendments to those rules.
(1) Article 13 - Building Codes:
(a) Fire and Building Safety Standards;
(b) Indiana Building Code;
(2) Article 14 - Indiana Residential Code;
(3) Article 16 - Indiana Plumbing Code;
(4) Article 17 - Indiana Electrical Code;
(5) Article 18 - Indiana Mechanical Code;
(6) Article 19 - Indiana Energy Conservation Code;
(7) Article 20 - Indiana Swimming Pool Code;
(8) Article 22 - Indiana Fire Code.
(B) Two copies of the above building rules incorporated by reference are on file in the office of the clerk for the legislative body for public inspection as required by I.C. 36-1-5-4.
(C) The Building Commissioner and the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission may grant a variance to the fire safety laws and building laws adopted in this chapter. Pursuant to I.C. 22-13-2-7(b), a variance granted by the Building Commissioner is not effective until it has been approved by Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission.
(Ord. 11-01-03, passed 11-11-2003)
(A) Pursuant to I.C. 22-12-1-22(b)(12), lifting devices, such as elevators and wheelchair lifts, located within a private residence are not regulated lifting devices. Therefore, the following standards applicable to lifting devices located within a private residence are incorporated by reference:
(1) Part 5.3, Private Residence Elevators, ANSI/ASME A17.1-2000, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10016.
(2) Part 5.4, Private Residence Inclined Elevators, ANSI/ASME A17.1-2000, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10016.
(3) Section 5, Private Residence Vertical Platform Lifts, ASME A18.1a, 2001 (Addenda to ASME 18.1-1999), Safety Standard for Platform and Stairway Chair Lifts, published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016.
(4) Section 6, Private Residence Inclined Platform Lifts, ASME A18.1a, 2001 (Addenda to ASME 18.1-1999), Safety Standard for Platform and Stairway Chair Lifts, published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016.
(5) Section 7, Private Inclined Stairway Lifts, ASME A18.1a, 2001 (Addenda to ASME 18.1-1999), Safety Standard for Platform and Stairway Chair Lifts, published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016.
(B) Two copies of the above lifting device standards incorporated by reference are on file in the office of the clerk for the legislative body for public inspection as required by I.C. 36-1-5-4.
(Ord. 11-01-03, passed 11-11-2003)
(A) Pursuant to I.C. 36-7-4-100 et seq. the following ordinances adopted by the Town of Atlanta pertaining to zoning and other matters relating to land uses are hereby incorporated by reference in this code and shall include any latter amendments to those rules.
(1) The Town of Atlanta master plan and comprehensive plan.
(2) The Town of Atlanta Zoning Ordinance including the various zoning classifications depicted within the ordinance as well as on the Zoning maps of the Zoning Jurisdictional Area.
(3) The Town of Atlanta Subdivision Control Ordinance.
(4) The Town of Atlanta Improvement of Location Permit Ordinance.
(5) The Town of Atlanta Mobile Home Parking Ordinance.
(6) The Town of Atlanta Tourist Camps’ Ordinance.
(7) The Town of Atlanta Mobile Home Parks’ Ordinance.
(8) The Town of Atlanta Building Commissioner’s Ordinance.
(9) The Town of Atlanta Ordinance which sets forth the schedule of fees, charges, and expenses for the Jurisdictional area of the Atlanta Plan Commission.
(B) In the event a violation of any one of the aforementioned ordinances listed in this section imposes a greater or a more comprehensive penalty than set forth in § 151.45 and § 151.99, then the penalty section contained in an ordinance covered under this section shall be applicable to the violation.
(C) Two copies of the ordinances listed hereinabove under this section and which are incorporated herein by reference are on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Legislative Body for Public Inspection as required by I.C. 36-1-5-4.
(Ord. 11-01-03, passed 11-11-2003)
(A) All construction shall be subject to periodic inspections by the Building Commissioner irrespective of whether a building permit has been or is required to be obtained.
(B) The Building Commissioner may at any reasonable time go in, upon, around or about the premises where any structure subject to the provisions of this chapter or to the rules of the Fire Prevention And Building Safety Commission is located for the purposes of inspection and investigation of such structure. Such inspection and investigation may be made before and/or after construction on the project is completed for the purposes of determining whether the structure meets building standards and procedures, and ascertaining whether the construction and procedures have been accomplished in a manner consistent with this chapter and the rules of the Fire Prevention And Building Safety Commission.
(Ord. 11-01-03, passed 11-11-2003)