The purpose of this title is to designate and regulate the location and use of buildings, structures, and land to protect residential, commercial, industrial, and recreation/open space areas alike from harmful encroachment by incompatible uses. To achieve these purposes, the City is divided into zones of such number, shape, and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the regulations of this title and provide for their enforcement. Such regulations are deemed necessary in order to encourage the most appropriate use of the land; to conserve and enhance the value of property; to maximize the quality of the environment; to provide adequate open spaces for light and air; to provide protection against fires; to provide housing for all economic and social segments of the community; to conserve and improve the condition of the existing affordable housing stock and preserve existing housing and neighborhoods; to regulate and encourage uses and development consistent with the provisions for community utilities and facilities such as transportation, water, septic (and future sewer), electricity, parks, and other public requirements; all in order to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare and economic viability of the community in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. 263, 7-12-2005)