A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to implement the Sewage Management Agreement with the Panhandle Health District. It is not intended to substitute for or duplicate the Health District's permitting process.
B. Agency Coordination: As required in the Sewage Management Agreement, the Panhandle Health District will not issue any subsurface sewage permits within the City until a written notice is received from the City approving the application and dwelling equivalent allotment. Upon receipt of notice from the Health District of a permit application, the City shall review the permit for compliance with the City's dwelling equivalent allotment and review the location of the proposed system for conflicts with the City's water system. The City shall promptly notify the district in writing of its decision on the application, and in the case of denial, the reason(s) for denial. If the permit is approved by the City, it shall be added to the City's schedule for periodic septic tank pumpouts, if applicable.
C. Fee For Review: The City may charge a fee for the review of such permits in accordance with the City's adopted fee resolution. (Ord. 410, 1-17-2017)
A. Permit Required: Except as otherwise provided in this title, no land use shall be established nor shall any structure be erected, constructed, reconstructed, set, placed, installed, enlarged, extended, moved or converted without first procuring a building location permit prior to the start of construction. The City may charge a fee for such permits in accordance with the City's adopted fee resolution.
B. Exceptions To Permit Requirements:
1. Fences not greater than six feet (6') in height and complying with the dimensional requirements of this Code.
2. An accessory, non-habitable structure used for storage or for keeping of animals with not more than two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. Portable carport structures and the like, commonly composed of vinyl or plastic tarp over a pole frame, shall not require a permit unless greater than two hundred (200) square feet in size. The exception to the permit requirement does not except any such structures from meeting the setback requirements of the applicable zone.
C. Application And Plot Plan: All applicants for building location permits are required to submit a completed application, on a form provided by the City. In addition, a plot plan, drawn to scale, shall be submitted showing the following items:
1. Lot lines;
2. Easements on the property, if known;
3. Septic tanks and drainfields;
4. Water and electrical lines;
5. All existing and planned structures on the property;
6. Distances to property lines and between structures or other improvements.
D. Review For Code Compliance: Prior to issuance of the permit, the Administrator shall review the application and plot plan to ensure the proposed structure complies with setbacks, use restrictions, and other requirements of this Code. Permit applications found not to comply with this Code shall be denied. Parcels with existing Code violations shall not be eligible for building location/land use permits, unless the requested permit is necessary to rectify the Code violation.
E. Inspection Required: At any time prior to construction, during construction, or after construction is complete, the Administrator may conduct inspections as necessary to verify the construction is in compliance with the permit and this Code. If the work is found not to be in compliance, the Administrator may "stop work" on the site, in accordance with the enforcement procedures of section 8-2-2 of this Code.
F. Permit Expiration Or Abandonment: Building location permits shall expire if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work authorized by the permit is not completed within one year from the date of issuance of the permit. Before work can re-start on any partially completed structure where the permit has expired, a new permit must be obtained, including payment of new permit fees.
G. Permit Extension: Prior to expiration of the permit, a permittee may request one extension of the permit by filing an extension request with the Administrator demonstrating good cause for the request. The Administrator may extend the permit for one year. No permit shall be extended more than once. (Ord. 416, 3-21-2018)
A. Permit Required: Except as otherwise provided in subsection B of this section, a site disturbance permit shall be required prior to the start of construction for the following activities:
1. Construction of new driveways, parking lots, private or public roads, or infrastructure authorized through the subdivision or special use permit process;
2. Excavation for the construction of structures, where such structure has not been issued a building location permit, if one is required for such structure;
3. All other excavation and grading activity.
B. Exceptions To Permit Requirements:
1. Cemetery graves.
2. Installation or repair of utility lines including, but not limited to water and sanitary sewer lines, electrical lines and natural gas lines.
3. Installation or repair of septic tanks and drainfields when properly permitted by Panhandle Health District.
4. Road, driveway or parking lot maintenance where work is limited to the existing road surface.
5. In any twelve (12) month period, excavation or placement of fill less than fifty (50) cubic yards in volume.
6. Excavation for the construction of a structure for which a valid building location permit has been issued.
7. Any activities undertaken or performed by a governmental entity.
C. Application And Plot Plan: All applicants for site disturbance permits are required to submit a completed application, on a form provided by the City. In addition, a plot plan, drawn to scale, shall be submitted showing the following items:
1. Lot lines;
2. Easements on the property, if known;
3. Septic tanks and drainfields;
4. Water and electrical lines;
5. All existing and planned structures on the property;
6. Location and extent of the site disturbing activity;
7. Distances to property lines and between structures or other improvements. (Ord. 410, 1-17-2017)
D. Review For Code Compliance: Prior to issuance of the permit, the Administrator shall review the application and plot plan to ensure the proposed work meets the requirements of this Code. Permit applications found not to comply with this Code shall be denied. Parcels with existing Code violations shall not be eligible for site disturbance permits, unless the requested permit is necessary to rectify the Code violation. (Ord. 416, 3-21-2018)
E. Inspection Required: At any time prior to construction, during construction, or after construction is complete, the Administrator may conduct inspections as necessary to verify the construction is in compliance with the permit and this Code. If the work is found not to be in compliance, the Administrator may "stop work" on the site, in accordance with the enforcement procedures of section 8-2-2 of this Code. (Ord. 410, 1-17-2017)
F. Permit Expiration Or Abandonment: Site disturbance permits shall expire if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the work authorized by the permit is not completed within one year from the date of issuance of the permit. Before work can re-start on any partially completed project where the permit has expired, a new permit must be obtained, including payment of new permit fees. (Ord. 416, 3-21-2018)
G. Permit Extension: Prior to expiration of the permit, a permittee may request one extension of the permit by filing an extension request with the Administrator demonstrating good cause for the request. The Administrator may extend the permit for one year. No permit shall be extended more than once. (Ord. 410, 1-17-2017)