A.   Secured Loads: No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any street, road or highway unless the vehicle is so constructed, covered or loaded as to prevent: 1) any of its contents or load from dropping, sifting or leaking, and 2) the possibility of any of its contents or load from blowing, spilling or otherwise escaping therefrom.
   B.   Improper Disposal:
      1.   No person shall throw or deposit nor shall the registered owner or the driver, if such owner is not present in the vehicle, aid or abet in the throwing or depositing upon any road, street or highway any bottle, can, garbage, construction debris, yard waste or any substance likely to injure or damage traffic using the roadways.
      2.   No person shall place, deposit or dump any rocks, refuse, garbage, yard waste, construction debris, snow, ice, brush, limbs, stumps or dirt in or on any road, street or highway, including any portion of the right-of-way thereof, without the consent of the State or local agency having jurisdiction over the road, street or highway.
   C.   Remedies:
      1.   Any person who drops, dumps, deposits, places or throws, or causes or permits to be dropped, dumped, deposited, placed or thrown upon any road, street or highway any material described in the preceding subsection shall immediately remove the same or cause the same to be removed.
      2.   If such person fails to comply with the provisions of subsection C1 of this section, the governmental agency responsible for the maintenance of the road, street, or highway on which the material has been deposited may remove such material and collect, by civil action, if necessary, the actual cost of the removal operation in addition to any other damages authorized by law from the person made responsible under subsection C1 of this section.
   D.   Penalties: Violation of this section or any part thereof shall be a misdemeanor subject to punishment to the maximum allowed by Idaho Code. (Ord. 410, 1-17-2017)