In order to assure a variety of dwelling types in the PRD, a minimum percentage of each dwelling type constructed shall be included in the development:
Unit Type | Minimum Percentage of Total Units in PRD |
Garden apartment | 20 |
Mobile home | 10 |
Single-family attached (townhouse) | 20 |
Single-family detached | 10 |
Single-family semi-detached (twin) | 15 |
Two-family dwelling | 15 |
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)
(b) The housing mix selected shall reflect the housing needs and marketplace realities of the community.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)
(a) The average gross residential density, as defined in Chapter 1250, computed over the entire tract, shall not exceed five units per acre.
(b) Not less than 40% of the total area of the property shall be designated as and devoted to common open space.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)
The following dimensional requirements shall apply. All requirements are minimum unless specifically noted otherwise:
(a) Single-family detached dwellings.
Front yard (from all streets) | 30 feet |
Lot size | 10,000 square feet |
Lot width at building line | 80 feet |
Rear yard | 40 feet |
Side yards | 25 feet aggregate, 10 feet minimum |
(b) Single-family semi-detached dwellings.
Front yard | 30 feet |
Lot size | 4,000 square feet |
Lot width at building line | 35 feet |
Rear yard | 30 feet |
Side yards | 15 feet aggregate, 10 feet minimum |
(c) Single-family attached dwellings.
Distance between buildings | 60 feet |
Front yard | 30 feet |
Lot size | 2,000 square feet |
Lot width at building line | 20 feet |
Rear yard | 30 feet |
Units in a row | Between 4 and 6 |
(d) Two-family dwellings. As required for two-family dwellings in Chapter 1266, APT Apartment District.
(e) Mobile homes. As required for mobile homes in § 1268.04.
(f) Apartments. As required for garden apartments in § 1266.04.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)
The following regulations and standards shall apply to planned residential development.
(a) General design standards.
(1) All housing and other areas shall be planned, designed, constructed, and made maximally usable, operable and habitable with regard to the topography and natural features of the tract. The effects of prevailing winds and solar orientation on the physical layout and form of the proposed buildings and other structures shall be reflected in the development plan.
(2) Variations in location of buildings and other structures shall be provided where necessary to create architectural interest and/or preserve areas of environmental concern and to further amenities of light and air, recreation and visual enjoyment. All dwelling units shall be based on a common architectural theme.
(3) Every building and other structure shall be located and situated to promote pedestrian and visual access to common open space to the extent possible.
(4) All utilities shall be placed underground unless such placement is deemed not feasible by the Board of Commissioners.
(5) Fire hydrants shall be installed by the developer to meet the requirements of the Middle Atlantic Fire Underwriters Association and the Township Fire Marshal.
(6) Refuse stations to serve residential and recreational areas shall be designed with suitable screening and located so as to be convenient for trash removal and not offensive to nearby residential areas.
(b) Buildings.
(1) No building shall be placed less than 75 feet from the perimeter property line of the PRD, except for signs and structures associated with ingress and egress.
(2) No building shall be less than 50 feet from the street line of the exterior road except for signs, street trees, ingress and egress structures, and other like structure typically located in such setback area such as lighting standards, sidewalks, benches and the like.
(3) No building shall be less than 30 feet from access roads or parking areas.
(4) No principal building shall be less than 35 feet from any other principal building.
(5) No building shall exceed the length of 125 feet in any single direction.
(6) Development near the perimeter of the property shall be designed to be harmonious with neighboring areas and shall be screened from such areas with landscaping approved by the township.
(7) Single-family attached dwellings shall be designed and arranged in staggered groups and not in long rows parallel to street lines. The arrangement of such units shall create a physical and visual distinction in the lines of the facades and the roofs. Such distinction can be achieved through the use of varied floor plans for adjoining units, alternating two-story and one-story structures within an attached group, the projections and angles of exterior walls and roofs, exterior fencing and other diversified space articulating techniques.
(8) Individual residential driveways shall not have direct access to the exterior street.
(9) Buildings in a PRD shall not exceed 35 feet or two stories in height.
(c) Tree conservation and landscaping.
(1) Existing trees shall be preserved wherever possible. The protection of trees 12 inches or more in caliper (measured at a height of four and one-half feet above the original grade) shall be a factor in determining the location of common open space, structures, underground utilities, walks and paved areas. Areas in which trees are to be preserved shall remain at original grade level and in an undisturbed condition.
(2) Where extensive natural tree cover and vegetation does not exist and cannot be preserved on the PRD site, landscaping shall be regarded as an essential feature of the PRD. In these cases extensive landscaping shall be undertaken in order to enhance the appearance of the PRD; aid in erosion control; provide protection from wind and sun; screen streets and parking areas; and enhance the privacy of the dwelling units in accordance with § 1292.19 relating to landscaping.
(3) Street trees shall be provided along all internal streets. Not less than two four-inch caliper trees shall be provided for each 50 foot increment of street, wherein one tree shall be placed on each side of the said street increment.
(4) A planted buffer of not less than 20 feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter property lines except at points of vehicular ingress and egress and on pedestrian accessways.
(5) Screening and landscaping requirements for parking areas shall comply with § 1284.08.
(d) Stormwater control.
(1) The storm drainage system for a PRD shall be designed and constructed so as to minimize erosion and flooding, using as necessary drainage easements, swales, catchment basins, silt traps and the design of cartways so as to minimize runoff.
(2) Where existing storm sewers are deemed by the Board of Commissioners to be accessible, the Commissioners may require that the proposed development connect therewith.
(3) All stormwater management design standards shall be in accordance with the latest adopted township subdivision regulations, as may be amended from time to time, and Chapter 1043 of this code of ordinances.
(4) Storm sewer systems for the development shall be designed, constructed and shall operate and be readily capable of being maintained to prevent concentration of stormwater runoff on adjacent developed or undeveloped properties and streets.
(5) The design and construction of all storm drainage facilities and stormwater systems shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.
(e) Soil erosion and sedimentation control. Plans submitted for any PRD development shall conform to the guidelines for minimizing erosion and sedimentation as set forth in the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Manual of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, prepared by the State Conservation Commission and Bureau of Water Quality Management and the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation service, as amended.
(f) Streets and walkways.
(1) The street system of the PRD shall be designed so as to relate harmoniously with land uses within and adjacent to the development through the establishment of a hierarchy of roadway functions, which includes internal collector and local streets, to create a separation of automobile and pedestrian traffic through the coordinated design of streets, dwelling units, common open space areas and pedestrian walkways, to create efficient and safe connections with the existing road system of the municipality in order to ensure proper ingress and egress to and from the PRD and to minimize through traffic in residential areas.
(2) In order to separate automobile and pedestrian circulation and to increase accessibility to common open space areas, pedestrian walkways shall be provided, unless the Board of Commissioners determines that they are not necessary.
(3) The design and construction of streets must conform to the standards set forth in the latest adopted township subdivision regulations relative to paving specifications, cartway design, horizontal and vertical alignment, site distances and the like.
(g) Lighting.
(1) All streets, parking areas and areas of intensive pedestrian use shall be adequately lighted. All such lighting shall be designed and located so as to direct light away from adjacent residences.
(2) Appropriate lighting fixtures shall be provided for walkways and to identify steps, ramps and signs.
(h) Parking. Parking shall be in accordance with Chapter 1284 and with the latest adopted township subdivision regulations.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)