(a)   Screening between any parking area and the street line shall be effective at the time of occupancy, subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   All off-street parking areas which provide more than five parking spaces shall be screened from any abutting property in a more restrictive zoning district.
      (2)   Effective screening may be accomplished through the use of the following: plant materials, fencing or walls; and/or mounding through the use of an earthen berm forming a continuous visual buffer.
      (3)   The area for planting and fencing, walls or earthen berms shall not extend beyond the street line.
      (4)   When planted visual screens are employed, the following shall apply.
         A.   A buffer planting strip shall be provided. It shall be a minimum of ten feet in width unless specifically required otherwise in this Zoning Code.
         B.   Planted visual screens shall be of sufficient height and sufficient density to constitute a continuous visual screen six feet in height at the time of planting except as provided below. The type and spacing of plant materials shall be subject to review and approval by the Township Commissioners.
      (5)   Whenever fencing or walls are employed, the effective height of the continuous visual buffer shall be not less than five or more than six feet.
      (6)   Whenever earthen berms are employed, the effective height of the continuous visual buffer shall be not less than five feet.
      (7)   In the case of a parking lot which is the main use, such lot shall be enclosed, except for entrances and exits, by an ornamental fence or wall or by a compact evergreen hedge not less than four feet high, except when the boundary of such parking lot is an adjoining building.
   (b)   Landscaping within any parking area which provides 20 or more parking spaces shall be subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   Off-street parking areas shall be landscaped to reduce wind and air turbulence, heat and noise, and the glare of automobile lights; to reduce the level of carbon dioxide; to provide shade; to improve stormwater drainage problems; to replenish the groundwater table; and to provide for a more attractive setting.
      (2)   The interior of each parking lot shall have at least one three-inch caliper deciduous shade tree for every ten parking spaces if there are no existing shade trees to satisfy this requirement. Shrubs and other plant materials are encouraged to be used to complement the trees but shall not be the sole contribution to the landscaping. These trees shall be in addition to those required as an effective screen. Trees selected for landscaping in parking areas shall be of a species proven to be salt and dust resistant.
      (3)   Landscaped areas at least five feet wide shall be provided around the periphery of parking areas. Such areas shall, at a minimum, extend the full length and width of the parking areas, except for necessary accessways, to prevent the encroachment of moving vehicles into parking areas.
      (4)   Landscaped islands between every 20 parking spaces or at the end of each parking row, whichever is less, shall be provided and shall be not less than the length and width of the parking spaces.
      (5)   Existing plant material and trees with a caliper of six inches or more shall be preserved wherever possible during construction. Such existing plants may be credited toward the amount of required plantings.
(Ord. 896, passed 12-21-2011)