The municipality shall require receipt of a complete SWM site plan as specified in this chapter:
(a) Proof of application or documentation of required permit(s) or approvals for the programs listed below shall be part of the plan, if applicable:
(1) NPDES permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities;
(2) PennDEP permits as needed:
A. PennDEP joint permit application;
B. 25 Pa. Code Ch. 105 (Dam Safety and Waterway Management); and
C. 25 Pa. Code Ch. 106 (Floodplain Management).
(3) PennDOT highway occupancy permit; and
(4) Any other permit under applicable state or federal regulations.
(b) The plan shall be coordinated with the state and federal permit process and the municipal SALDO review process. The process implementing the provisions in this chapter is illustrated in Appendices D-1 and D-2;
(c) For projects that require SALDO approval, the SWM site plan shall be submitted by the applicant as part of the preliminary plan submission where applicable for the regulated activity;
(d) For regulated activities that do not require SALDO approval, see § 1043.12;
(e) Five copies of the SWM site plan shall be submitted by the applicant for review in accordance with established criteria and procedures:
(1) Two copies to the municipality accompanied by the requisite municipal review fee, as specified in this chapter;
(2) Two copies to the County Conservation District; and
(3) One copy to the Municipal Engineer.
(f) Any submissions to the agencies listed above that are found to be incomplete shall not be accepted for review and shall be returned to the applicant with a notification in writing of the specific manner in which the submission is incomplete.
(Ord. 928, passed 6-18-2014)