(a)   Every rooming house shall have at least one water closet, hand lavatory and bathtub or shower in good working condition, properly connected to a water and sewerage system for each eight persons, or fraction thereof, including members of the operator’s family where they share the use of such facilities. All such facilities shall be so located within the rooming house as to be accessible to the occupants of each rooming unit sharing such facilities without going outside the rooming house and without going through a dwelling unit or through a rooming unit of another occupant. Every hand lavatory and bathtub or shower shall be supplied with hot and cold running water at all times in accordance with § 1460.04(d). No plumbing facility required under this section shall be located in a cellar or more than one floor distant from the rooming unit for which the same is provided.
   (b)   The operator of every rooming house shall change supplied bed linen and towels therein at least once each week and prior to the letting of any room to any occupant. The operator shall be responsible for the maintenance of all supplied bedding in a clean and sanitary manner.
   (c)   Every rooming unit shall have safe, unobstructed means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level.
   (d)   The operator of every rooming house shall be responsible for the sanitary maintenance of all walls, floors and ceilings and for the maintenance of a sanitary condition in every other part of the rooming house. He or she shall be further responsible for the sanitary maintenance of the entire premises where the entire structure or building is leased or occupied by the operator.
(Ord. 330, passed 11-15-1967)