A .    Situated in the Village of Ashville, County of Pickaway, State of Ohio, and being of Section         , Township       Range       containing acres and being the same tract as conveyed to                                   and described in deed recorded in Deed Book
              Office of Pickaway County Recorder.
We, the undersigned, being all the owners and lien holders of the land platted herein, certify that the attached plat correctly represents our "(name of subdivision)", a subdivision of lots         through          inclusive, do hereby voluntarily consent to the execution of said plat.
We further agree that all streets, alleys and public areas so designated are hereby dedicated to public use, and that such streets, alleys and public areas shall not be formally accepted until such time that construction is complete. Easements are reserved for the construction, operation and maintenance of all public and/or private utilities proposed above and beneath the surface of the ground, and where necessary, for the construction, operation and maintenance of service connections to all lots and lands, and for storm drainage.
After construction and grading is complete, monuments shall be placed on all lot corners where said monuments do not exist at the present time.
    In Witness thereof, we set our hands this           day of                   ,        .
Before me a Notary Public in and for said County personally appeared                       who acknowledged the signing of the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed for uses and purposes therein expressed.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal this         day of                           ,               .
               Notary Public
B.   I,                        , hereby certify that I am a Professional Surveyor, licensed in the State of Ohio, and that I (we) have surveyed the premises and prepared the attached plat and that said plat is correct. All monuments shown thereon actually exist at their locations.
   Engineer/Surveyor          Number
    Approved this       day of                ,      .                                             
                     Planning and Zoning Board
                     Village of Ashville
    Approved this       day of               ,      .                                             
                     Village Engineer
    Approved this       day of               ,      .                                             
                     Zoning Inspector
D.    Rights-of-way for all streets, alleys, roads, and appurtenances, herein dedicated for public use are hereby approved and accepted as such for the Village of Ashville (Pickaway County, Ohio), this      day of           ,        , by Ordinance                   .
   Mayor                Date
E.    This plat shall not be transferred or recorded until all above signatures are affixed.
   Transferred this            day of                      ,        .
   Pickaway County Auditor
   Filed for record this            day of               ,         .
    Recorded this       day of            ,          , in Plat Book        , Page No.      
   Pickaway County Recorder
(Ord. 2002-01. Passed 3-4-02.)