(a) The regulations set forth in this chapter or set forth elsewhere in this Zoning Code when referred to in this chapter are the regulations in the H-1 Harbor Historic District. This District shall be laid out and developed as a unit according to an approved plan as provided in this chapter, and homes, commercial establishment and other structures may be preserved and restored within the Harbor Historic District in such a manner as to compare to homes, commercial establishments and structures as they existed during the epoch of 1885 to 1925.
(b) There is hereby created a Harbor Historic District which is geographically designated as being all land, public and private, located within the following area: commencing on the shoreline of Lake Erie where the western boundary of Walnut Beach Park meets the water's edge; thence South along the western boundary of Walnut Beach Park to the southern line of Walnut Boulevard; thence East along the southern line of Walnut Boulevard, including all lots, public and private, upon either side of said street with frontage thereon, to its intersection with the western line of Lake Avenue; thence South along the western line of Lake Avenue, including all lots, public and private, on either side of said street with frontage thereon, to the intersection of the western line of Lake Avenue with the northern line of Laird Drive; thence East along the northern line of Laird Drive to the southeast and east lines of Morton Drive and Goodwill Drive; thence westerly along the southeast and east lines of Morton Drive to Bridge Street, including the Bascule Lift Bridge; thence North along the west bank of the Ashtabula River to the Lake Erie shoreline; thence West to the western line of Walnut Beach Park and the place of beginning.
(c) It is hereby recognized that within the foregoing Harbor Historic District is an area of buildings, streets and structures which are of sufficient local and national historic significance for such area to have been placed upon the National Register of Historic Places. This portion of the Harbor Historic District, which is known as the National Register Area, is bounded and described as follows, to-wit: beginning at a point in the west property line of the lot currently known as 1205 Bridge (West 5th) Street, also currently known as Ashtabula County Auditor's Permanent Parcel No. 68-409-00-142-00, which point is 100 feet northerly from the intersection of said west property line with the north line of Bridge Street; thence East, parallel with Bridge Street, to the western bank of the Ashtabula River; thence South along the River, and including the Bascule lift bridge, to a point 100 feet South of the south line of Bridge Street; thence West, parallel with Bridge Street, to a point in the west line of the property currently known as 1128 Bridge Street, also currently known as Ashtabula County Auditor's Permanent Parcel No. 68- 410-00-080-00; thence North along said west line of said lot and an extension thereof to the north line of Bridge Street; thence along the north line of Bridge Street to the southwest comer of said lot known as 1205 Bridge Street; thence North along the west line of said lot to the place of beginning.
(d) The United States Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties shall be applicable to the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction of all buildings, streets and structures within the above-described National Register Area.
(Ord. 2019-90. Passed 8-5-19.)