1139.01 Application.
1139.02 Permitted uses.
1139.03 Conditional uses.
1139.04 Height, yard and area regulations.
1139.05 Parking and loading regulations.
District established - see P. & Z. 1115.01
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1149
Signs - see P. & Z. Ch. 1154 et seq.
Conditional use regulations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1152
A building or premises shall be permitted only for the following purposes:
(a) Any use permitted in the C-2 Central Business District;
(b) Any light manufacturing or industrial use;
(c) Warehouses;
(d) Research or testing laboratories;
(e) Product Distribution Centers;
(f) Woodworking shops;
(g) Auto body shops;
(h) Furniture assembly;
(i) Dry cleaning plants;
(j) Machine shops;
(k) Boat storage yards;
(l) Monument works; or
(m) Other industrial and manufacturing plants where the process of manufacturing or treatment of materials is such that only a nominal amount of dust, odor, gas, smoke or noise is emitted.
(2004 Code)