The following requirements apply to all wireless telecommunications facilities regardless of the zoning district in which they are to be located.
   (a)    When the proposed wireless telecommunications facility is to include a new tower, a plot plan shown to scale shall be submitted. This plot plan shall indicate all building uses within 300 feet of the proposed facility.
   (b)   The location of the tower and equipment shelter shall comply with all natural resource protection standards established in this Zoning Code, including those for floodplain, wetlands, and steep slopes. Additionally, the location shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations pertinent thereto.
   (c)   Security fencing eight feet in height shall surround the tower, equipment shelter and any guy wires, either completely or individually, as determined by the Planning Commission.
   (d)    A landscaped buffer area of not less than ten feet in depth shall be placed between the wireless telecommunications facilities, the public rights-of-way, residential zoning districts, and any adjacent residential uses. The ten-foot landscape buffer shall consist of a tight screen of hardy evergreen shrubbery not less than six feet in height.
   (e)   Existing vegetation (trees and shrubs) shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
   (f)   Any applicant requesting permission to install a new tower shall provide evidence that it is not technically feasible to collocate on an existing tower (if available) within a three mile radius. Evidence may be requested in the form of radio frequency (RF) propagation maps and/or any other means of demonstration as may be required.
   (g)   Any application to locate an antenna on a building or structure that is listed on a historic register or is in a local historic zoning district shall be subject to review by the City’s Architectural Review Board or Building Inspector if there is no such review board.
   (h)   No advertising is permitted anywhere on the facility, with the exception of identification signage.   
   (i)   “No Trespassing” signs shall be posted around the facility in addition to contact information in the event of an emergency.
   (j)   Any decision to deny a request to place, construct, or modify a wireless telecommunications antenna and/or tower shall be in writing and supported by evidence contained in written record of the proceedings of the Planning Commission.
   (k)   A proposed new tower in nonresidential zoning district shall not be located within 500 feet from any residential zoning district or from any residentially used property.
   (l)   The owner of any proposed telecommunications facility shall design the facility to accommodate additional tenants and agree to allow other telecommunications facilities to be located at and on the proposed facility.
   (m)   The owner of any proposed wireless telecommunications facility shall provide a permanent easement from a public right-of-way thereby maintaining access to the facility regardless of other developments that may take place on the site.   
   (n)   All applicants shall submit any and all necessary documents pertinent to the development of the wireless telecommunications facility to the City which shall be prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State Of Ohio. These documents may include, but are not limited to site plans, tower drawings including foundations, building plans, structural design calculations, topographic plans, soils reports and any other technical material and data the City deems necessary to make a proper evaluation of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility.   
   (o)   If at any time the use of the facility is discontinued for 180 days, the City may declare the facility abandoned. The facility’s owner/operator will upon “notice” from the City reactivate the facility’s use within 180 days, or shall dismantle and remove the facility and relandscape. Failure to comply with said “notice” shall be cause for the City to declare the facility a public nuisance.
      (2004 Code)