   (A)   The procedures and requirements for recruitment, selection, employment, training and evaluation of entry level police officers with the rank of officer for the Department of Police (also referred to herein as the “Police Department”) of the City of Ashland, Kentucky, shall be hereafter prescribed in this subchapter or any future amending or superseding ordinance thereto. Each officer of the Ashland Police Department shall be bound by the requirements of this subchapter and shall be subject to the rules, regulations, general orders, and special orders of the Ashland Police Department.
    (B)   This subchapter shall be known and may be referred to as the “Comprehensive Hiring Ordinance for Police Officers for the Department of Police of the City of Ashland.”
    (C)   For the purpose of this subchapter, those words, terms or phrases used herein in the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender, and those words, terms or phrases used herein in the feminine gender shall include the masculine gender, except where the usage clearly indicates otherwise.
(Ord. 174, 2022, passed 11-17-22; Am. Ord. 86, 2023, passed 6-23-23)
   For the purpose of this subchapter and §§ 34.50 through 34.60, the following terms and phrases shall have the meanings here ascribed thereto.
   CAREER STATUS POLICE OFFICER. A police officer who has completed his required probationary period of employment and has been approved as required by this subchapter or amending or superseding ordinances and has been appointed to career status pursuant to the terms of § 34.59 .
   COACH-ADVISER. A career status police officer to whom a probationary police officer is assigned for on the job training and guidance.
   DATE OF APPOINTMENT. The date upon which a probationary police officer begins employment and takes the oath of office.
   DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING (DOCJT). A Department of the Kentucky Justice Cabinet as established by KRS 15A.020 and as amended, for the purpose of providing training to police officers.
   DUTY SERGEANT. Any on-duty police sergeant assigned to a patrol team.
   FIELD OPERATIONS DIVISION COMMANDER. A police major assigned to command the entire field operations division.
   KENTUCKY CERTIFIED PEACE OFFICER. A person that meets all legal requirements for and is therefore entitled to the classification as a certified police officer in the Commonwealth of Kentucky responsive of the stipulations of KRS 15.380 to 15.402.
   KENTUCKY LAW ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL (KLEC). An independent administrative body of state government made up of the attorney general, law enforcement department heads throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky, members of higher education and a city manager or mayor, a member of the Kentucky State Bar Association and a citizen of Kentucky not coming without the previous classifications. The council is vested with the powers to prescribe standards for law enforcement training required under KRS 15.310 to 15.510 and KRS 15.990 to 15.992, along with other functions.
   NON-CERTIFIED PEACE OFFICER APPLICANTS. A person that has made application to the City of Ashland for employment as a police officer that is not a Kentucky Certified Peace Officer as defined under KRS 15.380 to 15.404.
   POINT VALUE. Numerical value of ratings assigned for completion of certain sections of this subchapter, which describe the selection process.
   POLICE OFFICER TRAINING COORDINATOR. A command officer that has been charged with coordinating schedules, activities and plans associated for on the job training and guidance.
   POLICE TRAINEE. This is a non-sworn, training-level classification in the city’s police service. Incumbents are hired from an entry-level eligibility list and are sent to the Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) for basic police academy training. During training, incumbents do not have police powers and are subject to the rules and regulations of the City of Ashland, the Ashland Police Department, and the DOCJT. Advancement to a sworn Probationary Police Officer position is contingent upon successful completion of the basic training academy and the final review of the Police Chief. Upon approval, the officer(s) will begin a one-year probationary period.
   PROBATIONARY PERIOD. A period of one year beginning on date of appointment as a probationary police officer and ending on first anniversary date as probationary police officer.
   PROBATIONARY POLICE OFFICER. A police officer who has not reached the first anniversary from his date of appointment as a probationary police officer.
   RESIDENCE. That place where a person has his true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment, and to which whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning. This residence shall determine where a person may exercise the privilege of voting and other legal rights and privileges.
   SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER- CONTRACT RETIREE. This is a police practitioner class responsible for the provision of a broad range of law enforcement services to protect individual rights, preserve the peace, prevent, and suppress crime, protect life and property, identify and apprehend criminal offenders and enforce regulatory measures in the Ashland Independent Schools System. This position is through a contractual agreement to supply officers to the school system as required by law. The separated officers by contract are not covered by the city Collective Bargaining Agreement but are to follow the city Rules and Regulations, Ashland Police Department Rules and Regulations and Ashland Police Department General Orders along with Federal and Commonwealth of Kentucky Laws. Officers of the department covered under the city Collective Bargaining Agreement are not in this class or eligible for the position.
   TEAM COMMANDER. A police lieutenant assigned to a group of personnel for the purpose of accomplishing the police duties required of that group during a tour of duty.
(Ord. 174, 2022, passed 11-17-22; Am. Ord. 86, 2023, passed 6-23-23)
   (A)   Upon determination by the Chief of Police that there is a need to begin an employment process and the eligibility list (§ 34.35) has expired or contains no additional qualified applicants, the City Manager shall authorize and require the Human Resources Director to make public by appropriate advertising the intent of the City of Ashland to employ such personnel. The Chief of Police can recommend a hiring process for certified Kentucky Peace Officers only or non-certified applicants or both for processing. Basic prerequisite qualifications for police officer and the location where applications may be obtained will be advertised in an open and constant application process without a closing date for receiving completed applications. When an application process is needed, the Chief of Police will submit for filling positions from applications that are currently on file in the Human Resources Department. The open and constant application process will be advertised periodically to remind any potential candidates that applications are being taken constantly.
   (B)   The City of Ashland is an equal opportunity employer without regard to race, color, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, disability or status as a Vietnam era veteran.
   (C)   The requirement for any documents to be attached to or presented with the completed application shall be noted thereon.
(Ord. 174, 2022, passed 11-17-22; Am. Ord. 86, 2023, passed 6-23-23)