§ 154.61 WATER SYSTEM.
   In every subdivision, provision shall be made for an adequate supply of water.
   (A)   Where a public water main is reasonably accessible, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system connected to the water main adequate to serve the area being platted and including a connection for each lot, subject to approval of the officials having jurisdiction.
   (B)   Where a public water main is not reasonably accessible, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, a complete private water distribution system shall be installed, subject to approval of the officials having jurisdiction. An individual water supply may be permitted in the case of lots of 20,000 square feet or more in area, subject to approval of the officials having jurisdiction in consideration of the method of sewage disposal to be employed as set forth in § 154.60.
('83 Code, § 156.61) (Ord. 27-1960, passed 7-12-60) Penalty, see § 154.99