The following guidelines will be used in the testing and hiring procedure.
(A) Step 1: Applications.
(B) Step 2: Written examination.
(C) Step 3: Psychological evaluation.
(D) Step 4: Physical ability test, CPAT.
(E) Step 5: Experience.
(F) Step 6: Education.
(G) Step 7: Background and qualifications check.
(H) Step 8: Oral interview.
(I) Step 9: Points and ranking.
(J) Step 10: Recommendation by Fire Chief to City Manager for a conditional offer of employment - pending satisfactory results of remaining procedures step.
(K) Step 11: Recommendation City Manager.
(L) Step 12: Approval Board of Commissioners.
(M) Step 13: Physical exam.
(N) Step 14: Polygraph
(O) Step 15: Probationary appointment.
(P) Step 16: Career appointment.
(Ord. 37, 2023, passed 4-27-23)