(a) A brazier, salamander, space heater, room heater, furnace, water heater or other burner or heater using wood, coal, coke, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas or similar fuel, and tending to give off carbon monoxide or other harmful gas:
(1) When used in living quarters, or in any enclosed building or space in which persons are usually present, shall be used with a flue or vent so designed, installed and maintained as to vent the products of combustion outdoors; except in storage, factory or industrial buildings which are provided with sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning;
(2) When used as a portable or temporary burner or heater at a construction site, or in a warehouse, shed or structure in which persons are temporarily present, shall be vented as provided in subsection (a) hereof, or used with sufficient ventilation to avoid the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.
(b) This section does not apply to domestic ranges, laundry stoves, gas logs installed in a fireplace with an adequate flue, or hot plates, unless the same are used as space or room heaters.
(c) No person shall negligently use, or, being the owner, person in charge, or occupant of premises, negligently permit the use of a burner or heater in violation of the standards for venting and ventilation provided in this section.
(d) Subsection (a) hereof does not apply to any kerosene-fired space or room heater that is equipped with an automatic extinguishing tip-over device, or to any natural gas-fired or liquid petroleum gas-fired space or room heater that is equipped with an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system, and that has its fuel piped from a source outside of the building in which it is located, that are approved by an authoritative source recognized by the State Fire Marshal in the State Fire Code adopted by him under Ohio R.C. 3737.82.
(e) The State Fire Marshal may make rules to ensure the safe use of unvented kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas heaters exempted from subsection (a) hereof when used in assembly buildings, business buildings, high hazard buildings, institutional buildings, mercantile buildings and type R-1 and R-2 residential buildings, as these groups of buildings are defined in rules adopted by the Board of Building Standards under Ohio R.C. 3781.10. No person shall negligently use, or, being the owner, person in charge or occupant of premises, negligently permit the use of a heater in violation of any rules adopted under this subsection.
(f) The State Fire Marshal may make rules prescribing standards for written instructions containing ventilation requirements and warning of any potential fire hazards that may occur in using a kerosene, natural gas, or liquid petroleum gas heater. No person shall sell or offer for sale any kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas heater unless the manufacturer provides with the heater written instructions that comply with any rules adopted under this subsection.
(g) No product labeled as a fuel additive for kerosene heaters and having a flash point below one hundred degrees fahrenheit or thirty-seven and eight-tenths degrees centigrade shall be sold, offered for sale or used in any kerosene space heater.
(h) No device that prohibits any safety feature on a kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas space heater from operating shall be sold, offered for sale or used in connection with any kerosene, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas space heater.
(i) No person shall sell or offer for sale any kerosene-fired, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas-fired heater that is not exempt from subsection (a) hereof unless it is marked conspicuously by the manufacturer on the container with the phrase "Not Approved For Home Use.”
(j) No person shall use a cabinet-type, liquid petroleum gas-fired heater having a fuel source within the heater, inside any building, except as permitted by the State Fire Marshal in the State Fire Code adopted by him under Ohio R.C. 3737.82. (ORC 3701.82)
(k) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 3701.99(C))
(a) No person shall abandon or knowingly permit to remain on public or private property, any excavation, well, cesspool or structure which is in the process of construction, reconstruction, repair or alteration unless the same is adequately protected by suitable barricades and guarded by warning devices or lights at night so that the condition will not reasonably prove dangerous to life or limb.
(b) No person shall destroy, remove, damage or extinguish any barricade or warning light that is placed for the protection of the public so as to prevent injury to life or limb.
(c) Any owner or agent in control of a premises upon which a basement, cellar, well or cistern has been abandoned due to demolition, failure to build or any other reason shall cause the same to be filled to the ground surface with rock, gravel, earth or other suitable material.
(d) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(a) No person shall unload any heavy material in the streets of the Municipality by throwing or letting the same fall upon the pavement of any street, sidewalk or other public way, without first placing some sufficient protection over the pavement.
(b) No person shall encumber any street or sidewalk or, being the owner, occupant or person having care of any building or lot of land bordering on any street or sidewalk, permit the same to be encumbered with barrels, boxes, cans, articles or substances of any kind so as to interfere with the free and unobstructed use thereof.
(c) No person shall erect or cause to be erected or allow to remain standing any house, building, wall, fence or other permanent structure, in such manner that any part thereof shall stand or project over beyond the line of any lot or parcel of land into any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground of the City, unless specially authorized by resolution of Council.
(d) All fences, awning frames, signs or other projections constructed, suspended, hung or placed within, on or above any sidewalks, in violation of the provisions of any City ordinances, shall, within thirty days after notification by the Mayor, be removed by the owner of such constructions. In case of neglect or refusal on the part of the person so notified, the same shall be done at the expense of the owner thereof, and the expenses of such removal certified for collection from such owner.
(e) In the transportation of any goods, materials or equipment across any sidewalk in the Municipality, efficient temporary planking shall be used to protect the sidewalks from breakage and such temporary planking shall be removed at the close of each working day and the surface of the sidewalk immediately cleaned and left in a passable condition.
(f) No person shall use any street or sidewalk area, including the lateral strip area between the street and sidewalk, for the display of merchandise or for any advertising display, except during the hours of a community festival or celebration which hours shall be set by the Mayor in a written proclamation.
(g) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(a) No owner, occupant or person in charge of any lot or parcel of ground shall, at any time, cause or permit water to accumulate thereon and become stagnant, permit culverts, drains or natural watercourses thereon to become obstructed, or cause or permit any putrid or unsanitary substance to accumulate thereon.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 9-74. Passed 2-5-74.)
(a) No owner of any lot or land abutting upon any street shall refuse, fail or neglect to repair or keep in repair and free from nuisance and obstruction, the sidewalk in front of such lot or land after due notice of a resolution of Council ordering the repair of such sidewalk, the removal of such obstruction or the abatement of such nuisance.
(b) It shall be the duty of the owner of each and every parcel of real estate in the Municipality abutting upon any sidewalk to keep such sidewalk abutting his premises free and clear of snow and ice, and to remove therefrom all snow and ice accumulated thereon within a reasonable time, which will ordinarily not exceed twelve hours after the abatement of any storm during which the snow and ice may have accumulated.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(a) No person shall construct, erect, maintain or use, for any purpose, any fence charged with electrical current, within the corporate limits.
(b) No person shall construct, erect, maintain or use, for any purpose, any barbed wire fence within the corporate limits, unless specially authorized by resolution of Council.
Upon granting special authority pursuant to this section, Council shall establish such conditions and restrictions governing such barbed wire fence, as to height, length and other particulars, as it shall deem reasonable and necessary to the safety of the community.
(Ord. 57-65. Passed 11-24-65.)
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(a) For purposes of this section:
(1) "Junk" includes old or scrap copper, brass, rope, rags, batteries, paper, rubber, lumber pipe, used building materials, roofing; old or scrap iron steel or other ferrous or nonferrous materials which are not held for sale for remelting purposes by an establishment having facilities for processing such materials; and inoperable and unlicensed, dismantled, partly dismantled or wrecked vehicles or motor vehicles, or parts thereof.
(2) "Garbage" includes all putrescible wastes except wastes of the human body and other water-carried wastes; all vegetable and animal wastes resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or consumption of foods; any containers that have contained food or liquids for consumption by humans or other beings.
(3) "Refuse" includes ashes, crockery, bottles, cans, paper and other wood pulp products, boxes, rags, grass clippings and other cut vegetation; old or discarded clothing, bedding, mattresses, furniture, appliances; rubbish, dirt, nails, pieces of glass, oil; and all other similar nonputrescible wastes.
No person shall place, throw, deposit, permit to be deposited or sweep into or upon any property which he owns, occupies or otherwise has charge of, or into or upon any street, sidewalk, alley, park, public ground or public building, or into or upon any property of another any junk, garbage, refuse, offal, animal carcass or any similar matter of an unsightly or unsanitary nature, except as is otherwise provided or permitted by law.
(b) Individuals desiring to bring about implementation of the above section shall present in person or in writing, any complaints hereof to the office of the Director of Law or other City office as may be designated for such purpose.
(c) Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor upon the first offense and is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree upon any subsequent violations of this section. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Ord. 24-77. Passed 4-5-77.)