(A) Meters will be read monthly and bills will be rendered monthly according to the schedule of rates on file with the town. If a bill is not paid before the due date indicated on the bill, the customer will be considered delinquent and, at any time thereafter prior to the payment thereof, the town may, after serving notice, discontinue service in accordance to §§ 50.15 through 50.19. Failure to receive the bill shall not affect the right of the town to discontinue service for non-payment.
(B) All electric charges accrue to the customer rather than the premises. If a customer moves from premises where he or she has been supplied with electric service, he or she will be held responsible for the payment of all bills until he gives proper notice to the town that service is to be discontinued at said premises.
(C) Each bill shall be due upon receipt and payable at the customer service office of the town or at such other place as may be designated by the town. A late payment penalty may be added to any bill not paid by the due date printed on the bill. Past due penalties can be found herein § 52.27 and the applicable rate schedule on file at the Clerk-Treasurer's office.
(D) All charges for electric service, other than service charges, if any, shall be based on the registration of the meter or meters installed.
(E) The town shall make an effort to read meters at least once a month and such reading shall be prima facie evidence of the amount of electric used. If the town is temporarily unable to gain access to a customer's property, the customer shall be billed an estimated charge based on previous meter readings. The first billing made after the meter is read shall be adjusted according to the actual meter reading. No more than two estimated readings will be allowed. Failure to make meter available for three consecutive months will result in disconnection of service.
(F) Disputing the accuracy of a bill shall not be reason for nonpayment of the bill by the customer. The customer may pay a bill under protest, thus giving written notice that redress is being sought. Such written notice must be filed with the Town Clerk-Treasurer prior to the due date of the bill.
(G) All billing errors not related to faulty metering equipment may be adjusted to the known date of the error, or for a period of up to three years, whichever period is shorter, and billed or credited to the customer. Billing errors related to faulty metering equipment are addressed under "failure of meter".
(Ord. 2018-1, passed 3-21-2018)