§ 155.058  LOT STANDARDS.
   (A)   Subdivision lots shall be adequate for the type of development and land use proposed, and shall be in conformity with Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances’ provisions applicable thereto; provided that, the area of the lots shall meet the criteria set forth by the Health Officer.
   (B)   The lot size, width, depth and shape, grade location and orientation shall be in proper relation to street and block design and to existing and proposed topographical conditions.
   (C)   All lots shall abut on a street or place.
   (D)   (1)   Side lines of lots shall be at approximately right angles to straight streets and on radial lines on curved streets.
      (2)   Some variation from this rule is permissible, but pointed or very irregular lots should be avoided.
   (E)   Double frontage lots should not be platted; except that, where desired along no access streets or arterial streets, lots may face on an interior street and back on such thoroughfares. In that event a planting strip for a screen, at least 20 feet in width shall be provided along the back of each lot.
   (F)   The depth to width ratio of any single-family residential lot shall not be greater than three to one.
   (G)   Building lines shall conform to the front yard provisions of Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances or as directed by the Commission.
   (H)   Corner lots shall be sufficiently larger than interior lots to allow maintenance of building lines on both streets.
   (I)   Wherever possible, unit shopping centers, based upon sound development standards, should be designed in contract to the platting of lots for individual commercial use.
   (J)   Lots abutting a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream shall have additional minimum width or depth as required to provide an adequate building site and afford the minimum usuable area required by Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances for front, rear and side yards.
(Ord. passed 10-19-1977)