The change in office shall be made as follows. The Mayor and Council shall meet on the first regular meeting date in December of each year in which a municipal election is held and the outgoing officers and the outgoing members of the Council shall present their reports, and upon the old Council having completed its business up to the said time, the outgoing members of the Council shall surrender their offices to the incoming members, and the outgoing officers shall thereupon each surrender to his or her successor in office all property, records, papers and moneys, belonging to the same.
(1997 Code, § 1-511)
The newly elected Council shall convene at the regular place of meeting in the city on the first regular meeting in December of each year in which a municipal election is held immediately after the prior Council adjourns and proceed to organize themselves for the ensuing year. The Mayor elected for the new municipal year shall call the meeting to order. The Council shall then proceed to examine the credentials of its members and other elective officers of the city to see that each has been duly and properly elected, and to see that such oaths and bonds have been given as are required. After ascertaining that all members are duly qualified, the Council shall then elect one of its own body who shall be styled as “President of the Council.” The Mayor shall then nominate his or her candidates for appointive offices. He or she shall then proceed with the regular order of business. It is hereby made the duty of each and every member of the Council, or his or her successor in office, and of each officer elected to any office, to qualify prior to the first regular meeting in December following his or her election. All appointive officers shall qualify within two weeks following their appointments. Qualification for each officer who is not required to give bond shall consist in his or her subscribing and taking an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, the laws of the municipality and to perform faithfully and impartially the duties of his or her office, said oath to be filed in the office of the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer. Each officer who is required to give a bond shall file the required bond in the office of the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer with sufficient sureties, conditioned on the faithful discharge of the duties of his or her office, with the oath endorsed thereon.
(1997 Code, § 1-512)
(A) The meetings of the governing body shall be held at the Ella Missing Community Center. Regular meetings shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the hour of 7:30 p.m.
(B) A majority of all members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, but a fewer number may adjourn from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members. Unless a greater vote is required by law, an affirmative vote of at least one-half of the elected members shall be required for the transaction of any business.
(1997 Code, § 1-513)
Statutory reference:
Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-105
(A) Special meetings may be called by the Mayor, or by three members of the City Council, the object of which shall be submitted to the Council in writing. The call and object, as well as the disposition thereof, shall be entered upon the journal by the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer. On filing the call for a special meeting, the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer shall notify the Council members of the special meeting, stating the time and its purpose. Notice of a special meeting need not be given to a Council member known to be out of the state, or physically unable to be present. A majority of the members of the City Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and compel the attendance of the absent members. Whether a quorum is present or not, all absent members shall be sent for and compelled to attend.
(B) At the hour appointed for the meeting, the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer shall proceed to call the roll of members and announce whether a quorum is present. If a quorum is present, the City Council shall be called to order by the Mayor, if present, or if absent, by the President of the Council. In the absence of both the Mayor and the President of the Council, the City Council members shall elect a President pro tempore. All ordinances passed at any special meeting shall comply with procedures set forth in §§ 31.30 through 31.39.
(1997 Code, § 1-514)
Statutory reference:
Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-106
(A) (1) A meeting of an organization created under the Interlocal Cooperation Act or the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act or of the governing body of a risk management pool or advisory committee organized in accordance with the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act may be held by means of videoconferencing if:
(a) Reasonable advance publicized notice is given;
(b) Reasonable arrangements are made to accommodate the public’s right to attend, hear and speak at the meeting, including seating, recordation by audio or visual recording devices, and a reasonable opportunity for input such as public comment or questions to at least the same extent as would be provided if videoconferencing was not used;
(c) At least one copy of all documents being considered is available to the public at each site of the videoconference;
(d) At least one member of the governing body or advisory committee is present at each site of the videoconference; and
(e) No more than one-half of the governing body’s or advisory committee’s meetings in a calendar year are held by videoconference.
(2) Videoconferencing shall not be used to circumvent any of the public government purposes established in this subchapter.
(B) For purposes of this section, VIDEOCONFERENCING shall mean conducting a meeting involving participants at two or more locations through the use of audio-video equipment which allows participants at each location to hear and see each meeting participant at each other location, including public input. Interaction between meeting participants shall be possible at all meeting locations.
(1997 Code, § 1-515)
Statutory reference:
Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 84-1409, 84-1411
The governing body may make all ordinances, bylaws, rules, regulations and resolutions, not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Nebraska, as may be expedient for maintaining the peace, good government and welfare of the municipality and its trade, commerce and manufactories.
(1997 Code, § 1-601)
Statutory reference:
Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-505
Ordinances shall be introduced by members of the governing body in one of the following ways:
(A) With the recognition of the Mayor, a member may, in the presence and hearing of a majority of the members elected to the governing body, read aloud the substance of the proposed ordinance and file a copy with the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer for future consideration; or
(B) With the recognition of the Mayor, a member may present the proposed ordinance to the Clerk- Treasurer who, in the presence and hearing of a majority of the members elected to the governing body, shall read aloud the substance of the ordinance and file it for future consideration.
(1997 Code, § 1-602)
Resolutions and motions shall be introduced in one of the methods prescribed for the introduction of ordinances. After their introduction, they shall be fully and distinctly read one time in the presence and hearing of a majority of the members elected to the governing body. The issue raised by the resolution or motion shall be disposed of in accordance with the usage of parliamentary law adopted for the guidance of the governing body. A majority vote shall be required to pass any resolution or motion. The vote on any resolution or motion shall be by roll call vote.
(1997 Code, § 1-603)