   When it is necessary to hold an emergency meeting without reasonable advance public notice, the nature of the emergency shall be stated in the minutes and any formal action taken in such meeting shall pertain only to the emergency. Such emergency meetings may be held by means of electronic or telecommunication equipment. The provisions of § 31.08 shall be complied with in conducting emergency meetings. Complete minutes of such emergency meetings specifying the nature of the emergency and any formal action taken at the meeting shall be made available to the public by no later than the end of the next regular business day.
(1997 Code, § 1-505)
Statutory reference:
   Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 84-1411
§ 31.06 MINUTES.
   (A)   Each public body shall keep minutes of all meetings showing the time, place, members present and absent and the substance of all matters discussed.
   (B)   The minutes shall be public records and open to public inspection during normal business hours.
   (C)   Minutes shall be written and available for inspection within ten working days, or prior to the next convened meeting, whichever occurs earlier.
(1997 Code, § 1-506)
Statutory reference:
   Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 84-1412, 84-1413
§ 31.07 VOTES.
   (A)   Any action taken on any question or motion duly moved and seconded shall be by roll call vote of the public body in open session, and the record shall state how each member voted, or if the member was absent or not voting. The requirements of a roll call or viva voce vote shall be satisfied by the municipality utilizing an electronic voting device which allows the yeas and nays of each member of the governing body to be readily seen by the public.
   (B)   The vote to elect leadership within a public body may be taken by secret ballot, but the total number of votes for each candidate shall be recorded in the minutes.
(1997 Code, § 1-507)
Statutory reference:
   Authority or similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-616, 84-1413