The following goals and objectives are adopted to assist the staff in implementing this Transportation Systems Management (TSM) chapter and program:
(A) To promote maximum efficiency in the existing transportation system and to further the transportation goals of the Measure C Growth Management Program, Contra Costa's Congestion Management Program and the Bay Area Clean Air Plan by:
(1) Promoting and encouraging the use of transit, ridesharing, bicycling, walking, flexible work hours and telecommuting as alternatives to solo driving;
(2) Incorporating these goals and objectives into the land use review and planning process;
(3) Developing proactive programs and/or projects either alone or in conjunction with other jurisdictions, or with the city's Regional Transportation Planning Committee aimed at achieving these goals;
(4) Considering the incorporation into the transportation system of appropriate technology designed to facilitate traffic flow, provide transit and highway information, and provide trip generation alternatives; also, considering the incorporation of related technology ; and
(5) Cooperating with other jurisdictions, the private sector, and transit operators in planning and implementing transportation programs.
(B) To reflect an ongoing commitment to expand TSM efforts beyond employer-based trip reduction programs, in order to achieve traffic congestion management and air quality goals.
(C) To comply with applicable state and federal laws as well as with Measure C Growth Management Program requirements pertaining to TSM.
(D) To ensure the continuation of a proactive TSM program effort aimed at reducing vehicle trips, vehicle emissions and traffic congestion in the most efficient and cost effective manner.
(E) To participate, in conjunction with other jurisdictions and the Regional Transportation Planning Committee, in a proactive effort to support and develop projects which will achieve the Measure C TSM/TDM goals as described in the Regional Transportation Committee's Action Plan, the Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan, the Measure C Strategic Plan, the Congestion Management Plan and/or the Bay Area Clean Air Plan. Such participation may include, but not be limited to:
(1) Promotion and encouragement of the use of transit, ridesharing, bicycling, walking, flexible work hours, telecommuting or other alternatives to solo driving; and
(2) Projects incorporating appropriate technology designed to facilitate traffic flow, provide transit and highway information and related technology.
(F) To incorporate these goals into its land use review and planning process.
(Ord. 932-C-S, passed 12-9-97)