(A)   The Chief of Police shall furnish free of charge to every person operating a bicycle establish-ment a book known as the bicycle register in which shall be entered, in plain and legible handwriting, a record of every transaction for all bicycles or bicycle parts purchased, bartered, exchanged, or sold at such establishment. The entry shall be recorded at the time of the transaction and shall include the date, the description of the bicycle or part, the customer's name and address, and the signature of both the customer and the dealer's agent. The description of the bicycle shall include the make, model, style, color, serial number, and city license number, if previously licensed. In the event a used or secondhand bicycle which has not been licensed is tendered to the bicycle establishment, the buyer shall require the seller to obtain the approval of the Chief of Police to complete such sale or exchange. The dealer shall indicate on the face of the record under “remarks” the intended disposition of such bicycle as “held for resale,” “salvable for parts,” or “junked.” The operator of a bicycle establishment shall also enter in the bicycle register a record showing the disposition of each bicycle purchased, indicating whether such bicycle was resold or dismantled.
   (B)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to new bicycles or parts purchased by the dealer at wholesale.
('66 Code, § 4-1.405) (Ord. 352-A, passed 5-16-55; Am. Ord. 576-A, passed 3-25-63) Penalty, see § 4-1.501