§ 4-7-204. Districts established.
   (a)   Generally. There are established within the County the following special community benefit districts.
   (b)   Amberley Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The Amberley Special Community Benefit District consists of the community of Amberley, the limits of which are set forth on the following plats recorded among the land records of the County: Amberley (Plat 1, formerly Hollywood Acres) recorded in Liber 22 at Folio No. 34, as Plat Number 1040; Amberley (Plat 4, revision of lots 68-71, Block A, Plat No. 2) recorded in Liber 29 at Folio No. 16 as Plat Number 1452; Amberley (Plat 2, formerly Hollywood Acres) recorded in Liber 22, at Folio No. 36 as Plat Number 1041; Amberley (Plat 3, formerly Hollywood Acres) recorded in Liber 22, at Folio No. 22, at Folio No. 38, as Plat Number 1042; and Amberley (Plat 5) near St. Margarets recorded in Liber 40 at Folio No. 21, as Plat Number 2196.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquiring the property lying easterly of, adjacent and contiguous to St. Margaret's Road and Holly Drive as shown on a plat of a subdivision entitled "Plat 5 Amberley near St. Margarets," that property also being lots 1 through 11, inclusive, as shown on the aforesaid plat recorded among the land records of the County, in Liber 40, at Folio No. 21, the properties to be acquired and used as parkland for the benefit of the residents and property owners in the district.
      (3)   The special community benefit taxes collected within the district and related to the purpose set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection shall be used by the Amberley Community Association, Inc., or other body administering the affairs of the district, to defray the costs incurred or associated with the acquisition of the above-described property, including repayment of the loan, interest, taxes, and assessments as applicable, attorneys' fees, settlement costs, insurance, and maintenance expenses. On repayment of the loan the special community benefit taxes related to the purpose set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection shall be reduced to the amount required annually to defray the costs of taxes or assessments as applicable, insurance, and maintenance expenses.
      (4)   The district is also established for the purpose of maintaining and improving all community-owned property, other than community piers, and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out this purpose, including insurance costs and the repayment of any loans and interest thereon.
   (c)   Annapolis Roads Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Annapolis Roads Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Annapolis Roads as shown on the plats of Annapolis Roads recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 6, Folio Nos. 2 and 31; Plat Book No. 18, Folio No. 32; Plat Book No. 22, Folio No. 26; and Plat Book No. 23, Folio Nos. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, and 33, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber LNP 1631, Folio No. 190; Liber LNP 1645, Folio No. 221; Liber LNP 1693, Folio No. 373; and Liber LNP 1745, Folio No. 516, except for those lands within the limits of the City of Annapolis.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of construction, maintenance, improvement of, and snow removal from, non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs and lights, bulkheads, drainage ditches, and culverts; acquiring, improving, and maintaining community real and personal property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; providing special police protection; providing recreational activities directly related to the community; and funding the administrative expenses to carry out these purposes, including mailing expenses, secretarial costs, insurance costs, audit fees, attorney's fees, and the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Annapolis Roads Property Owners Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Annapolis Roads Special Community Benefit District.
   (d)   Arundel-on-the-Bay Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Arundel-on-the-Bay Special Community Benefit District are set forth on the plat of Arundel-on-the-Bay recorded among the land records of the County in Plat Book No. 9, Page 25.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of non-shore erosion prevention and protection; construction, maintenance, and repair of non-County-owned roads, paths, streets, signs, and streetlights; construction, maintenance, and repair of drainage ditches and culverts; acquisition, maintenance, and improvement of real property or any interest therein necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; providing snow removal; providing special police protection; the acquisition or lease of equipment necessary to accomplish the foregoing purposes; maintenance of recreational areas and the acquisition and maintenance of recreation equipment and facilities; and other expenses necessary for the administration and implementation of these purposes.
   (e)   Avalon Shores Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Avalon Shores Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Avalon Shores, Sections A and B, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Folio 36 and Plat Book 10, Folio 4 of the Plat Records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, and improving community-owned properties, buildings, easements, piers, and equipment; installing and maintaining lights on community-owned properties; acquiring or leasing equipment and repaying loans and interest to accomplish these activities; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including postage and mailing, auditing, insurance, and legal costs.
      (3)   The Avalon Shores Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Avalon Shores Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (f)   Bay Highlands Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Bay Highlands Special Community Benefit District are set forth on a plat recorded among the land records of the County on Plat No. 523, Plat Book No. 9, Folio No. 49.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads and storm drains; providing snow removal; maintenance of street lighting; providing special police protection; and construction on and maintenance and improvement of community property, including playground facilities and equipment, piers for fishing and crabbing, and landscaping and maintenance of public areas.
   (g)   Bay Ridge Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Bay Ridge Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the plats of Bay Ridge recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 3, Section 3, Folio No. 13; Plat Book No. 1, Section 1, Folio No. 6; Plat Book No. 8, Section 3, Folio No. 28; Plat Book No. 9, Section 4, Folio No. 5; and Plat Book No. 28, Page 50.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of providing for the salaries, expenses, and allowances for special police officers; acquisition, maintenance, and improvement of real property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including postage and mailing, insurance, legal costs, and the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Bay Ridge Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Bay Ridge Special Community Benefit District.
   (h)   Bayside Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Bayside Beach Special Community Benefit District are those properties within Maryland State Real Property Tax District 3-080.
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of maintaining and improving all community real and personal property owned by the Improvement Association of Bayside Beach, Inc., operating as Bayside Beach Improvement Association; and paying the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out this purpose, including insurance costs and the repayment of any loans and interest thereon.
      (3)   The Improvement Association of Bayside Beach, Inc., operating as Bayside Beach Improvement Association, a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Bayside Beach Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (i)   Beverly Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Beverly Beach Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the five plats of Beverly Beach, which are identified in the plat records of Anne Arundel County as Plats 323, 534, 625, 626 and 627.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance, protection, and repair of the community facilities, including docks, bulkheads, and the littoral currently leased from the County, and defraying the administrative costs associated with completion of the foregoing purpose, including repayment of any loan or interest and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Beverly Beach Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Beverly Beach Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (j)   Birchwood Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Birchwood Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Fernbrook as recorded in the plat records of the County in Plat No. 1289, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 39; Plat No. 1449, recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 21; Plat No. 1467, recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 31; and Plat No. 1656, recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 81.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and mowing the grass on community-owned property, including the waterfront areas, the pier and slip facilities, and the pavilion and covering administrative costs associated with these purposes, including the purchase of office supplies and the payment of insurance costs, utility costs, and administrative fees to the County. The district may not expend special community benefit taxes for bulkheading or dredging.
      (3)   The Birchwood Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Birchwood Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (k)   Bittersweet Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Bittersweet Special Community Benefit District are those properties, excluding lots 7 and 8, shown on the plat entitled Bittersweet, which plat is recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 30, Page 2.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of real property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; dredging to maintain access to the community pier area; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including postage and mailing, auditing, insurance, legal costs, and the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Bittersweet Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Bittersweet Special Community Benefit District.
   (l)   Broadwater Creek Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Broadwater Creek Special Community Benefit District are those properties that are identified by the following real property tax account numbers and addresses:
Property Address
Property Tax Account Number
Property Address
Property Tax Account Number
5652 Battee Dr
5640 Battee Dr
5650 Battee Dr
5644 Battee Dr
5648 Battee Dr
5656 Battee Dr
5660 Battee Dr
5614 Battee Dr
5610 Battee Dr
5709 Blaine Rd
5745 Blaine Rd
5749 Blaine Rd
5721 Blaine Rd
5701 Blaine Rd
5705 Blaine Rd
5711 Blaine Rd
5743 Blaine Rd
5739 Blaine Rd
5727 Blaine Rd
5747 Blaine Rd
5751 Blaine Rd
5719 Blaine Rd
5773 Blaine Rd
5715 Blaine Rd
5736 Blaine Rd
5742 Broadwater Creek Rd
5744 Broadwater Creek Rd
5700 Broadwater Creek Rd
5730 Broadwater Creek Rd
5734 Broadwater Creek Rd
5724 Broadwater Creek Rd
5716-20 Broadwater Creed Rd
5712 Broadwater Creek Rd
5738 Broadwater Creek Rd
5728 Broadwater Creek Rd
5726 Broadwater Creek Rd
836 Broadwater Rd
1032 Broadwater Rd
1030 Broadwater Rd
1100 Cherry Blossom Pkwy
1054 Diamond Dr
5611 Gunner Run Rd
5631 Gunner Run Rd
5623 Gunner Run Rd
5625 Gunner Run Rd
5621 Gunner Run Rd
5629 Gunner Run Rd
5627 Gunner Run Rd
5619 Gunner Run Rd
1104 Harbor Way
1100 Harbor Way
5639 Gunner Run Rd
1054 Rodgers Rd
1070 Rodgers Rd
1064 Rodgers Rd
1077 Rodgers Rd
1062 Rodgers Rd
1056 Rodgers Rd
1058 Rodgers Rd
1087 Rodgers R
1063 Rodgers R
1067 Rodgers Rd
1092 Rodgers Rd
1086 Rodgers Rd
1097 Rodgers Rd
1061 Rodgers Rd
1059 Rodgers Rd
1079 Rodgers Rd
1085 Rodgers Rd
1055 Rodgers Rd
5729 Shore Dr
5701 Shore Dr
5669 Shore Dr
5667 Shore Dr
5719 Shore Dr
5721 Shore Dr
5743 Shore Dr
5703 Shore Dr
5739 Shore Dr
5705 Shore Dr
5671 Shore Dr
5642 Battee Dr
5646 Battee Dr
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of maintaining any work performed on the Broadwater Creek entrance channel by Anne Arundel County, the State of Maryland, or the Army Corp of Engineers; maintaining work performed on Broadwater Creek under Anne Arundel County Capital Project Q498000, "Broadwater Creek Dredging"; and paying the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes.
      (3)   Broadwater Creek Coalition, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the criteria set forth in the Anne Arundel County Code, § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Broadwater Creek Special Community Benefit District.
   (m)   Cape Anne Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Cape Anne Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision of Cape Anne as shown on the plats of Cape Anne recorded among the land records of the County in Liber FSR 2, Page 12.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community property; providing community recreation activities; and paying the administrative expenses necessary to carry out these purposes, including insurance.
      (3)   The Cape Anne Citizens Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall administer the expenditures of the special community benefit assessments collected from the district.
   (n)   Cape St. Claire Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Cape St. Claire Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the plats of Cape St. Claire as recorded in the land records of the County in Plat No. 1, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 966, Book 21, Folio 38; Plat No. 2, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 967, Book 21, Folio 39; Plat No. 3, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 974, Book 21, Folio 45; Plat No. 4, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 975, Book 21, Folio 47; Plat No. 5, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 978, Book 21, Folio 48; Plat No. 6, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 981, Book 22, Folio 1; Amended Addition to Section D, Plat No. 6, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1081, Book 23, Folio 13; Amended Addition to Section BBB, Plat No. 6, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1110, Book 23, Folio 25; Addition to Section BBB, Plat No. 6, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1163, Book 24, Folio 6; Addition to Plats 6 and 7, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1164, Book 24, Folio 9; Plat No. 7, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 982, Book 22, Folio 2; Plat No. 8, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 985, Book 22, Folio 5; Plat No. 9, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 987, Book 22, Folio 6; Plat No. 10, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 988, Book 22, Folio 7; Plat No. 11, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1049, Book 22, Folio 42; Plat No. 12, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1173, Book 24, Folio 15; Plat No. 13, Cape St. Claire, Plat No. 1196, Book 24, Folio 25; Section 1, Cape St. Claire, Deep Creek Subdivision, Plat No. 1013, Book 22, Folio 20; Section 2, Cape St. Claire, Deep Creek Subdivision, Plat No. 1014, Book 22, Folio 21; Plat B, Persimmon Point, Plat No. 817, Book 19, Folio 42; Plat B, Persimmon Point, resubdivision of Lots 119 to 127, inclusive, Plat No. 938, Book 21, Folio 22; Plate B, Persimmon Point, resubdivision of Lots 1 to 6 and 23 to 26, inclusive, Plat No. 955, Book 21, Folio 32; Part of Plat C, Persimmon Point, Lots No. 300 to 321, Plat No. 939, Book 21, Folio 23; Revision Plat of Part of Plat C, Persimmon Point, showing resubdivision of Lots 311 to 321, inclusive, Plat No. 973, Book 21, Folio 43; That property known as 1108 River Bay Road, and more particularly described in a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 3542, Folio 468; That property known as 1110 River Bay Road, and more particularly described in a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 4096, Folio 823; That property known as 1112 River Bay Road, and more particularly described in a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 4603, Folio 656; That property known as 1114 River Bay Road, and more particularly described in a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 3970, Folio 691; and that property known as 1273 Swan Drive, and more particularly described in a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 2009, Folio 290.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance of community property, including lawn care, trash removal, repair, lighting, paving, and erosion prevention; special security for community property; acquisition, improvement, and construction of real and personal community property; and funding administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including mailing, secretarial, auditing, insurance, and legal costs.
      (3)   Notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-7-201(a), the district may acquire real property if approved in the budget for the district by a majority vote of property owners present at a meeting to adopt the budget, for which the board of the community association has duly given notice and at which there is a quorum.
      (4)   The Cape St. Claire Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Cape St. Claire Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (o)   Capetowne Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Capetowne Special Benefits District are those lands shown on Plat Numbers 4659 through 4662 at Plat Book 89, pages 34 through 37, as recorded in the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, improving, and removing snow from non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs and lights; acquiring, improving, and maintaining community real property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; providing recreational activities directly related to the community; and funding the administrative expenses to carry out these purposes, including mailing expenses, secretarial costs, insurance costs, audit fees, attorney's fees, and the repayment of any loan, including interest thereon.
      (3)   The Capetowne Homeowners Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Capetowne Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (p)   Carrollton Manor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Carrollton Manor Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Carrollton Manor, Plat Number 491, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Folios 23 and 24, in the plat records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community property, including the clubhouse and community beach; providing security for the community areas; and covering the expenses associated with the completion of the above purposes, including repayment of any loan and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Carrollton Manor Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Carrollton Manor Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (q)   Cedarhurst-on-the-Bay Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the district are those lands shown on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 69, Block 18 as Parcels 235, 236, 237, 559, 878, 879 and 880.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, and improving real property or an interest in real property for community projects, including but not limited to construction of community piers, storage sheds, and a community association building; acquiring and maintaining equipment and materials required to maintain and improve community property, including but not limited to beaches, parks, playground areas, parking lots, community-owned roads, and community piers; acquiring and maintaining recreational equipment for use on or improvements to community property; providing for special security protection to prevent rowdyism, vandalism, and trespassing on community property; providing for community recreation activities and benevolence; and paying the administrative expenses necessary to accomplish these purposes, including but not limited to liability insurance for community property, audit and bonding expenses, utility expenses, postage, attorneys' fees, and the ability to borrow funds and pledge assets in order to accomplish any of the purposes of the district.
      (3)   The Cedarhurst-on-the-Bay Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Cedarhurst Citizens Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (r)   Chartwell Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Chartwell Special Community Benefit District are set forth on the plats of the Chartwell, St. Andrews Hill, Chartwell-on-the Severn, and St. Ives subdivisions, as recorded in the land records of the County in Plat Book No. 31, Pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 63; Plat Book No. 35, Page 33; Plat Book No. 36, Page 31; Plat Book No. 37, Page 18; Plat Book No. 38, Page 14; Plat Book No. 39, Page 1; Plat Book No. 41, Pages 11 and 40; Plat Book No. 43, Page 25; Plat Book No. 46, Page 32; Plat Book No. 53, Page 23; Plat Book No. 62, Page 3; Plat Book No. 68, Page 9; Plat Book No. 71, Page 38; and Plat Book No. 84, Page 25.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of common areas; maintenance of recreational equipment and facilities; operation of a community security program; and the administrative expenses necessary to carry out these purposes.
      (3)   The Chartwell Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Chartwell Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (s)   Columbia Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Columbia Beach Special Community Benefit District are set forth on plats recorded among the land records of the County on Plat No. 633, Plat Book No. 11, Folio No. 18; Plat No. 639, Plat Book No. 11, Folio No. 24; and Plat No. 652, Plat Book No. 17, Folio No. 25.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of protecting the shoreline and providing slips and parking places for boats; patrolling private beach areas and private roads and preventing rowdyism, civil disturbance, vandalism, and trespassing; providing jetties for the bathing area and nets to protect bathers from jellyfish and nettles; providing lights for the private areas; maintaining private roads, including scuffing, ditch cleaning, branch removal, and snow removal; establishment and maintenance of a recreation area for the private use of the property owners; providing funds to maintain a community association building; and providing for the expenses necessary to administer these services.
   (t)   Crofton Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Crofton Special Community Benefit District are the areas known as:
         (i)   Crofton and Crofton Park and defined by a boundary starting at a point at the southwest corner of the Chapman property, at which point the property line meets Md. Rt. 3, thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Rt. 3 to the northern edge of the Pigeon House property thence easterly and thence southerly along such boundary to its junction with Md. Rt. 450, thence easterly along Md. Rt. 450 for 3,089.86 feet thence northerly on a bearing north 0 degrees 6 minutes 10 seconds east for 1,683 feet thence on a bearing south 60 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds east for 1,902.82 feet thence on a bearing north 70 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds east for 835 feet thence on a bearing north 66 degrees 8 minutes 20 seconds west for 642.9 feet thence on a bearing north 42 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds west for 237.81 feet thence on a bearing north 71 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds for 3,016.46 feet to its junction with Md. Rt. 424 thence northwesterly along Rt. 424 to the eastern corner of the Sterling property following such property line southwesterly thence northwesterly thence northeasterly until it again meets Rt. 424 thence continuing northwesterly along Rt. 424 to its junction with Rt. 3 thence southerly along Md. Rt. 3 to the north boundary of the Chapman property following such property line easterly then southerly then westerly to the point of beginning;
         (ii)   Crofton Orchards, defined by a boundary starting at an iron bar there found at the end of the south 78 degrees 12 feet west 3030.3 feet line of the conveyance of John A. Chaney and Benjamin F. Chaney, personal representatives of the estate of Lula M. Chaney to John A. Chaney by deed dated May 20, 1981, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Liber WGL 3411, page 33; thence leaving said beginning point, so fixed and running reversely, with a part of said line with meridian referred to Maryland Grid North as now surveyed: north 71 degrees 15 minutes 03 seconds east 1584.18 feet to an iron pipe now set at the northwesternmost corner of Mayfair Place point No. 1 as shown on courts of Crofton, Plat 2 Section 1, recorded among the plat records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Plat Book 64, page 32; thence leaving said point and running with the west side of Mayfair Place as aforesaid, the following two courses and distances, viz: south 19 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds east 228.27 feet to point No. 75; and south 25 degrees 37 minutes 34 seconds west 17.33 feet to point No. 77 on the west outline of the aforesaid Plat 2, Section 1, Courts of Crofton, thence running with and binding on part of said outline; south 18 degrees 44 minutes 57 seconds east 89.52 feet to point No. 78 on the west side of Mayfair Place the following two courses and distances, viz: south 64 degrees 22 minutes 28 seconds east 11.64 feet to point No. 74; and south 19 degrees 22 minutes 27 seconds east 332.48 feet to point No. 5 in the north 79 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds east 2370 feet line mentioned in the boundary line agreement between Gustave Kinder, Jr., and Ida Kinder, his wife, and Lula M. Chaney, widow, dated May 21, 1969, and recorded in Liber MSH 2269, Folio 396; thence leaving said Mayfair Place and running reversely, with part of said line as shown on a boundary survey plat by Dewberry, Nealon and Davis, Engineers and Surveyors dated August 1975; south 71 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds west 735.26 feet to the outline of Stonegate Village as shown on a plat recorded among the plat records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Plat Book 58 at page 35; thence leaving the aforesaid boundary line agreement and running with the outline of Stonegate Village, as aforesaid, the following two courses and distances, viz: north 23 degrees 18 minutes 18 seconds east 2.57 feet to a pipe found; and south 72 degrees 42 minutes 09 seconds west 243.20 feet, to an iron pipe now set, in the northernmost outline of Stonegate Village as aforesaid, thence running with the binding on the property line according to a deed dated December 5, 1974, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Liber 2723 at page 470 was granted and conveyed by Lula M. Chaney to Mae Chaney Turner, trustee, the following two courses and distances, viz: north 65 degrees 08 minutes 57 seconds west 616.23 feet to a pipe set; and north 53 degrees 14 minutes 57 seconds west 285.40 feet to the place of beginning, containing 19.99 acres of land, more or less as surveyed by McCrone, Inc.; being a part of said conveyance by John A. Chaney and Benjamin F. Chaney, personal representatives of the estate of Lula M. Chaney to John A. Chaney by deed dated May 20, 1981, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Liber WGL 3411, Folio 33.
         (iii)   Greens of Crofton, defined by a boundary starting at an iron pipe now set on the west side of Davidsonville Road, Maryland Route 424 (50 feet wide), said pipe marking the northeast corner of the Alton R. Kinder property, deed recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Liber 2920, Folio 622, thence binding reversely on the fourth and third lines of said deed description and referring the courses of this description to the Maryland State Grid Meridian: south 71 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds west 1579.02 feet; thence south 58 degrees 7 minutes 2 seconds east 455.92 feet, thence southerly establishing a new line of division ("line of division") between the herein described parcel and the retained portion of the Gustave and Ida Kinder, Jr. property described in deed recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber JHH 732, Folio 90; south 15 degrees, 26 minutes 51 seconds east 506.45 feet to intersect the northwest lot line of lot 11 of a subdivision entitled Bright Seat (unrecorded) said lot 11 owned by Randall E. and Alice F. Funk pursuant to deed recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber 3806, Folio 446, thence binding on part of said northwest lot line of lot 11 and binding on the fourth, fifth, sixth lines of deed described in Liber GTC 1163, Folio 534, being the same as the conveyance from Edward N.C. Bradley to John T. Hardisty, deed recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber 1768, Folio 164; south 37 degrees 28 minutes 20 seconds west 299.17 feet; thence south 25 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds west 165.30 feet; thence south 57 degrees 46 minutes 41 seconds west 165.42 feet, to a pipe found, thence binding on the east boundary lines of a subdivision entitled Stonegate Village recorded among the plat records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Plat Book 58, page 35; north 8 degrees 46 minutes 19 seconds west 198.43 feet to a pipe found; thence north 9 degrees 24 minutes 3 seconds east 150.11 feet to a pipe found; thence north 52 degrees 28 minutes 59 seconds west 77.44 feet; thence north 48 degrees 29 minutes 33 seconds west 127.95 feet to a pipe found; thence north 69 degrees 5 minutes 51 seconds west 115.90 feet; thence north 64 degrees 52 minutes 8 seconds west 114.89 feet; thence (13) north 54 degrees 15 minutes 24 seconds west 141.13 feet; thence north 23 degrees 19 minutes 4 seconds west 462.67 feet, thence binding on the line of agreement as set out in the boundary line agreement, made May 21, 1969, between Gustave and Ida Kinder, Jr. and Lula M. Chaney, said agreement being recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber 2269, Folio 396, said line also being the south boundary line of the John A. Chaney property recorded in Liber 3411, Folio 33, also being the south boundary line of a subdivision entitled Courts of Crofton recorded among the aforesaid plat records in Plat Book 64, pages 32 and 34, also being the south boundary line of the John A. and Elizabeth S. Chaney property, said property being described in deed recorded among the aforesaid land records in Liber 3243, Folio 648; north 71 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds east 2138.37 feet to the west side of Davidsonville Road, thence binding on same; south 15 degrees 51 minutes 19 seconds east 50.06 feet to the point of beginning, containing 17.175 acres of land, more or less; being the same property which by deed dated January 5, 1987, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber HES 4230, Folio 235 was granted and conveyed by Ida Kinder to Sulin Enterprises, Ltd.
   And further defined by a boundary starting at an iron pipe now set on the southwesternmost side of the state road from Bartgis Corner to Conway (known as Maryland Route No. 424, 50 feet wide) described in the conveyance by Russell C. Bartgis, et al., to the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County by deed dated November 20, 1940, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber JHH No. 228, Folio 32; and distant as measured along said side of said road, south 15 degrees 31 minutes 18 seconds east 50.07 feet from the intersection of the north 79 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds east 2370 feet, more or less, line shown on the plat of a survey of the line of agreement between Gustave Kinder and Lula M. Chaney prepared by J.R. McCrone, Inc., and filed in Case No. A-185 Law in the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County and described in the boundary line agreement made May 21, 1969, between Gustave Kinder, Jr., and Ida Kinder, his wife, and Lula M. Chaney, widow, recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber MSH No. 2269, Folio 396, with said side of the said state road; thence leaving said beginning point so fixed and running with said side of Maryland Route No. 424 with meridian referred to Anne Arundel County grid-south 15 degrees 31 minutes 18 seconds east 250.0 feet to an iron pipe now set; thence leaving said road and running through part of the conveyance by Edwards S. Barber and wife to Gustave Kinder, Jr., and wife by deed dated December 31, 1952, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber JHH No. 732, Folio 90, south 66 degrees 51 minutes 35 seconds west 1280.19 feet to an iron pipe now set; and thence north 58 degrees 09 minutes 10 seconds west 455.0 feet to an iron pipe now set; thence running parallel to and 50 feet easterly as measured at right angles from said line of agreement north 71 degrees 23 minutes 39 seconds east 1579.33 feet to the place of beginning, containing 10.002 acres, more or less; being the same property which by deed dated January 5, 1987, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber HES No. 4230, Folio 252 was granted and conveyed by Alton Robert Kinder to Sulin Enterprises, Ltd.
         (iv)   Crofton South, as identified on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 42, Block 18 as Parcel 102; and
         (v)   the Willows of Crofton, as identified on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 42, Block 24, as Parcel 75.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of providing special police protection; maintenance of public areas including entranceways and Crofton Parkway median strip; maintenance of recreation areas; maintenance of gas lights on public lands; the acquisition, improvement, and maintenance of community real and personal property approved by a majority vote of the general membership of the Crofton Civic Association, necessary to support and accomplish community-wide projects; provision of recreation programs and recreation activities that are limited to non-athletic community events; such other services as the Board of Directors of the Crofton Civic Association may have approved in its annual budget request as adopted by the County Council; and the expenses necessary to administer these services.
   (u)   Deale Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Deale Beach Special Community Benefit District are all properties within the Deale Beach Subdivision as shown on Plat No. 522 (dated 1935), recorded in the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber 9, Folio 50, and tax account number 7000-9010-9593 (5986 Fifth Street).
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose maintaining and improving community property, including the community hall and piers; paying the expenses associated with the community property; defraying the costs of community-wide services; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including office expenses, insurance, repayment of loans, and legal fees.
      (3)   The Deale Beach Citizens Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Deale Beach Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (v)   Eden Wood Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Eden Wood Special Community Benefit District are those lands identified as Parcels 141, 145, and 275 on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 43.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving the community-owned road and paying the administrative costs necessary to accomplish these purposes, including repayment of any loan and any insurance costs.
      (3)   The Eden Wood Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Eden Wood Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (w)   Epping Forest Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Epping Forest Special Community Benefit District are that portion of the subdivision known as Epping Forest as shown on the plat recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 1, pages 39 and 47 and Plat Book No. 2, page 3, and beginning for the same at a point where Clements Path leads to Clements Bay and running thence down Clements Plat and Clements Trail to Danseye Trail, thence along Danseye Trail to the intersection of the dividing line between lots No. 18 and 19 of Block 75, and including all those lands described in a deed dated September 18, 1972, recorded among the land records of the County at Liber 2524, page 52; and continuing from Danseye Trail at the intersection of the dividing line between lots No. 18 and 19 down Danseye Trail to Holly Trail, thence down Holly Trail to Clements Trail to Epping Way, thence up Epping Way to the intersection of the dividing line between lots No. 4 and 5 in Block 70, thence along the dividing line between lots No. 4 and 5 of Block 70 to the southeast corner of lot No. 5 in Block 70, thence along the dividing line between lots No. 5 and 23 and 6 and 24 to the intersection of the corners of lots No. 6, 7, 24, and 25; thence along the dividing line between lots No. 24 and 25 to Ramshorn Trail, thence down Ramshorn Trail to Chelmerford Trail to Salt Pan Bay; thence along the shoreline of Salt Pan Bay, the Severn River, and Clements Bay to the point of the beginning.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of construction, maintenance, and repair of all non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs, street or road lights, bulkheads, drainage ditches, and culverts in the special community benefit district, including paving and snow removal; acquisition, development, improvement, and maintenance of community real and personalproperty; establishment and operation of a community security program; maintenance and operation of community facilities and public works, including boat ramps, parking lots, beaches, parks, playgrounds, tennis courts, community-owned piers, and clubhouse, as well as sponsorship of community recreational events and gatherings; and providing for the administrative expenses necessary to accomplish these purposes, including liability insurance covering community property and community activities, audit and bonding expenses, postage, attorney's fees, and the repayment of loans obtained to accomplish any of the purposes of the special community benefit district.
      (3)   Epping Forest, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Epping Forest Special Community Benefit District.
   (x)   Fair Haven Cliffs Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Fair Haven Cliffs Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the original plat of Fair Haven Cliffs recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book WMB, No. 1, Folio 26, with the exception of a parcel three feet square at the extreme southwest corner of lot Number 16 in Block A of the subdivision and conveyed unto Lansdale G. Sasscer by deed recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Liber FSR 44, 237.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance, repair, and general improvements to non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, drainage ditches, and culverts; maintenance and improvement of community property; and payment of the administrative expenses to carry out these purposes, including insurance, audit fees, attorney's fees, and the repayment of any loans.
      (3)   Fair Haven Cliffs, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Fair Haven Cliffs Special Community Benefit District.
      (4)   In this subsection, "development" means breaking, grading, or movement of ground under a State or County permit. Lots 1 to 19 of Block G, lots 21 to 24 of Block G, and lots 1 to 18 of Block H, as shown on the plat of Fair Haven Cliffs, are not subject to a special community benefit tax levy until development is commenced on the lots, part of the lots, or on any undeveloped rights-of- way adjacent to or subservient to the lots, including Ridge Avenue, Park Place, and Valley Avenue.
   (y)    Felicity Cove Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Felicity Cove Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on Maryland Department of Planning Map 69, parcel 66, updated to November 2003, and property tax account 7000-9004-1956.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of funding improvements, repairs, and maintenance of community land and pier properties; improvements, repairs, and maintenance of community roads; community benevolent projects and recreation activities; and Felicity Cove Association, Inc.'s operating and administrative expenses.
      (3)   The Felicity Cove Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Felicity Cove Special Community Benefit District.
   (z)   Franklin Manor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Franklin Manor Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the original plat of Franklin Manor Beach recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 15, Folio 4.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the acquisition, maintenance, and improvement of real property or any interest therein to accomplish community projects, including but not limited to the construction of community piers, storage sheds, and an association building; the acquisition and maintenance of equipment necessary to maintain and improve community property, including but not limited to beaches, parks, playground areas, boat ramps, parking lots, community- owned roads, and community piers; the acquisition and maintenance of recreational equipment; providing special police protection for security and to prevent rowdyism, vandalism, and trespassing on community-ownedproperty; and the administrative expenses necessary to accomplish these purposes, including but not limited to liability insurance for community property, audit and bonding expenses, utility expenses, postage, attorneys' fees, and the repayment of loans obtained in order to accomplish any of the purposes of the district.
      (3)   The Franklin Manor Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Franklin Manor Citizens' Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (aa)   Gibson Island Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Gibson Island Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Gibson Island as shown on the plats of Gibson Island recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 4, Folio Nos. 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49; and Plat Book No. 10, Folio Nos. 10, 11, and 12.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the construction, maintenance, and repair of non-County-owned roads, streets, causeways, alleys, sidewalks, street or road signs, street or road lights, drainage ditches, storm drains, and culverts; shore erosion control, prevention, protection, and repair; acquisition, improvement, maintenance, and construction of community owned real and personal property; trash, recycling, and yard waste collection and removal; community security; and the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including repayment of any loan, interest thereon, and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Gibson Island Corporation, a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Gibson Island Special Community Benefit District.
   (bb)   Greenbriar II Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Greenbriar II Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plat entitled "Amended Re-subdivision of blocks A1 and C1, Greenbriar" as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 159, Page 44.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of real property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects and common benefit of the properties in the district and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including postage and mailing, auditing, insurance, and legal costs.
      (3)   The Greenbriar II Homeowners Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Greenbriar II Special Community Benefit District.
   (cc)   Greenbriar Gardens Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Greenbriar Gardens Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plat entitled "Greenbriar Subdivision," Plat 2395, as recorded among the plat records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 44, Folio 20.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of real property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including postage and mailing, auditing, insurance, and legal costs.
      (3)   The Greenbriar Gardens Citizen's Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Greenbriar Gardens Special Community Benefit District.
   (dd)   Herald Harbor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Herald Harbor Special Community Benefit District are the lands described in a deed dated July 1, 1924, recorded among the land records of the County at Liber WNW No. 89, Folio No. 224, and in a deed dated July 1, 1924, recorded at Liber WNW No. 89, Folio No. 230.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of construction, maintenance, and repair of non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, street or road signs, street or road lights, drainage ditches, and culverts.
   (ee)   Heritage Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Heritage Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on Plat 1730, recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 32, page 55, and those lands shown on Plat 1731, recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 32, page 56.
      (2)   The purposes of the district are to maintain, improve, repair, and replace community real and personal property, to operate the community's pool facility, and to defray associated costs, including the acquisition and repayment of any loans and interest on the loans, insurance costs, accounting fees, legal expenses, and other administrative expenses.
      (3)   The Heritage Pool and Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Heritage Special Community Benefit District.
   (ff)   Hillsmere Estates Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Hillsmere Estates Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Hillsmere Estates as shown on the plats of Hillsmere Estates recorded among the plat records of the County as "Section 1" in Plat Book No. 23, Folio No. 14; "Plat 1, Section 2" in Plat Book No. 23, Folio No. 26; "Plat 2, Section 2" in Plat Book No. 23, Folio No. 47; "Plat 1, Section 3" in Plat Book No. 25, Folio No. 7; "Plat 2, Section 3" in Plat Book No. 25, Folio No. 8; and "Plat 1, Section 4" in Plat Book No. 31, Folio No. 23.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of construction, maintenance, and repair of, and snow removal from, non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs, street or road lights, bulkheads, drainage ditches, and culverts; maintenance of community areas; acquisition, development, improvement, and maintenance of community real and personal property; establishment and operation of a community security program; and covering the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including postage and mailing, auditing, insurance, and legal costs.
   (gg)   Hollywood on the Severn Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Hollywood on the Severn Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Hollywood on the Severn, recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 24, Folio 48, Plat 1224; Plat Book 23, Folio 16, Plat 1094; and Plat Book 65, Page 11, Plat 3436.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining, acquiring, constructing, and improving community real and personal property, including waterfront areas and pier; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including insurance costs and the repayment of any loan and interest thereon.
      (3)   Hollywood-on-Severn Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Hollywood on the Severn Special Community Benefit District.
   (hh)   Homewood Community Association Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Homewood Community Association Special Community Benefit District are those properties within Maryland State Real Property Tax District 3-908.
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of maintaining and improving community property, including easements, road into the community area, pier, boat ramp, riprap, drainage ditches and culverts, and the community beach; and defraying the administrative costs associated with these purposes, including postage and mailings, repayment of any loan and interest thereon, auditing, insurance, County administrative charges, and legal costs.
      (3)   The Homewood Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Homewood Community Association Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (ii)   Idlewilde Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Idlewilde Special Community Benefit District are those properties within Maryland State Real Property Tax District 7-465.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community real and personal property; acquiring and maintaining community personal property; providing community recreational activities; and defraying the costs associated with these purposes, including repayment of any loan, including interest thereon, administrative fees, and insurance costs.
      (3)   The Idlewilde Civic League, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Idlewilde Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (jj)   Hunter’s Harbor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Hunter’s Harbor Special Community Benefit District are set forth on the plat of Hunter’s Harbor recorded among the land records of the County in Plat Book No. 25, Page 19, Plat No. 1267.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquisition, maintenance, and improvement of community beaches and recreation areas, including piers, bulkheads, boat ramps, playgrounds, parking lots, and roads; acquisition and maintenance of recreation equipment and facilities; acquisition and maintenance of equipment necessary to maintain beaches and recreation areas and improvements; establishing and operating a community security program; and miscellaneous expenses such as liability insurance, repayment of loans and interest used for financing major acquisitions and improvements, utility expenses, and sanitary facilities.
      (3)   In this subsection, “development” means breaking, grading, or movement of ground under a State or County permit. The following properties will not be subject to a special community benefit tax levy until development is commenced on the properties or any part of the properties: lot No. 7; lot No. 17; lot No. 18; lot No. 20; lot No. 24; the southeast half of lot No. 45; the northwest half of lot No. 45; lot No. 49; lot No. 50; lot No. 53; lot No. 60; a .031-acre portion of lot No. 68; a .405-acre portion of lot No. 68; lot No. 79; lot No. 98; lot No. 118; and a 29-foot × 49.95-foot parcel of land owned by Ellsworth Myer.
      (4)   The Hunter’s Harbor Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Hunter’s Harbor Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (kk)   Indian Hills Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Indian Hills Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Winchester Estates as recorded in the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 33, Folios 57 and 58, and Plat Book No. 42, Folio No. 42; those lands shown on the plats of Glen Eden as recorded
in the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 187, Pages 29, 30, and 31, Plats 9004, 9005 and 9006; and those lands shown on Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 39, updated to September 30, 1999, as Parcel 75 and Parcel 150, Lot 2.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of certain community-owned property and improvements within the boundaries of the district, including resurfacing and sealing of the existing tennis courts; installation of drainage pipe and drainage systems; installation of a basketball court; renovation of the log cabin by removing partitions, paneling walls, installing new windows, repairing ceilings, repairing and carpeting floor, correcting water problem in the basement, installing a new septic system, installing, replacing, and repairing recreation equipment as necessary; and renovation and reconstruction of the community pool and its related facilities, including all related equipment, and the payment of the pool’s yearly operational and maintenance expenses.
      (3)   Special community benefit taxes collected for the district shall be used to defray the costs of construction, including the repayment of any loans and interest therefor, and the maintenance of facilities in accordance with a budget of the Indian Hills Community Association, Inc.
   (ll)   Kensington Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Kensington Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Benfield Manor, Plat Book 32, Folio 42, as recorded in the Plat Records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community property; providing for insect and pest control; providing necessary insurance coverages; and to defray the costs associated with completion of this subsection.
      (3)   The Kensington Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Kensington Special Community Benefit District.
   (mm)   Landhaven Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Landhaven Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Landhaven, Plat No. 1829, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County at Plat Book 33, Folio 54.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of soil erosion control on community- owned property; maintenance of community-owned property, including grass cutting and snow removal; new playground equipment and sidewalk construction on community-owned property; payment of front foot assessments on community-owned property; and administrative costs associated with these purposes, including insurance costs, office supplies, and administrative fees to the County.
      (3)   The Landhaven Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Landhaven Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (nn)   Little Magothy River Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Little Magothy River Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown in the consolidated property file of the State Department Of Assessments and Taxation as:
Tax Account Number
Street Address
Tax Account Number
Street Address
1305 Bay Head Road
1306 Bay Head Road
1310 Bay Head Road
1312 Bay Head Road
1316 Bay Head Road
1320 Bay Head Road
1326 Bay Head Road
1327 Bay Head Road
1348 Bay Head Road
Harmony Lane
1336 Harmony Lane
1334 Harmony Lane
1330 Harmony Lane
1328 Harmony Lane
1324 Harmony Lane
1320 Harmony Lane
1318 Harmony Lane
1316 Harmony Lane
1312 Harmony Lane
1310 Harmony Lane
1306 Harmony Lane
1304 Harmony Lane
1300 Harmony Lane
1301 Harmony Lane
1580 Bay Head Road
1578 Bay Head Road
1576 Bay Head Road
1626 Bay Head Road
1620 Bay Head Road
1622 Bay Head Road
Pintail Lane, 19 acres
Snow Goose Lane, 3.74 acres
985 Hillendale Drive
987 Hillendale Drive
989 Hillendale Drive
991 Hillendale Drive
993 Hillendale Drive
995 Hillendale Drive
997 Hillendale Drive
999 Hillendale Drive
1132 Long Point Terrance
1130 Long Point Terrance
1128 Long Point Terrance
1126 Little Magothy View
1122 Little Magothy View
1120 Little Magothy View
1118 Little Magothy View
1116 Little Magothy View
1114 Little Magothy View
1112 Little Magothy View
1110 Little Magothy View
1108 Little Magothy View
1106 Little Magothy View
1104 Little Magothy View
1102 Magothy Circle
1100 Magothy Circle
1098 Magothy Circle
1096 Magothy Circle
1094 Magothy Circle
1092 Magothy Circle
1090 Magothy Circle
1088 Little Magothy View
1084 Little Magothy View
1080 Little Magothy View
1078 Little Magothy View
1076 Little Magothy View
1074 Little Magothy View
1072 Little Magothy View
1070 Little Magothy View
1066 Little Magothy View
1064 Little Magothy View
1233 Dietrich Way
1231 Dietrich Way
1229 Dietrich Way
1227 Dietrich Way
1225 Dietrich Way
1223 Dietrich Way
1221 Dietrich Way
1062 Little Magothy View
1060 Little Magothy View
1058 Little Magothy View
1290 Swan Drive
1286 Swan Drive
1284 Swan Drive
1282 Swan Drive
1280 Swan Drive
1278 Swan Drive
1276 Swan Drive
1274 Swan Drive
1272 Swan Drive
1270 Swan Drive
1268 Swan Drive
1266 Swan Drive
1262 Swan Drive
1260 River Bay Road
Swan Drive
1256 River Bay Road
1254 River Bay Road
1252 River Bay Road
1250 River Bay Road
1248 River Bay Road
1246 River Bay Road
1242 River Bay Road
1240 River Bay Road
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of providing for maintenance of the work performed on the Little Magothy River entrance channel under Wetlands License No. 01-1614 R, Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works, State of Maryland Board of Public Works, Wetlands Administration, and Department of the Army Permit CENAB-OP-R (AA DPW/Little Magothy River Dredging) 01-63542-1, or to maintain work performed in 2002 on the bulkhead protecting the entrance channel to the Little Magothy River, which projects were completed under Anne Arundel County Capital Project Number Q497800, Little Magothy River dredging and paying the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out this purpose.
      (3)   The Little Magothy River Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Little Magothy River Special Community Benefit District.
   (oo)   Loch Haven Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Loch Haven Special Community Benefit District are those lands, lots, and parcels shown on the following plats recorded among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County: Loch Haven Beach, recorded in Plat Book 19, Folio 19; Loch Haven Beach, Section 2, recorded in Plat Book 19, Folio 47; Cape Loch Haven, recorded in Plat Book 22, Folio 15; Loch Haven Beach, Section 2, Revision, recorded in Plat Book 22, Folio 31; and Loch Haven Beach, Section 2, Revision, recorded in Plat Book 23, Folio 11.
      (2)   The purposes of the district are to maintain, construct, improve, develop, acquire, replace, repair, and protect community-owned real property and improvements, including dredging, erosion control, lighting, security systems, security patrols, and utilities improvements; to provide for the construction, dredging, and maintenance of the community pier, boat slips, boat launch ramp, and other community-owned property; and to provide for the administrative implementation and operating expenses incidental and necessary to carrying out these purposes, such as insurance, legal fees, and taxes, including the ability to borrow funds and pledge assets in order to accomplish any of the purposes of the district and the repayment of any loan, including the interest thereon.
      (3)   The Loch Haven Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Loch Haven Special Community Benefit District.
   (pp)   Long Point on the Severn Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Long Point on the Severn Special Community Benefit District are those properties shown on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 38 and bounded on the west beginning with the land described in deeds recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 3232, Folio 647 (Parcel 258) and Liber 1712, Folio 006 (Parcel 193) and extending eastward to the termination of the Long Point peninsula on the Severn River as shown on Plat Book 30, Folio 8. This includes those lands shown on the plats recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book 6, Folio 42, and Plat Book 30, Folio 8.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of providing snow removal from non- County-owned roads and streets and construction, maintenance, and repair of non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, drainage ditches, culverts, and drainage facilities.
      (3)   The Long Point on the Severn Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Long Point on the Severn Civic Association, Inc., a civic association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (qq)   Magothy Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Magothy Beach Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Magothy Beach in Plat Book 2, Folio 20 and Folio 46; Plat Book 4, Folio 11; and, Plat Book 14, Folio 41, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of improvement, maintenance, and repair of real property, including recreational property and privately owned streets and roads, intended for the common benefit of properties in the district and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities.
      (3)   The Lower Magothy Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Magothy Beach Special Community Benefit District.
   (rr)   Magothy Forge Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Magothy Forge Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the plats of Magothy Forge recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 24, at Page 1.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving the community beach area; paying the front foot assessment for community-owned property; and paying the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including liability insurance.
      (3)   The Magothy Forge Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Magothy Forge Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (ss)   Manhattan Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Manhattan Beach Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 32 E as Parcels 415 and 416; that portion of Parcel 243 lying south of Magothy Road; the plats of Manhattan Beach, Manhattan Manor, Manhattan Woods, Oak Grove, Buckingham Estates, and Windrush Farm. Also included are those lands shown on the Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 32 H as Parcels 31, 34, 38, and 45; and that portion of Parcel 148 lying north of Diving Creek Road and Jones Station Road.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of improving and maintaining any and all community property within the confines of the taxing district, including but not limited to the beaches, clubhouse, ramps, wetlands, and recreational areas; providing for operational expenses, insurance, and other expenditures that would assist in improving and maintaining the community property and funding any additional community capital projects as determined by the community through the annual budget process.
      (3)   The Manhattan Beach Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Manhattan Beach Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (tt)   Mason Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Mason Beach Special Community Benefit District are those properties located within Maryland State Real Property Tax District 7-516.
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of improving and maintaining any and all community real and personal property; and providing for the administrative expenses necessary to accomplish these purposes, including repayment of any loan, interest thereon, and any insurance costs.
      (3)   Mason’s Beach Citizens Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the criteria set forth in the Anne Arundel County Code, § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Mason Beach Special Community Benefit District.
   (uu)   Mayo Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Mayo Special Community Benefit District are all those lands within the following metes and bounds: Beginning for the same at a point on the shore of Larkington Cove where the division line between the subdivisions of Loch Haven and Larkington intersects said shore; and running from thence with said line, in a southerly direction to the line of the VonAscheberg property; thence with the same, in a westerly and southerly direction to where said line intersects Mayo State Road; thence crossing said road and continuing with the line of the VonAscheberg property in a southerly direction to the head of Bear Creek; thence with the waters of Bear Creek, Whitemarsh Creek, Rhodes River, Chesapeake Bay, South River and Brewers Creek, to the place of beginning, being within the first district of the County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of mosquito control.
   (vv)   Mil-Bur Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Mil-Bur Special Community Benefit District are set forth on the plats of Mil-Bur, Mil-Bur Addition, and the W.L. Cook Subdivisions as recorded in the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 32, Page 88-90; Plat Book 125, Page 20; and Plat Book 225, Page 50.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, operating, and improving all community real and personal property and facilities, and defraying the administrative costs necessary to accomplish this purpose, including the repayment of any loan, interest thereon, and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Mil-Bur Club, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Mil-Bur Special Community Benefit District.
   (ww)   North Beach Park Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the North Beach Park Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as North Beach Park as shown on the plats recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 2, Folio No. 13; and Plat Book No. 2, Folio Nos. 36 and 37.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of mosquito control; payment of the salary, expenses, and allowances for a special police officer; and maintenance and improvement of community-owned property.
      (3)   The Holland Point Citizens Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the criteria set forth in the Anne Arundel County Code, § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the North Beach Park Special Community Benefit District assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (xx)   Owings Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Owings Beach Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Owings Beach as shown on the plat of Owings Beach recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 15, Folio No. 26.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the construction, maintenance, and repair of, and snow removal from, non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs, street or road lights, bulkheads, drainage ditches, and culverts and the maintenance of community areas.
   (yy)   Owings Cliffs Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Owings Cliffs Special Community Benefit District are those properties within Maryland State Real Property Tax District 8-597.
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of maintaining, acquiring, and improving real and personal property, including roads, that the community owns or has the legal right to use; and defraying the administrative costs associated with these purposes, including office expenses, insurance, repayment of loans, and legal fees.
      (3)   The Owings Cliffs Citizens Association Ltd., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Owings Cliffs Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (zz)   Oyster Harbor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Oyster Harbor Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Oyster Harbor as shown on the plats of Oyster Harbor recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 22, Folio Nos. 9, 16, and 22.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the construction, maintenance, and repair of, and snow removal from, non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs, street or road lights, bulkheads, drainage ditches, and culverts; the maintenance of community areas; establishing and operating a community security program; and dredging.
      (3)   The Oyster Harbor Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Oyster Harbor Citizens Association, Inc., a community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (aaa)   Parke West Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the district are those lands shown on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 15, Block 9 as Parcels 431 and 1048; Map 15, Block 10 as Parcels 446, 447, and 448; and Map 15, Block 16 as Parcels 171, 351, and 1082.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and materials required to maintain and improve community property, including but not limited to parks, playground areas, parking lots, and community-owned roads; the acquisition and maintenance of recreational equipment for use on or improvements to community property; the provision of special security protection to prevent rowdyism, vandalism, and trespassing on property within the community; and to pay the administrative expenses necessary to accomplish these purposes, including but not limited to liability insurance on community property, audit and bonding expenses, utility expenses, postage, and printing.
      (3)   The Parke West Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Parke West Homeowners Association, Inc.
   (bbb)   Pine Grove Village Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Pine Grove Village Special Community Benefit District are those lands known as Pine Grove (Homes) Village and Cottage Grove Beach and identified on Maryland State
Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 11 (revised to May 1997) as Parcel 224 and Map 17 (revised to May 1997) as Parcels 488, 489, 491, and 497.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining community-owned property and paying the associated administrative costs, including payment of any insurance costs and utilities.
      (3)   The Pine Grove Village Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Pine Grove Village Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (ccc)   Pines on the Severn Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The properties to be included in the proposed Pines on the Severn Special Community Benefit District are all properties within Maryland State Real Property Tax Districts 3-656 and 3-426.
      (2)   The purposes of the district are to maintain, acquire, and improve community property; provide community security; and pay the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including office expenses, insurance, repayment of loans, and legal fees.
      (3)   The Pines Community Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Pines on the Severn Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (ddd)   The Provinces Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of The Provinces Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of The Provinces, excluding Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11, which are identified on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 14 as Parcels 732, 744, 652 and 753.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community properties to include Lake Marion Park and other common areas owned by The Provinces Civic Association; maintaining and improving subdivision signs; funding community recreation activities; and funding the administrative costs related to the special community benefit district, including insurance.
      (3)   The Provinces Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by The Provinces Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (eee)   Queens Park Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the district are those lands shown on the plats of Queens Park, Sections 1 and 2, and Queens Park, Cambridge Crossing Addition, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County, and further identified as Parcels 79, 158, 537, 538, and 539 on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map Number 17.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community property, including playground facilities and equipment; providing community services; and defraying the administrative expenses connected with these activities.
      (3)   The Queens Park Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Queens Park Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (fff)   Rockview Beach/Riviera Isles Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Rockview Beach/Riviera Isles Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on Maryland Department of Planning Map 17 (updated to September 2002), as Parcels 442, 443, 476, 477, 510, and 511.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community real and personal property and paying the administrative costs associated with the completion of the above, including insurance, utilities, printing, postage, and the repayment of any loan and the interest thereon.
      (3)   The Rockview Beach/Riviera Isles Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Rockview Beach/Riviera Isles Special Community Benefit District.
   (ggg)   Scheides Cove Community Association Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Scheides Cove Community Association Special Community Benefit District are those properties that are identified by the following real property tax account numbers and addresses:
Property Address
Property Tax Account Number
Property Address
Property Tax Account Number
909 Mallard Circle
905 Mallard Circle
901 Mallard Circle
897 Mallard Circle
893 Mallard Circle
889 Mallard Circle
885 Mallard Circle
881 Mallard Circle
662 Quail Run
666 Quail Run
670 Quail Run
892 Pine Trail
888 Pine Trail
884 Pine Trail
880 Pine Trail
870 Pine Trail
868 Pine Trail
730 Pine Trail
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of ensuring that the channel and entrance from the Magothy River to Scheides Cove remains a navigable waterway to accommodate vessels with a draft of up to 42 inches, serving those properties within Scheides Cove as well as those bordering said channel and entrance; preserving and enhancing the maritime and environmental qualities of Scheides Cove; providing sand when and where allowable for all Association members’ beaches that surround the entrance to Scheides Cove, using dredged sand that accumulates in the entrance of the Cove; defraying the costs associated with the completion of the above, including the repayment of any loan, interest thereon, and any permitting or administrative costs associated with carrying out these purposes; and seeking funding from any federal, State, County, or other source that may be available to defray the costs associated with carrying out the objectives and purposes of the Scheides Cove Community Association Special Community Benefit District, as well as from property owners within said district.
      (3)   The Scheides Cove Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Scheides Cove Community Association Special Community Benefit District.
   (hhh)   Selby on the Bay Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Selby on the Bay Special Community Benefit District are those lands identified as Parcels 27 to 34, 36, 37, 386, 388 to 395, 404, 429, 454, 497, and 511 on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 60 (revised to May 1997), also known as Selby on the Bay, Selby Heights, and North Selby, and generally referred to as the Selby Community.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, and improving real and personal property, including beaches, parks, buildings, easements, recreation equipment, signs, lights, and other equipment, or any interest therein, necessary to carry out community-wide projects approved by the property owners in the district; providing recreational activities directly related to the Selby Community; paying the costs of special police officers and a security patrol; and paying the administrative costs associated with the purposes described in this subsection, including repayment of any loan and interest thereon, insurance costs, utility costs, postage, audit costs, and legal costs.
      (3)   The Selby Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall administer the expenditures of the special community benefit assessments collected from the district.
   (iii)   Severn Grove Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the proposed Severn Grove Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Severn Grove, Plat Book 8, Page 41, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of maintaining and improving all real and personal property owned by the Severn Grove Improvement Association, Inc.; providing community recreational activities; and paying all costs associated with these purposes, including office expenses, postage and mailing, the repayment of any loans, insurance costs, legal and audit fees, administrative fees to the County, and bonding expenses.
      (3)   The Severn Grove Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Severn Grove Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (jjj)   Severna Forest Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Severna Forest Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on plats one through seven of Severna Forest and recorded in the plat records of the County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purposes of spraying for gypsy moths, maintaining, repairing, improving, and replacing community real and personal property, facilities and accesses thereto, and defraying associated costs, including the acquisition and repayment of any loans and interest on the loans, insurance costs, accounting fees, legal expenses, and other administrative expenses.
      (3)   The Severna Forest Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Severna Forest Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (k-3)   Severndale Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Severndale Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the plats of Severndale recorded among the plat records of the County in Liber 30, Folio 100; Liber 31, Folio 21; and Liber 32, Folio 32.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the provision of maintenance and repair for community areas and property, both real and personal including beach property, pier, road and right-of-way to beach, lighting, sanitary facilities, and community signs and payment of administrative expenses associated with these purposes and the administration of the district, including postage, mailing, auditing, and insurance.
   (lll)   Sherwood Forest Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Sherwood Forest Special Community Benefit District are all those lots of ground shown on the official plats of Sherwood Forest, being Plats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, being recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book 7, Folios 30 through 36; revised Plat 7, being recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book 21, Folio 49; Plat 9, being recorded among the plat records of the County in Liber 31, Folio 20; and Plat 10, being recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book 34, Folio 49; any and all property conveyed to the Sherwood Forest Company or the Sherwood Forest Club, Inc., by a deed from Redmond C. Stewart, dated July 13, 1972, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 2506, Folio 207 and the confirmatory and quitclaim deed from Redmond C. Stewart to the Sherwood Forest Company dated March 25, 1980, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 3570, Folio 635, a portion of which is known as the Clumber Subdivision as shown on a plat entitled “Clumber”, recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book 40, Folio 35; all of that property of the Sherwood Forest Water Company which property was conveyed to the Sherwood Forest Water Company by a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 2585, Folio 371; and in Liber 3045, Folio 752; and all of those properties conveyed to the Sherwood Forest Club as set forth in a deed from Redmond C. Stewart recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 1331, Folio 550, and a deed and agreement from Redmond C. Stewart recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 1331, Folio 557, and the agreement with Redmond C. Stewart recorded among the land records of the County in Liber 1567, Folio 204.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of providing total administration, personnel, operation, maintenance, and repair or replacement of all community facilities and property, including recreational areas and all community buildings, roads, providing security, erosion control, snow removal, and solid waste collection; purchasing, leasing, developing, or constructing real property; purchasing or leasing, operating, and maintaining vehicles, tools, and other equipment used in carrying out the purposes of the district; and payment of all legal, administrative, and organizational expenses of the district.
      (3)   The Sherwood Forest Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Sherwood Forest Club, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (mmm)   Shoreham Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Shoreham Beach Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Shoreham Beach as shown on the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 10, Folio No. 20; Plat Book No. 10, Folio No. 37; and Plat Book No. 11, Folio No. 11.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of providing for the acquisition, construction, maintenance, improvement, and repair of community property or any area in which the community has any interest in real property, and community-wide projects, including, but not limited to, streets, pathways, easements, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, signs, drainage ditches, boat ramps, piers, groins, bulkheads, breakwaters, and lighting; community security; shore erosion control; and any administrative costs incidental to the foregoing purposes, including the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Shoreham Beach Citizens Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Shoreham Beach Special Community Benefit District in furtherance of the purposes of the district.
   (nnn)    Snug Harbor Special Community District.
      (1)   The limits of the Snug Harbor Special Community Benefit District are those lands described in a deed dated August 31, 1953, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber JHH 829, Folio No. 522, as shown on a Plat of Snug Harbor, recorded in Liber JHH 829, Folio No. 527 of the land records, and recorded also among the plat records of the County in Book 10, page 8.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, repair, and protection of community property and common areas, including non-County-owned roads, paths, grasslands, the community bridge, the community pier, signs, lights, ditches, and culverts; dredging to maintain access to and use of the community marina, including dredging from the Chesapeake Bay into the community marina and dredging in the community marina; and covering the costs associated with these purposes, including administrative costs, legal fees, and insurance.
   (ooo)   South River Heights Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the South River Heights Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of South River Heights and recorded in Book 1, Folio 31 and Book 2, Folio 47 of the plat records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of the construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of certain community-owned property and improvements within the boundaries of the district and for the administrative expenses associated with these purposes.
      (3)   The South River Heights Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the South River Heights Residents Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (ppp)   South River Manor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the South River Manor Special Community Benefit District are those lands identified on Plat 1241, Plat Book 25, Folio 21, as Lots 21 through 57, inclusive, Block G, plus the area called Community Area, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance of and improvement to community property; provision of community security; resurfacing private, community-owned roads;
purchase of property for community recreation areas; and defraying the administrative costs associated with the above purposes, including repayment of any loan or interest thereon and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The South River Manor Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the South River Manor Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (qqq)    South River Park Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the South River Park Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on Plats 0034, 0189, and B0154 and recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County at Book 2, Page 31; Book 5, Page 4; and Book 15, Page 1, respectively.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining the clubhouse, piers, and all other community property and assets and paying the associated administrative costs, including insurance and utilities.
      (3)   The South River Park Special Community Benefit district shall be administered by the South River Park Citizens Association, Inc., a civil or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (rrr)   Southgate Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Southgate Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of the Highlands in Plat Book 32, Folios 96 and 97; Plat Book 33, Folios 19 and 20; Plat Book
34, Folio 45; Plat Book 35, Folios 30 and 31; Plat Book 38, Folio 13; Plat Book 43, Folios 1, 2, and 28; and Plat Book 60, Folio 25, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of spraying for gypsy moths.
      (3)   The Southgate Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Southgate Trust for Improvement of Neighborhood Government, Sting, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (sss)   Steedman Point Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Steedman Point Special Community Benefit District are those properties identified on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 24 (updated to May, 1998) as Parcels 413, 295, 682, 545, 414, 250 and 484.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and maintaining access to Steedman Point Road, which runs from the County road known as Lake Shore Drive into and through the community to its terminus at the driveway to Lot 7C.
      (3)   The Steedman Point Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Steedman Point Special Community Benefit District.
   (ttt)   Stone Haven Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Stone Haven Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plats of Stone Haven, Plat 1, dated August 17, 1949, and Plat 2, dated April 30, 1950, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland at Book 21, Folio 50 and Book 22, Folio 14, respectively.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving the community park and ballfield and the community beach area and paying the associated administrative costs, including liability insurance and front foot assessments.
      (3)   The Stone Haven Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Stone Haven Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (uuu)   Sylvan Shores Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Sylvan Shores Special Community Benefit District are those lands within the revised Sylvan Shores Sanitary Subdistrict as described in Bill Nos. 75-11 and 9-13.
      (2)   The purposes of the district are acquiring, maintaining, improving, and operating real property, facilities, and personal property owned or to be owned by Sylvan Shores Services Company, Inc. for the common use and enjoyment of the owners and residents of the community; providing recreational events and gatherings directly related to the community; providing security for the protection of real property, facilities, and personal property owned or to be owned by Sylvan Shores Services Company, Inc. for the common use and enjoyment of the owners and residents of the community; and providing for the administrative expenses necessary to accomplish these purposes.
      (3)   Sylvan Shores Services Company, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the criteria set forth in the Anne Arundel County Code, § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Sylvan Shores Special Community Benefit District.
   (vvv)   Sylvan View on the Magothy Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Sylvan View on the Magothy Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the plats of Sylvan View on the Magothy: Plat Book 23; Folio No. 22; Plat Book 30,
Folio No. 99; Plat Book 31, Folio No. 38; Plat Book 31, Folio No. 77; and Plat Book 31, Folio No. 94, the plats recorded in the plat records of the County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintenance and improvement of real property or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; dredging to maintain access to the community pier area; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including postage and mailing, auditing, insurance, legal costs, and the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Sylvan View Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Sylvan View Special Community Benefit District.
   (www)   Tanglewood Lane Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Tanglewood Lane Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 58 described as follows: Parcel 0013, Lot 1, 3698 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0055, 3716 Queen Anne Bridge Road; Parcel 0013, Lot 2, 3700 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0103, Lot 3, 3704 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0171, 3712 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0013, Lot 4, 3714 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0013, Lot 5, 3732 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0013, Lot 6, 3715 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0013, Lot 7, 3725 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0013, Lot 8, 3731 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0137, 3710 Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0066, Lot 2, 3629 Patuxent River Road; Parcel 0120, 3760, Tanglewood Lane; Parcel 0139, Lot 2, Davidsonville Road (3752 Tanglewood Lane); and Parcel 0180, Davidsonville Road (3750 Tanglewood Lane).
      (2)   The following land will not be subject to assessment until the first day of the fiscal year following the establishment of ingress and egress on Tanglewood Lane: Parcel 0055, 3716 Queen Anne Bridge Road and Parcel 0066, Lot 2, 3629 Patuxent River Road.
      (3)   The district is established for the purpose of paving the community-owned streets; maintaining and improving the community-owned streets, including but not limited to pavement repairs and snow removal; and defraying the administrative costs associated with the purposes above, including repayment of any loan and interest thereon, and any necessary insurance and operating costs.
      (4)   The Tanglewood Lane Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Tanglewood Lane Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-1011(d).
   (xxx)   Timbers Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Timbers Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as the Timbers (formerly Rubert Manor Section B) as shown on Plat No. 2285, recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Plat Book No. 42, Page 10, and the property with tax identification number 300021281400.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining, operating, improving, developing, protecting, and disposing of community-owned property; providing recreation facilities; and providing for the administrative and operating expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes.
      (3)   The Timbers Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the special community benefit district assessments in furtherance of the purposes of the Timbers Special Community Benefit District.
   (yyy)   Upper Magothy Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Upper Magothy Beach Special Community Benefit District are all those lands shown on the plat entitled Magothy Beach, which plat is recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book No. 9, Folio 43; formerly in Plat Book No. 4, Folio 15; formerly in Plat Cabinet No. 1, Rod A-4, Plat 15, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community property, including community-owned roads; providing community security; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these purposes, including insurance costs and the repayment of any loan and interest thereon.
      (3)   The Magothy Beach Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Upper Magothy Beach Special Community Benefit District.
   (zzz)   Venice Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Venice Beach Special Community Benefit District are set forth in a deed recorded among the land records of the County in Liber SH No. 44, Folio No. 477.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of supporting an erosion program; construction, maintenance, improvement of, and snow removal from non-County-owned roads, streets, beach, alleys, sidewalks, curbs, street or road signs and lights, traffic control devices, bulkheads, drainage ditches, and culverts; acquiring, improving, and maintaining community property, both real and personal, or any interest in real property necessary to accomplish community-wide projects; providing special police protection; and the funding of administrative expenses to carry-out these purposes, including, but not limited to, mailing expenses, secretarial costs, insurance costs, fidelity bond costs, audit fees, attorney’s fees, court costs, the repayment of any loan, and other payment of other expenses necessary for the administration and implementation of these purposes.
   (aaaa)   Venice on the Bay Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Venice on the Bay Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 12, Block 20 (revised to May 1998) as Parcels 7 and 8.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving the community-owned beach, boat ramp, pond-side park, meeting hall, and other community properties and paying the administrative costs associated with the above purposes, including insurance costs, taxes, and the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Venice Civic Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall administer the expenditures of the special community benefit assessments collected from the district.
   (bbbb)   Warthen Knolls Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Warthen Knolls Special Community Benefit District are: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Warthen Knolls, as shown on the plat recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 91, Folio 35; Lots 5, 9, and 10 of Warthen Knolls addition, as shown on the plat recorded among
the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 98, Folio 32; and Lots 5R, 6R, 7R, and 8R of Warthen Knolls, as shown on the plat recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Book 4642, Folio 473.
      (2)   The purposes of the district are to maintain and improve that portion of Warthen Drive that is a private road and right-of-way and that extends from the County-maintained cul-de-sac on Warthen Drive and defray the costs associated with the above, including repayment of any loans, interest thereon, and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Warthen Knolls Property Owners Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for administering the Warthen Knolls Special Community Benefit District.
   (cccc)   Wetheridge Estates Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Wetheridge Estates Special Community Benefit District are those lands identified as Lots 1 through 12 of Parcel 222 as shown on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 56, Block 4.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining community property, including repair, maintenance, and replacement of existing bulkheads, piers, and pilings and covering the expenses
associated with the completion of the above purposes, including repayment of any loan and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Wetheridge Estates Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by Wetheridge Estates, Inc., a civil or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
   (dddd)   Wilelinor Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Wilelinor Special Community Benefit District are those lands shown on the plat of Wilelinor Estates, Plat Book 28, Page 27, as recorded in the plat records of Anne Arundel County.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving real property intended for the common benefit of the properties in the district; dredging Church Creek in and adjacent to the community marina; and providing for the administrative expenses incidental to carrying out these activities, including insurance, utilities, correspondence costs, audit and legal costs, and the repayment of any loan.
      (3)   The Wilelinor Community Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d), shall be responsible for the expenditure of the special assessments collected from the Wilelinor Special Community Benefit District.
   (eeee)   Woodland Beach Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Woodland Beach Special Community Benefit District are the subdivision known as Woodland Beach as shown on the plat of Woodland Beach recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 8, Folio Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of construction, maintenance, and repair of, and snow removal from, non-County-owned roads, streets, alleys, and sidewalks; construction, erection, and maintenance of non-County-owned street or road lights, street or road signs, drainage ditches, culverts, drainage facilities, and bulkheads as necessary for erosion control; construction, maintenance, and operation of community areas and buildings; and providing salaries, expenses, and allowances for special police officers.
   (ffff)   Woodland Beach (Pasadena) Special Community Benefit District.
      (1)   The limits of the Woodland Beach (Pasadena) Special Community Benefit District are those lands identified on State Department of Assessments and Taxation Map 17 as: Parcels 24, 25, 171, 196, 236, 237, 238, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 258, 333, 337, 366, 383, 481 and 505.
      (2)   The district is established for the purpose of maintaining and improving community property, including the community-owned roads, bulkheads and pier; providing security lighting and fencing for the community areas; and covering the expenses associated with the completion of the above purposes, including repayment of any loan and any necessary insurance costs.
      (3)   The Woodland Beach (Pasadena) Special Community Benefit District shall be administered by the Woodland Beach Improvement Association, Inc., a civic or community association that meets the requirements of § 4-7-101(d).
(1985 Code, Art. 6, § 2-104) (Bill No. 14-87; Bill No. 15-87; Bill No. 43-87; Bill No. 96-87; Bill No. 7-88; Bill No. 8-88; Bill No. 51-88; Bill No. 52-88; Bill No. 101-88; Bill No. 19-89; Bill No. 55-89; Bill No. 19-90; Bill No. 59-90; Bill No. 11-91; Bill No. 24-91; Bill No. 44-91; Bill No. 18-92; Bill No. 29-92; Bill No. 61-92; Bill No. 7-93; Bill No. 8-93; Bill No. 32-93; Bill No. 33-93; Bill No. 53-93; Bill No. 23-94; Bill No. 25-94; Bill No. 31-94; Bill No. 18-95; Bill No. 22-95; Bill No. 23-95; Bill No. 102-96; Bill No. 7-97; Bill No. 17-97; Bill No. 18-97; Bill No. 73-97; Bill No. 76-97; Bill No. 106-97; Bill No. 68-98; Bill No. 26-99; Bill No. 32-99; Bill No. 66-99; Bill No. 14-00; Bill No. 15-00; Bill No. 16-00; Bill No. 82-00; Bill No. 6-01; Bill No. 7-01; Bill No. 16-01; Bill No. 17-01; Bill No. 24-01; Bill No. 27-01; Bill No. 63-01; Bill No. 100-01; Bill No. 101-01; Bill No. 102-01; Bill No. 13-02; Bill No. 14-02; Bill No. 24-02; Bill No. 79-02; Bill No. 82-02; Bill No. 13-03; Bill No. 50-03; Bill No. 5-04; Bill No. 18-04; Bill No. 22-04; Bill No. 23-04; Bill No. 36-04; Bill No. 27-05; Bill No. 40-05; Bill No. 86-05; Bill No. 2-06; Bill No. 6-07; Bill No. 14-07; Bill No. 67-07; Bill No. 3-08; Bill No. 14-09; Bill No. 15-09; Bill No. 16-09; Bill No. 69-09; Bill No. 56-10; Bill No. 1-11; Bill No. 3-11; Bill No. 22-11; Bill No. 24-13; Bill No. 4-14; Bill No. 63-14; Bill No. 87-14; Bill No. 10-15; Bill No. 59-15; Bill No. 60-15; Bill No. 16-17; Bill No. 98-17; Bill No. 100-17; Bill No. 10-19; Bill No. 82-19; Bill No. 8-20; Bill No. 91-20; Bill No. 24-21; Bill No. 118-21; Bill No. 22-22)