Effective with bills due and payable on or after July 1, 2009, every customer whose premises is served by the stormwater management systems and facilities of the City of Ankeny, either directly or indirectly, shall pay to the City of Ankeny stormwater management fees hereinafter established and specified for the purpose of contributing towards the costs of construction, maintenance and operation of the stormwater management systems and facilities.
Except as hereinafter noted, each customer whose property lies within the corporate limits of the City of Ankeny shall pay to the City of Ankeny, through its utility billing system, the following stormwater management fees based on equivalent residential unit (ERU) associated with the customer's property:
1. Undeveloped: A flat fee at the rate of $0.00 per month.
2. Single-Family and Two-Family Residential: $7.50 per ERU per month up to a maximum of 4 ERUs.
3. Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Family: $7.50 per ERU per month up to a maximum of 90 ERUs.
(Ord. 2166 - May 24 Supp.)
Stormwater management fee calculations shall be the number of equivalent residential units (ERUs) of each property shall be calculated using the most recent aerial photography available to the City of Ankeny and/or impervious surface data from an approved site plan for the property.
Any customer who believes the provisions of this chapter have been applied in error may appeal in the following manner:
1. An appeal must be filed in writing with the City Manager of the City of Ankeny. In the case of fee appeals, the appeal shall include a survey prepared by a registered Iowa land surveyor or professional engineer containing information on the total property area, the impervious surface area and any other features or conditions which influence the hydrologic response of the property to rainfall events.
2. Using the information provided by the appellant, the City Manager shall conduct a technical review of the conditions on the property and respond to the appeal in writing within thirty (30) days. All decisions of the City Manager are final.
3. In response to an appeal, the City Manager may adjust the stormwater fees applicable to a property in conformance with the general purpose and intent of this chapter.
The stormwater management fee shall not apply:
1. If an individual receives water service from Ankeny and, for whatever reason that results in the building being vacant or unoccupied, desires and makes arrangements with the Ankeny Municipal Utilities for shutting off said service for a period of not less than two (2) weeks.
2. If a written request is made, in special conditions the City Manager of the City of Ankeny may grant fee payment and collection variances after determining that granting the variance would be in the City's best interest, will improve efficiency, safety and is practical. Upon the granting of any variance, the City Manager shall file notice with the City Council giving reason(s) for the variance.
3. The fee established in Subsection 107.02(3) for commercial/industrial/ multifamily recognizes that these particular types of development are required to provide stormwater detention onsite. Having such stormwater detention, therefore, is not a basis for exemption.
All stormwater management fees shall be due and payable under the same terms and conditions provided for payment of a combined service account as contained in Section 92.08 of this Code of Ordinances. Water service may be discontinued in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 92.09 if the combined service account becomes delinquent, and the provisions contained in Section 92.12 relating to lien notices shall also apply in the event of a delinquent account. Questions concerning stormwater management fees shall, to the extent possible, be handled administratively by staff members of the finance department who have oversight responsibility for such for such charges.
(Ord. 1798 – Apr. 14 Supp.)