A person, corporation or company (hereafter referred to as "Company") that does not hold a franchise agreement with the City of Ankeny and proposes to install utility or communication facilities within the City of Ankeny right-of-way or other city property shall be required to obtain permits as provided in this chapter. Furthermore, the Company shall be required to obtain a Right-of-Way Permit in accordance with Chapter 151.
1.   The utility accommodation for franchise utility companies is defined by Chapter 364 of the Code of Iowa and is included in the Chapters 115 through 121 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ankeny. Franchise utilities are thus exempt from the permit requirements of this section.
2.   Utility / communication installations that, in the opinion of the public works director, are not of a significant scope to warrant permitting, shall be exempt from this chapter. Said installations are subject to the requirements of Chapter 151.
3.   Small Wireless Facilities are compact, low power wireless communication transceivers generally mounted on street lights or utility poles within the street right-of-way. These specific utility installations are subject to a Small Wireless Facility Permit in accordance with Section 122.15 of this chapter.
4.   The rights and privileges hereby granted are subject to the restrictions and limitations of Chapter 364 of the Code of Iowa, or as subsequently amended or changed.
(Ord. 1984 - Nov. 19 Supp.)