.010   Compliance With Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Code. All uses and development in this Zone shall comply with any applicable provisions of the Code expressly referred to in this chapter, including, unless specifically amended herein, the provisions of Chapters 18.92 (Definitions), 18.36 (Types of Uses), and 18.40 (General Development Standards); provided, however, that in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any provision contained in any other chapter of this Code and any provision contained in this chapter, the provision contained in this chapter shall govern and apply. All Engineering, City and Planning Standards referred to in this chapter are on file in the Office of the City Engineer and Planning Director and are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth in this chapter. Where the provisions of this Zone do not discuss a specific condition or situation which arises, the nonconflicting provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code shall apply.
   .020   Disneyland Resort Design Plan. The site development standards set forth in Sections 18.114.050 through 18.114.130 have been adopted to operate in conjunction with the Design Plan for The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan identified in Section 5.0 of the Specific Plan (hereinafter referred to in this Chapter as the "Design Plan") approved by the City Council on June 29, 1993, as amended on April 12, 1994 (Ordinance No. 5420); June 20, 1995 (Ordinance No. 5503); October 22, 1996 (Ordinance No. 5580); July 13, 1999 (Ordinance No. 5689); March 19, 2002 (Ordinance No. 5807); April 25, 2006 (Ordinance No. 6022); and August 23, 2011 (Ordinance No. 6221), as the same may be hereinafter amended in accordance with the Specific Plan amendment procedures set forth in Chapter 18.72 (Specific Plans). Said Design Plan is incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth in this chapter. All development otherwise permitted by this chapter shall comply with any applicable provisions of the Design Plan. (Ord. 5503 § 2; June 20, 1995: Ord. 5580 § 2; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5689 § 1; July 13, 1999: Ord. 5807 § 1; March 19, 2002: Ord. 6022 § 2; May 25, 2006: Ord. 6221 § 2; August 23, 2011.)
   .030   Compliance with City of Anaheim Codes. All grading and subdivision plans shall comply with all applicable regulations and be reviewed and processed in accordance with the procedures contained in Title 17 (Land Development and Resources). All construction shall comply with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of Anaheim, and applicable sections of Title 15 (Building and Housing) of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
      .0301   Theme Park District, Parking District, Southeast District. Building plans for projects developed pursuant to this chapter shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Department and shall be reviewed for conformance with all applicable provisions of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan and this chapter prior to issuance of building permits and construction. Building plans within these Districts are not subject to the procedures set forth in subsection (Final Site Plan Approval).
      .0302   District A, C-R Overlay and Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay. Construction within this District and Overlays may commence only after the Planning and Building Director finds that the construction proposal is in substantial compliance with these regulations, applicable policies and guidelines of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. With the exception of exemptions provided in subsection (Final Site Plan Approval), the issuance of building permits may only occur after Final Site Plan approval has been obtained from the City of Anaheim, subject to the procedures set forth in subsection (Final Site Plan Approval).
   .040   District Boundaries. The Specific Plan area is divided into four land use Districts (the "Districts"): Theme Park District, Parking District, Southeast District and District A. The Specific Plan area and District boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3c (Development Plan) of the Specific Plan. The project area legal description is provided in Section 9.0 of the Specific Plan. Modifications to the configuration and size of the District boundaries may result from technical refinements and site conditions in the subdivision and/or Final Site Plan process, and may be modified in accordance with the procedures set forth in subsection (Minor District Boundary Adjustments - Theme Park and Parking Districts) without amendment to the Specific Plan. Precise District boundaries shall be established, as hereinafter provided, by the submittal, review and approval of subdivision maps in conjunction with the subdivision process as set forth in Chapter 17.08 (Subdivisions) and Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code and/or required Final Site Plans in accordance with subsection (Final Site Plan Approval). The Zoning Map of the City shall reflect the boundaries of the District as defined in conjunction with the recordation of subdivision maps or approval of required Final Site Plans if no subdivision is involved.
   .050   Nonconforming Structures and Uses.
      .0501   The provisions of Chapter 18.56 (Nonconformities) shall apply to this zone except as stated herein.
      .0502   The provisions of subsection (Legal Nonconforming Signs - General) shall apply to nonconforming signs.
      .0503   The site development standards in subsection (Landscaping) shall apply to all landscaping hereinafter installed or modified, and to all landscape on any lot or parcel containing a building hereinafter structurally modified to an extent exceeding forty-five percent (45%) of the gross floor area of said existing building within any two-year period.
      .0504   The site development standards in this chapter shall apply to the structural expansion portion of every building hereinafter expanded.
      .0505   Continuation of buildings and structures made nonconforming by reclassification to the SP92-1 Zone shall be permitted.
         .01   Buildings and structures in the Theme Park District existing on the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter, including the monorail support structures, located within fifty (50) feet of the right-of-way of Interstate 5 and Harbor Boulevard between Interstate 5 and a point five hundred (500) feet south of the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Manchester Avenue and structures on Ball Road and on Disneyland Drive.
         .02   Buildings and structures in the Theme Park District existing on the effective date of the ordinance adopting this chapter, located within fifty (50) feet of the right-of-way of Walnut Street between Cerritos Avenue and the existing Southern California Edison Corridor.
         .03   If these structures are destroyed, they may be restored and the occupancy or use of such building or part thereof which existed at the time of such destruction may be continued subject to all other provisions of this chapter. The above listed structures are shown in Exhibit 3.2.3a (Existing Structures Permitted to Remain) of the Specific Plan.
         .04   Relocation of the monorail shown on Exhibit 3.2.3a (Existing Structures Permitted to Remain) of the Specific Plan can occur subject to the approval of the City Engineer. (Ord. 5580 § 4; October 22, 1996.)
      .0506   The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan encourages the enhancement of all buildings and structures within the specific plan boundaries including legal nonconforming buildings and structures, in accordance with the following procedures:
         .01   Buildings with nonconforming setbacks and/or height may be expanded; provided the expansion complies with the provisions of this title, and does not intensify existing nonconformities.
         .02   Expansion of nonconforming uses within conforming or nonconforming structures, which bring the use and/or structure into greater conformity with the intent of the Specific Plan, may be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits).
   .060   Zoning Code. Any reference to the Zoning Code made in this chapter shall mean Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
   .070   Terms. Terms used in this chapter shall have the same definitions as provided in the Anaheim Municipal Code, including Chapters 18.36 (Types of Uses) and 18.92 (Definitions) unless otherwise defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions).
   .080   General Plan Consistency. In adopting Resolution 93R-146 approving and adopting the Specific Plan, the City Council of the City of Anaheim made certain findings of consistency between the General Plan of the City and the Specific Plan. In granting future approvals as contemplated by this chapter and by the Specific Plan, the particular person or body so acting shall not do so in such a manner as to abrogate or nullify those findings. (Ord. 5378 § 1 (part); June 29, 1993: Ord. 5420 § 2; April 12, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6286 § 47; September 3, 2013: Ord. 6573 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)