.010   General. An Affordable Rental Housing Development that meets the requirements of this section, at the request of the applicant, shall be granted all of the following:
      .0101   Density Bonus. A thirty-five percent (35%) Density Bonus, unless written findings are made in accordance with Section 18.52.120 (Findings).
      .0102   Incentives. The allowed number of Incentives, as specified in Section 18.52.090 (Development Incentives).
      .0103   Parking Ratios. The minimum parking requirements for an Affordable Rental Housing Development pursuant to Section 18.52.100 (Parking Ratios).
   .020   Affordable Rental Housing Development Requirements. An Affordable Rental Housing Development shall meet the following requirements:
      .0201   Minimum Site Size. The development site shall not be less than one (1) net acre, provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Director, in his or her discretion, may permit a project on a smaller development site upon a finding that the project can provide enough units to be financially capable of supporting the cost of on-site Professional Management.
      .0202   Zone. The development site shall be located in a residential zone and shall comply with the standards of the respective zone unless otherwise set forth in this chapter.
      .0203   Minimum Project Size. The Affordable Rental Housing Development shall consist of not less than thirty six (36) units, provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Director, in his or her discretion, may permit a project with fewer units to qualify as an Affordable Rental Housing Development upon a finding that the project is financially capable of supporting the cost of on-site Professional Management.
      .0204   Affordable Units. A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the total units in the project or five (5) units, whichever is greater, shall be restricted to an Affordable Rent for Very Low Income Households for not less than fifty-five (55) years. The Affordable Rent shall be determined based on the household and unit size assumptions shown in Table 52-E (Affordable Rental Housing Development Household and Unit Size Assumptions) unless the Housing Development is subject to different assumptions imposed by other governmental regulations:
Table 52-E
Unit Size
Household Size
1 bedroom
2 persons
2 bedroom
3 persons
3 bedroom
4 persons
4 bedroom
5 persons
      .0205   Occupancy. Occupancy of each unit in the Affordable Rental Housing Development shall not exceed two (2) persons per bedroom plus one (1) person.
      .0206   Professional Management. The Housing Incentive Agreement for the Affordable Rental Housing Development shall include provisions that require Professional Management for all of the units within the Affordable Rental Housing Development upon completion of the Affordable Rental Housing Development and prior to occupancy, to provide for the continued maintenance of the property, as specified in Subsection
      .0207   Project Design. The design of the proposed Affordable Rental Housing Development shall:
         .01   Be compatible with the scale and character of the existing neighborhood and nearby land uses;
         .02   Preserve the integrity and character of the property's zoning designation and the General Plan; and
         .03   Comply with the guidelines set forth in the Residential Design Guidelines for Affordable Housing Development produced by the City of Anaheim, the Anaheim Historic District Preservation Plan and any other applicable guidelines adopted by the City from time to time. In the event of a conflict between any of these guidelines and this chapter, the requirements of this chapter shall apply.
         .04   The design, quality and appearance of the Affordable Units shall be compatible with the design of the total Affordable Rental Housing Development.
      .0208   Location of Affordable Units. Affordable Units should be built on-site wherever possible and, when practical, be dispersed within the Affordable Rental Housing Development. Circumstances may arise in which the public interest would be served by allowing some or all of the Affordable Units associated with the Affordable Rental Housing Development to be produced and operated at an alternative development site. Where the applicant and the City form such an agreement, the resulting linked developments shall be considered a single Affordable Rental Housing Development for purposes of this chapter. Under these circumstances, the applicant shall be subject to the same requirements of this chapter for the Affordable Units to be provided on the alternative site. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6041 § 1 (part); November 13, 2006: Ord. 6101 § 52 (part); April 22, 2008: Ord. 6489 § 1 (part); July 14, 2020.)