4.09.010 Changing posted rates.
If the owner or operator of any hotel, inn, motel, motor court, auto or tourist camp, tourist court, auto court and like establishments located within the City of Anaheim desires to advertise rates for accommodations, all such advertising shall be in conformity with the following standards:
.010 The sign establishing the rates for accommodations shall have posted the rates for all rooms or other rental units or accommodations offered for rental;
.020 The number of rooms or other rental units offered for rental at each rate;
.030 The number of persons accommodated at the rate posted;
.040 All posted rates and descriptive data shall be in type and material of the same size and prominence; and
.050 This section shall not be held to be complied with by signs stating the rate per person or bearing the legend "and up."
In addition to the listed standards, all such owners or operators of the above-listed establishments shall comply with all provisions of Sections 17560, 17561, 17562, 17565, 17566 and 17567 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California.
The owner or operator of any such establishment shall not change or remove the advertising of such rates for accommodations for a period of sixty days from the date of posting of such rates.
Whenever an owner or operator of any establishment defined in this section elects to advertise rates for accommodations for said establishment by means of any sign visible to passersby whether the same shall be located within or without buildings, said owner or operator shall file a copy of such rates with the License Collector of the City of Anaheim. Failure to file such rates with the License Collector of the City of Anaheim shall constitute a misdemeanor.
Any change in the posted rates occurring after any sixty-day period shall be accompanied by an amended rate list filed with the aforementioned City official. (Ord. 4152 § 2; August 19, 1980.)