(A)   To make a motion, a Commissioner must be recognized by the Chairperson when there is no other business on the floor. The Commissioner then says, “I move to...”
   (B)   Another member of the Commission may second the motion. This can be done without being recognized by the Chairperson. If no member seconds the motion, the motion “dies” for lack of a second. The Chairperson will then move on to the next item of business.
   (C)   If a motion is made and seconded, the Chairperson restates the motion. This procedure is necessary for the motion to come before the Commission. Prior to this step, the Chairperson can suggest changes in the motion and the mover can amend or withdraw his, her, or their original motion. No debate can take place until the Chairperson states the motion is on the floor. At this point, the mover may withdraw the motion.
   (D)   The Commissioners then debate the motion. The original mover is entitled to speak first. Each Commissioner may speak but should not have the floor a second time until all who wish to speak have spoken once.
   (E)   The Chairperson then puts the question to a vote. When the debate appears to have closed, the Chairperson may call for the question. If no one takes the floor, the Chairperson restates the motion and calls for a vote. The Chairperson will decide the method of voting. Unless otherwise specified by the Chairperson, the vote will be by polling of the Commissioners.
      (1)   Voice vote. The ayes are called first and then the nays. This is the standard method of voting within Commission meetings.
      (2)   Polling of the Commissioners. Whenever the Chairperson shall call for a polling of the members of the Commission, the order of polling shall be a random order determined by the person recording the poll.
      (3)   Majority. A vote succeeds by a majority vote of the members present.
      (4)   Tie vote. In the case of a tie vote, the motion dies due to lack of majority.
      (5)   Abstentions. Abstentions, including a statement by the Commissioner abstaining noting his, her, or their reason, shall be recorded in the meeting minutes.
   (F)   The Chairperson announces the voting results. This step is included to ensure the Commissioners, staff, and members of the public understand the outcome of the vote and so that City Staff can accurately reflect the action taken in the minutes and for the record.
(Ord. 661, passed 5-6-2020)