(a)    Residential Garage Floors. Residential garage floors shall drain to the outside under the garage door or to a sanitary sewer drain in the garage floor.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 2-23-98.)
   (b)   Surface Drains. Surface drains shall be constructed along the foot of any of the natural ridges to control the flow of spring waters.
   (c)    Additional Footer Tile. Additional footer tile shall be installed at the low point of any footer located in ground indicated as a severe limitation for homesites as shown on the soil survey map of Lorain County page 48 Table 7 on file at the County Extension Office.
(Ord. 87-80. Passed 11-9-87.)
   (d)    Roof Gutters. Roof gutters shall be required on all roofs above and within eight feet of any basement or crawl space. Roof water diverters or gutters are required on roofs over walkways and driveways. Downspouts are required on gutters and drained onto pavement without drainage across unpaved yards or walkways and shall not drain into sanitary sewers or footer tile. (See Section 1113.05(e) of the Codified Ordinances.)
(Ord. 97-45. Passed 4-28-97.)
   (e)    Drainage to Sanitary Sewer Prohibited. None of the following shall be drained to a sanitary sewer: storm water, basement floor drains without a trap primer, driveway trench drain, footer tile, area wells, storm water or sub-surface water sump pumps, air conditioner condenser water to a floor drain or to the sanitary sewer pipe without a trap primer.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 2-23-98.)
   (f)    Footing Drain Discharge. Where footing drain discharge is deposited upon the surface of the ground, the place of deposit shall be in that yard area that drains directly to a street, road or ditch, or to the yard area which contains a drainage easement. Discharge of such water upon the surface of the ground shall be carried not less than eight feet from the foundation of walls by means of splash blocks which shall be installed at the time of construction. Footing drain discharge shall not be permitted to a roadway unless an adequate road ditch exists to receive such discharge. Footing drain discharge shall not be directed to, over or through a road curb.
   (g)    Sump Pumps. Sump pumps shall not discharge onto a street pavement or within an area that could puddle and freeze on the pavement.
   (h)    Sidewalks and Driveways.
Within Public Right of Way
Outside Public
Right of Way
(when required)
6 inches thick
Under drive 6 inches and remainder 4 inches thick
10 by 20 foot parking pad or garage required
Width 4 feet
Slope 3/16 inch minimum. 1 foot from P.L. and above curb with 1/4 foot slope to curb.
If concrete drive shall be 4 inches thick
There is no minimum requirement from side lot line.
6 inches thick Minimum width
26 feet
Maximum width
35 feet
Under drive 6 inches and remainder 4 inches thick.
Width 8 feet.
Parking lot may not drain onto public street pavement
Locate a one inch expansion strip between pavement edge or curb and driveway and on either side of any sidewalk.
Sandstone curbs and sidewalks shall be replaced with concrete under drives.
New curbs shall be eighteen inches wide, six inches deep and height of adjacent curb.
Existing sidewalks may not be removed. Replace if necessary.
Driveway culverts, roadway swales and ditches shall be maintained by owner and a permit is required to install or regrade.
(Ord. 87-80. Passed 11-9-87.)
A permit shall be required from the Building Inspector before construction or replacing a driveway, sidewalk, culvert or to cover a ditch.
(Ord. 03-31. Passed 2-24-03.)
When streets do not have curbs - New and replacement driveways shall be installed per shoulder drainage specifications including any culvert requirements.
Concrete thickness may be reduced one inch if wire mesh is used.
Floyd G. Browne and Associates, Ltd.
Consulting Engineers Marion, Ohio
Sidewalk and Driveway
Within Public Right of Way (Concrete Required)
Outside Public
Right of Way
10 by 20 foot concrete parking pad required behind building line unless garage is built
If drive is concrete shall be four inches thick and may reduce 1 inch if mesh is used.
4 inch concrete walk (6 foot at driveway)
Minimum slope 1/4 inch per foot
Thickness may be reduced 1 inch
if wire mesh is used.
Drives may be located against the property line.
Commercial, Industrial,  Multi-Family
Same as residential except increase the width of the sidewalk to 8 feet along major thoroughfares and/or on other streets to same as adjacent walks but not less than 4 feet.
Drives and parking may not drain onto street pavement.
Driveway width at right of way
Minimum 26 feet.
Maximum 35 feet
Drives and parking shall be concrete or blacktop.
When the street pavement does not have a curb, a ditch or swale shall be constructed between the pavement and the sidewalk to City specifications. The sidewalk may be located lower than the pavement when there is no curb along the pavement, provided that the sidewalk drains toward the ditch.
An expansion strip the depth and width of the concrete and at least one-half inch thick shall be placed next to the curb or pavement edge, around hydrants and poles and next to buildings.
Concrete drives, sidewalks and pavement shall have a medium broom finish.
Concrete sidewalks shall have a joint or be sawed at least every eight feet vertical to the curb.
Sandstone curbs and/or sidewalks shall be replaced with concrete whenever new drives are constructed.
Existing sidewalks may not be removed unless they are replaced with new sidewalks.
Residential sidewalks when being replaced may be replaced at the same width as an existing walk. Commercial walks shall be of the new width.
When replacing existing curbs, they shall be constructed to a depth of eighteen inches deep, six inches wide and not less than the height of the adjacent curb.
When replacing an existing driveway culvert, the City shall "set the pipe" if you purchase and deliver the concrete pipe to the site.
A permit shall be required from the Building Inspector before construction or replacing a driveway, sidewalk, culvert or to cover a ditch. The fee shall be one dollar ($1.00).
The concrete in a concrete street will expand, therefore: a concrete drive shall have a free expansion space of at least one inch for each 500 feet of concrete street located ahead of the drive (on a curve in the street or at the end of a dead end street or a cul de sac, etc.) to prevent the expansion of the concrete in the street from pushing the back wall of the garage off the foundation.
(Ord. 87-80. Passed 11-9-87.)