(a)   Temporary accessory structures shall include but not be limited to tents, membrane covered structures and canopies as defined in Chapter 4101:1-2 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
   (b)   Temporary accessory structures for storage of personal property, including, but not limited to, portable storage units(e.g. PODs, Pack-Rat), shipping containers, membrane covered structures, etc. sh all be permitted for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, may be granted upon written request of good cause and approval by the Building Official. Placement of temporary storage structures shall be as follows:
      (1)   Shall be on temporarily placed stone or cement binder surface to be removed and restored upon removal of the temporary storage structure, concrete, asphalt or other comparable material as defined in Section 1121.07(31) of these Codified Ordinances.
      (2)   Shall be located a minimum of five (5) feet from any property line.
      (3)   Shall be placed ono closer than fifteen (15) feet of the edge of the road, curb line or other established right-of-way.
      (4)   Shall be placed outside of any public right-of-way and comply with all clearance requirements of overhead power lines pursuant to the National Electric Code.
      (5)   Shall be placed in a manner which does not obstruct a public walkway.
      (6)   Shall be placed in a manner which does not create a sightline obstruction for the traveling public.
      (7)   Shall not be connect to any utilities (i.e. electric, water, gas, sewer, etc.). Exception: Temporary offices for use in conjunction with construction projects shall be permitted to connect to utilities pursuant to the approved building code regulations for industrialized units (I.U.) as listed in “Title One - Standards” of these Codified Ordinances.   
   (c)   Temporary structures, including those used for storage of personal property, that are used in conjunction with construction work are permitted in any district only during the period in which construction work is in progress with removal upon completion of the construction work. Permits are required for the placement of temporary office structures for use in conjunction with construction projects and shall comply with the requirements of Section 1145.06(b) contained herein.
   (d)   Exclusions. Tents used exclusively for recreational camping purposes shall be exempt from the above requirements provided that no tent for recreational camping purposes shall remain standing for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days. Temporary accessory structures used for special events such as parties, graduations, weddings, yard sales, auctions or other similar events shall be exempt from the above requirements provided no temporary accessory structures for such purposes shall remain standing for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days.
(Ord. 23-27. Passed 5-8-23.)