The purpose of this section is to require architectural features which increase visual interest, reduce undifferentiated masses and relate to the pedestrian scale, in accordance with the following standards.
(A) Facades shall have a defined base or foundation, a middle or modulated wall, and a top formed by a pitched roof or articulated cornice, in each instance appropriate to the building style.
(B) Buildings with continuous facades that are 90 feet or greater in width shall be designed with offsets (projecting or recessed) not less than two feet deep, and over intervals between offsets of not greater than 60 feet.
(C) Building facades may be constructed from stone, masonry, cement fiber board, split-face, textured concrete, heavy gauge vinyl, glass or other materials which provide the same desired quality.
(1) Concrete masonry units (CMU or block) shall be textured or split-face and otherwise not smooth.
(2) Office uses may use architectural metal panels, glass (up to 75% of the facade area) and ornamental metal.
(3) Wood, stucco, EIFS, or other similar material shall be used for trim or architectural features only.
(D) Buildings constructed of metal shall be prohibited, except as provided in § 154.81(C)(2).
(E) Roofs may be pitched, use stepped parapet walls, three dimensional cornices, dimensioned or integrally-textured materials, or be sloped with overhangs and brackets. Parapets shall not exceed more than one-third the height of the supporting wall.
(F) Entryway features are required at the primary entrance to the structure and shall include elements such as: covered entries, integral planters, awnings, raised corniced parapets over the door, arches, or architectural details such as tile work and moldings that are integrated into the building structure and design.
(G) The architectural style, materials, color and design on the front elevation shall be applied to all elevations of the structure adjacent to Ronald Reagan Highway and/or any public street, primary internal drive or residential use.
(Ord. 2012-05, passed 8-13-12)