The grantee shall indemnify, become responsible for, and forever save harmless the grantor from any and all damages, judgments, reasonable costs and expenses, including attorney fees, which the grantor may suffer or incur, or which may be legally obtained against the grantor, for or by reason of the negligent use, repair, or occupation of any public way within the corporate limits of the city by the grantee pursuant to the terms of this ordinance or resulting from the negligent exercise of the grantee of any of its privileges or by reason of its carrying on its business in said city; provided however, that in the event of such claim or claims being prosecuted against the grantor, the grantee shall have the right to defend against the same, and to settle or discharge same in such manner as it may see fit, and the grantor shall give prompt written notice to the grantee of the presentation or prosecution of such claims.
(Prior Code, Appendix C, Article II, § 8) (Ord. 809, passed 3-16-1994)