Membership in any class C private club shall be regulated by articles or bylaws. Upon election to membership in any private club, a membership card shall be issued to the member, and his or her name and his or her age enrolled on a list of members, which shall be kept on the premises of every private club and subject to inspection at all times. The list of members shall show the full name of the member, his or her age, his or her address, and the dates of his or her application for membership and election to membership. The bylaws or articles may provide for temporary membership for nonresidents of the city, temporarily present in the city as members of another organization holding a meeting in the city. Temporary memberships shall extend to all members of the organization affected. Temporary membership shall be effected by notice in writing to the presiding officer of the organization meeting in the city, limiting the time of temporary membership to the time the organization shall meet in the city. A copy of the notice shall be filed with the City Clerk. Any convention badge or identification of membership in the visiting organization selected by the private club shall serve as the temporary membership card.
(Prior Code, § 4-139)