§ 42-668. DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   PASSENGER. A person merely riding in an automobile or vehicle, as distinguished from one operating in the same.
   STREET. Any street, alley, avenue, land, court, or public place in the city.
   TAXICAB. Any and all motor vehicles used for the transportation or carrying of passengers for hire within the corporate limits of the city except:
      (1)   Vehicles engaged in interstate commerce and vehicles properly and legally licensed by the State Corporation Commission to do a carrying business between established towns and cities within the state; and
      (2)   Intra-city buses operating under franchise.
(Prior Code, § 42-668)
Statutory reference:
   Taxicab defined, see 47 O.S. § 1-174
   Taxi licensing, city authority, see 11 O.S. §§ 22-106 and 22-118