(A)   An unattended vehicle found to be in violation of this code may be impounded when the required complaint has been properly made and filed as provided in this section.
   (B)   If a violation of the provisions of this code occurs, the owner or legal occupant who complains shall sign a complaint against the person parking the vehicle on the owner’s or legal occupant’s property, or if the identity of the person parking the vehicle is unknown, then the complaint may be filed against the registered owner of the vehicle. The complaint shall be verified and shall allege that the complaining party is the owner or legal occupant of the property upon which the vehicle is parked or standing.
   (C)   Upon filing of the complaint by the property owner or legal occupant, and if there appears to be proper cause to believe the provisions of this code have been violated, the Police Department shall cause the vehicle to be impounded from the property and placed in storage.
(Prior Code, § 42-567)