The name of each and every street running east and west known and designated before 1954, as “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “E,” “F,” “G,” “H,” and “I” streets consecutively, in the city shall be and the same are hereby renamed to be hereafter known and designated as follows:
   (A)   “A” Street shall be Mill Street;
   (B)   “B” Street shall be Santa Fe Street;
   (C)   “C” Street shall be Choctaw Street;
   (D)   “D” Street shall be Flynn Avenue;
   (E)   “E” Street shall be Barnes Avenue;
   (F)   “F” Street shall be Center Street;
   (G)   “G” Street shall be Church Street;
   (H)   “H” Street shall be Locust Street;
   (I)   “I” Street shall be Maple Street; and
   (J)   The street running east and west, south of “I” Street and north of Northwestern State College, shall be Oklahoma Boulevard.
(Prior Code, § 40-41)