The Hospital Board shall adopt rules and regulations for its own guidance and for the governing and operation of the municipal hospital not inconsistent with 11 O.S. §§ 30-101 et seq. The Hospital Board shall have exclusive control of the expenditures of all moneys collected and deposited to the credit of the Hospital Fund, for the hospital buildings under the care and custody of the grounds, rooms, or buildings purchased, leased, or set apart for the hospital. All money received by the Hospital Board on the account of the operation of the hospital, or otherwise, shall be paid thereby to the City Treasurer, who shall deposit the same in the Hospital Fund. Such moneys shall be paid out only upon warrants authorized by the Hospital Board, drawn and signed by its Secretary, and countersigned by its Chair. The Hospital Board shall have authority to establish a petty cash fund, not to exceed the sum of $500 at any one time, for the use of maintaining the hospital, which money shall be expended by the Chair of the Hospital Board. The Board shall have authority to appoint a suitable superintendent or administrator, or matron, or either, and necessary assistants and nurses, and to fix their compensation. The Hospital Board shall also have the authority to remove such appointees at will.
(Prior Code, § 26-77) (Ord. 792, passed 8-12-1989)