§ 2-75. MAYOR, DUTIES.
   (A)   The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council and shall certify to the correct enrollment of all ordinances and resolutions passed by it. The Mayor is not considered a member of the Council for quorum or voting purposes, except that he or she may vote on questions under consideration by the Council only when the Council is equally divided. The Mayor may sign or veto any city ordinance or resolution passed by the City Council. The Mayor shall be the Chief Executive Officer and head of the administrative branch of the city government. He or she is also recognized as the head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law. He or she shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
   (B)   The Mayor shall serve as Street Commissioner. The Street Commissioner, Street Superintendent, and other employees appointed as provided in Article III of this chapter shall maintain and improve the streets of the city and shall place, maintain, and remove street signs and traffic signs and devices. (See also § 2-238.)
(Prior Code, § 2-75)
Statutory reference:
   Power of mayor and duties, see 11 O.S. §§ 9-104 through 9-106