(A)   Marijuana storage facilities, other than in a retail outlet, are hereby allowed within the municipal boundaries of the city, and must acquire a business license from the City Clerk. There shall be a fee of $2,500 per year, or other amount as set periodically by Council resolution.
   (B)   Marijuana storage facilities permit will not be granted to any applicant where the proposed location is located outside a commercially zoned area of the corporate city limits.
   (C)   A marijuana storage facilities permit will not be granted to any applicant where the proposed location would be located within 1,000 feet of any of the following uses: private or public preschool, elementary, secondary, vocational, or trade school, college, or university.
   (D)   A marijuana storage facilities permit will not be granted to any applicant where the proposed location would be located within 300 feet of any of the following uses:
      (1)   A library or museum;
      (2)   A public playground;
      (3)   A child care center;
      (4)   A place of worship or religious assembly;
      (5)   A public park, pool, or recreation facility;
      (6)   A juvenile or adult halfway house, correctional facility, or substance abuse;
      (7)   A rehabilitation or treatment center; or
      (8)   Another medical marijuana or marijuana establishment.
   (E)   For the distance requirements outlined in this article, the distances described shall be computed by direct measurement in a straight line from the nearest property line of the parcel of land on which the use described in subsection (C) or (D) above is located to the nearest property line of the building or unit in which the proposed marijuana storage facility would be located.
   (F)   Buildings where marijuana is stored or dispensed must be equipped with ventilator/air filtration systems so that no odors are detectable off-premises.
   (G)   Storage facilities must remain locked at all times when not in operation. The facility must have an electronic security system and have an appropriate security fence that must be at least ten feet tall around the facility.
   (H)   The storage facility must collect the applicable sales tax on all sales.
   (I)   Any violations of this section will result in the revocation of the marijuana storage facility permit.
(Ord. 2019-003, passed 9-16-2019)