(A)   Where required. Street grading and paving shall be required for:
      (1)   All streets to be opened by dedication in the subdivision, but where a frontage road is provided, the improvement requirement shall apply only to such frontage road and not to the through portion of the street;
      (2)   All streets to be dedicated for the purpose of providing the second half of a then existing half-street; and
      (3)   All streets to be dedicated for frontage roads, including those abutting or adjacent to then existing streets.
   (B)   Where not required. Street grading and paving shall not be required for:
      (1)   Widening of then existing streets, except as provided in subsection (A) above; or
      (2)   Then existing streets.
   (C)   Specifications. All roadways shall be paved and curbs and gutters shall be installed according to the following specifications.
      (1)   Street grades.
         (a)   No street shall have a finished grade of less than 0.5%.
         (b)   Street grades for major thoroughfares shall not exceed 5%.
         (c)   Street grades for all other classes of thoroughfares shall not exceed 8%.
      (2)   Pavement widths. Where grading and paving are required, the width of the paving shall be as follows.
         (a)   Paving widths of the following thoroughfares shall be in accordance with the appropriate cross-sections on Plate 1, “Typical Thoroughfare Cross-Sections,” in the Comprehensive Plan:
            1.   Thoroughfares designated as major streets or highways on the Comprehensive Plan map;
            2.   Other thoroughfares whose classifications in terms of Plate 1 have been determined by the Planning Commission; and
            3.   Thoroughfares not classified under subsections (C)(2)(a) and (C)(2)(b) of this section, which thoroughfares are hereby designated as class 11.
         (b)   The width of alley paving shall be 24 feet, except in the case of narrower existing alleys whose right-of-way is not to be widened, where the paving width shall be the width of the right-of-way.
         (c)   Where a paving width of more than 40 feet is required, the subdivider shall not be responsible for paving more than 40 feet of such width. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing the curb and gutter, regardless of the width of paving.
         (d)   The pavement widths set forth in this subsection (C)(2) apply only where the subdivision abuts both sides of an existing or proposed street. Where a subdivision abuts only one side of a street, then only one-half of the pavement width is required.
      (3)   Curb radii.
         (a)   Street intersections involving major thoroughfares shall have a minimum street corner radius of 30 feet at the curb line.
         (b)   Radius of the outer curb in a cul-de-sac turnaround shall be not less than 40 feet at the curb line. Radius of the inner curb shall be such that the width of pavement from back of curb to back of curb shall not be less than 27 feet.
         (c)   Radii of curbs at street corners, other than on major thoroughfares, shall not be less than 25 feet.
      (4)   Pavement types.
         (a)   Pavement types for pavements having a maximum surface width of 30 feet, face-to-face of curb, shall be either Portland cement concrete or asphaltic concrete as specified below:
            1.   Portland cement concrete pavement five inches thick laid on a subgrade compacted to 95% Standard Proctor density, with a moisture content at slightly above optimum; concrete to be 3,500 psi, six sack mix. The pavement shall be laid on a minimum of two-inch sand cushion; or
            2.   Asphaltic concrete (hot mix, hot laid) pavement two inches thick on a six-inch stabilized gravel or crushed stone base course, with six-inch subgrade compacted to 95% Standard Proctor density. The above asphaltic concrete street shall have a Portland cement concrete curb and 18-inch concrete gutter.
         (b)   Pavement types for pavements having a width of more than 30 feet, face-to-face of curb, shall be either:
            1.   Portland cement concrete, as specified above for pavements having a maximum width of 30 feet; or
            2.   Asphaltic concrete pavement, as specified above for pavements having a maximum width of 30 feet, except that the pavement shall be four inches thick.
         (c)   Detailed plans, specifications, and mode of application shall be on file in the office of the Engineer for inspection or use by any persons concerned with such types of pavement.
      (5)   Curbs. Curbs shall be of an upright design of not less than six inches in height in all applications, except driveway entrances.
(Prior Code, Appendix A, § 50.25) (Ord. 703, passed 3-15-1971; Ord. 739, passed 8-21-1978)