§ 40.30. STREETS.
   (A)   Relationship to adjoining street system. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining areas (or their proper projection where adjoining land is not subdivided) insofar as they may be deemed necessary by the Planning Commission for public requirements. The width of such streets in new subdivisions shall not be less than the minimum street widths established herein. The street and alley arrangement must be such as to cause no hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it.
   (B)   Relationship to railroads. When the area to be subdivided adjoins a railroad right-of-way for a considerable distance, a street should be dedicated approximately parallel to the side of such right-of-way and, in determining the distance of such parallel street from the right-of-way of the railroad or parkway, consideration should be given to the distance required for approach grades for future grade separations.
   (C)   Horizontal alignment. Where any street deflects an angle of ten degrees or more, the minimum radii of centerline curvature and minimum lengths of reverse curves shall be as follows, where not specified in the Comprehensive Plan.
Type of Street
Radius, Minimum (feet)
Tangent, Minimum (feet)
Type of Street
Radius, Minimum (feet)
Tangent, Minimum (feet)
Collector street
Loop street
Major thoroughfares:
Having right-of-way width of 115 feet or less
Having right-of-way width of more than 115 feet
As specified by the State Department of Highways
Other local streets
   (D)   Street intersections.
      (1)   There shall be a minimum of 600 feet between intersections on major thoroughfares.
      (2)   Street jogs shall be avoided. There shall be a minimum of 125 feet between the centerlines of street intersections.
      (3)   Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as possible, and no intersection shall be at an angle less than 70 degrees. Detailed designs of intersections may be required.
   (E)   Vertical alignment.
      (1)   Thoroughfares having a right-of-way width of more than 115 feet: Profile grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equivalent to 20 times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per 100; and
      (2)   All other thoroughfares: vertical curves shall be equivalent to ten times such difference.
   (F)   Visibility requirements. Minimum vertical visibility (measured between two points four feet above pavement level) and minimum horizontal visibility (measured on centerline) shall be as follows.
Type of Street
Minimum Visibility (feet)
Collector street or major thoroughfare having a right-of-way of 115 feet or less
Local street
Major thoroughfare having a right-of-way of more than 115 feet
As specified by the State Department of Highways
   (G)   Right-of-way widths.
      (1)   Streets shown in the Comprehensive Plan.
         (a)   The right-of-way widths of major streets and highways shown in the Comprehensive Plan shall be as set forth in such plan. In the case of a thoroughfare (including any associated frontage road) whose half right-of-way, as measured from the centerline of the arterial portion thereof, exceeds 65 feet, the requirement of dedication shall be limited to 65 feet, except as provided in subsection (G)(1)(b) below hereof, and any additional right-of-way required by the plan shall be reserved by the subdivider for a period to be determined by the Planning Commission, but not more than six months from the date of submittal of the final plat, pending possible acquisition by an agency of government. If, at the expiration of such period, no agency has acquired such additional right-of-way or has initiated action to acquire it, the subdivider shall be free to dispose of it for purposes consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations.
         (b)   Where a thoroughfare is designated in the Comprehensive Plan as having fully or partially controlled access, and the subdivider elects to establish a frontage road rather than back or side the lots on the thoroughfare, full right-of-way shall be dedicated for the frontage road, even though the total width of such dedication and the then existing half right-of-way may exceed 65 feet.
      (2)   Streets not shown in the Comprehensive Plan. The right-of-way widths of streets not shown in the Comprehensive Plan shall be as follows.
         (a)   Right-of-way widths of streets for which classifications in terms of Plate 1 of the Comprehensive Plan have been determined by the Planning Commission shall be in accordance with Plate 1.
         (b)   Right-of-way widths of all other streets shall be in accordance with class 11 on said Plate 1.
   (H)   Cul-de-sacs and stub streets.
      (1)   Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs shall be avoided wherever possible. Where provided, a cul-de-sac shall not exceed 500 feet in length and shall be terminated in a turnaround having a property line radius of not less than 50 feet.
      (2)   Stub streets. Where a dead-end street is dedicated for the purpose of providing future access to adjacent property, its length shall not exceed 500 feet; where any lot has its principal access on such street, the street shall be terminated in an acceptable temporary turnaround or backaround.
   (I)   Access control. Where a subdivision contains or abuts a thoroughfare designated as having fully controlled access or partially controlled access in the Comprehensive Plan, the plat shall provide for such control for the purpose of reducing traffic hazards by eliminating conflict between local traffic entering and leaving driveways and through traffic. Where a plat includes lots which directly abut such a thoroughfare, rather than a frontage road, the Planning Commission may require the subdivider, by appropriate instrument deemed sufficient by the city article, to relinquish the right of access to the thoroughfare from such lots.
   (J)   Street names. Street names shall be shown; they shall provide for continuation of the names of existing streets wherever appropriate; they shall not duplicate the names of streets elsewhere in the city and vicinity. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, Appendix A, § 40.30) (Ord. 703, passed 3-15-1971)