(A)   Notice and hearing.
      (1)   Before any amendment to this appendix shall be recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council, the Planning Commission shall hold a hearing thereon.
         (a)   1.   In the case of any proposed amendment, 15 days’ notice of the time and place of the hearing thereon shall be published in an official city newspaper and by mailing written notice by the Clerk of the Board of the Planning Commission and to all owners of property within a 300-foot radius of the exterior boundary of the subject property. The applicant shall furnish the Planning Commission with a certified ownership list of all owners of property within 300-foot radius of the exterior boundary of the subject property. Said notice shall contain:
               a.   Legal description of the property and its street address or approximate location;
               b.   Present zoning classification of the property, and proposed rezoning classification; and
               c.   Date, time, and place of hearing.
            2.   A copy of the published notice may be mailed in lieu of other written notice; however, the notice by publication and written notice shall be published and mailed at least 15 days’ prior to the hearing.
         (b)   In the case of an amendment changing the zoning classification of any property, at least 15 days’ notice shall also be given by one or more signs placed on such property. Such sign or signs and the lettering thereon shall be of sufficient size as to be clearly visible and legible from the public street or streets toward which it faces. It shall give the date, time, and place of the public hearing and by whom it shall be conducted, the desired zoning classification, and the proposed use of the property. The Planning Commission shall, by its own regulations, determine the specifications of such signs, what additional information shall be contained therein, the placement thereof, and the arrangements for placing and removing signs.
      (2)   (a)   Planning and zoning request for hearing: application fee: $150.
         (b)   Miscellaneous fees include any necessary postage/publication.
         (c)   If work started prior to receiving the required permits, the fees specified herein are doubled.
   (B)   City Council action without Planning Commission public hearing. In any case where the Planning Commission shall recommend denial of a petition for an amendment to this appendix without having held a public hearing thereon, or where the Planning Commission shall fail to act in 45 days on a petition or motion for such amendment referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council, the City Council may proceed to enact such amendment, after public hearing thereon, notice for which hearing shall be given as provided in subsection (A) above.
   (C)   Protest. In case of protest against a proposed reclassification signed more than three days prior to said public hearing by the owners of 20% or more of the area of the lots included in such proposed change, or by the owners of 50% or more of the area of the lots immediately abutting any side of the territory included in such proposed change, or separated therefrom only by an alley or street less than 300 feet wide, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all the members of the City Council.
(Prior Code, Appendix B, § 80.10) (Ord. 702, passed 3-15-1971; Ord. 708, passed 6-5-1972)